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This Shabbos is Tu B'Shevat
The New Year for Trees
For information and customs for this special day and for
Please see the "Chabad Chodesh"
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you can check it out at www.chabadofla.com/Shadar
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Please check it out at www.chabadofla.com/ShulEvents
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Shul Bulletin
Announcements Beshalach
Shabbos Parshas Beshalach Schedule
Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:02 PM
1st Minyan Kabolas Shabbos: 5:45 PM
2nd Minyan Kabolas Shabbos: 6:20 PM
Shacharis - Early Minyan: 8:20 AM
Chassidus by Rabbi Bart: 9:00 AM
Shacharis : 10:00 AM
Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:15 AM
Mincha: 5:00 PM
Shabbos Ends: 6:05 PM
Kiddush Sponsores - Parshos Beshalach
The Kiddush at the 1st Minyan is Sponsored by:
Rabbi Lazer Hendelsman
On the occasion of his birthday
May he have a Shnas Hatzlacha Begashmiyus Ubruchniyus
The Kiddush at the 2nd Minyan is Sponsored by:
Mr. & Mrs. Michel (Milton) Goodman
For the upcoming Yortzait of his father in law
Avrohom Ben Shmuel Ob”m
May the Neshama have an Aliya
Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Lerner
On the occasion of their upcoming Anniversary
May they share many more happy years together
Mazal Tov's - Parshas Beshalach
Rabbi Yosef Bukiet
on his upcoming birthday
Rabbi Sender Munitz
on his upcoming birthday
Rabbi Yankee Raichik
on his upcoming birthday
Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Munitz
on their upcoming Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Lerner
on their upcoming Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Reuvein Caplan
on their upcoming Anniversary
Womans Shiur - Shabbos Parshas Beshalach
At the home of the Mrs. Chana Weiss - 411 N Martel Ave
4:15 PM
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman
Beshalach - Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
After the Yidden crossed the Yam Suf and the Mitzrim drowned, the possuk states that “Moshe moved the Bnai Yisrael away from the Yam Suf.” Rashi says says Moshe had to forcefully pull them away. Why? Because the Yidden were busy with the spoils from the Mitzrim at the Yam Suf; the spoils were greater than what they took out of Mitzrayim.
1. At Kriyas Yam Suf the Bnei Yisroel sang shira together with Moshe, and a maidservant saw a greater revelation of Hashem than even the greatest prophets could see. So how could it be that right afterwards they should get so involved in collecting gold and silver that Moshe Rabbenu had to force them away?
2. What was Moshe pushing toward? Toward Har Sinai to receive the Torah. As we know the reason we count sifras ha'Omer between Pesach and Shavous is because Moshe told the Bnei Yisrael that the goal of leaving Mitzrayim was receiving the Torah on Har Sinai and they counted every day that brought them closer. So they should have run toward Har Sinai and Moshe should not have had to force them.
3. The question is greater yet as every Jew leaving Mitzrayim had, as the Medrash says, ninety mules full of the gold and silver of Egypt. What are they going to do with all this additional money? If it was because while in the desert they might need to buy something, they surely had enough wealth with which to do so. At that time, Yetzias Mitzrayim should have been a complete redemption since Kriyas Yam Suf was prior to the decree that Bnai Yisrael had to remain in the desert for forty years they were looking forward to receive the Torah and go directly into Eretz Yisroel and build the Bais HaMikdosh. This would have been the complete redemption with Moshiach. Why did they want to collect more gold and silver?
The Rebbe answers: the Yidden had a mitzvah to empty Mitzrayim of its wealth. Chassidus explains that by emptying out the wealth of Mitzrayim the sparks of Kedusha in Mitzrayim were elevated. Therefore, when they saw the gold and silver at the Yam Suf, they realized they did not yet completely fulfill this mitzvah. By taking the wealth of Mitzrayim they converted it to Kedusha. This is also the reason why we find that the Torah is careful about money of Jewish people, and the Torah teaches us regarding baal tashchis (not to cause waste) because in every physical thing there is a spark of Kedusha that must be utilized to serve Hashem. Therefore, when Bnei Yisroel were involved in taking the wealth of Egypt they converted it from Tumah (impurity) to Kedusha (holiness). So the Yidden felt that they had a commandment that must be fulfilled and if they leave things behind at the Yam Suf those physical items will not be elevated to Kedusha. And if not now, when will this mitzvah be done? They knew they had to go to Kabolas HaTorah, but they felt Kabolas HaTorah could wait as they did not want to lose the opportunity for this mitzvah until they had fulfilled it entirely. They saw the great revelation of Hashem at Kriyas Yam Suf and understood they were not looking for the physical but the spiritual.
Why did Moshe Rabbenu tell them to go on—why was he pushing them? The answer is that when Moshe told them it was time to leave, the time for this mitzvah had finished. They had to pull themselves away from their own understanding and do what Moshe Rabbenu told them to do. It doesn't mean he physically pushed them. But they thought that as long as there was gold and silver they should continue what they were doing. So they had to pull themselves away and leave to follow Moshe Rabbenu. An example of this time limit is eating Matzo – which gives emunah. But if a person chooses to eat shmura matzo in the middle of winter, he is not accomplishing what he is supposed to accomplish. The time when matza will strengthen our emunah is during Pesach, not before or afterwards.
The lesson we learn from the Bnei Yisroel is how much they got involved in the mitzvah. We must do the same in our time. We cannot have one spark left behind nor can one Yiddishe neshama be left behind in golus. We must prepare for Moshiach. Someone could say he brought so many Yidden closer to Hashem – I want to take a vacation! Or I want to take more time for myself to learn and daven. But one cannot make such an accounting when you know that there are still Yidden to be reached you have to be involved until you get the direction from Moshe Rabbenu – the Nosi Doreinu – that now you have to leave this avoda and do a different avoda of Hashem.
Based on Lekutei Sichos, vol. 26
Mishnayos for Yud Shvat
For Mishnayos in Hebrew and English
For Mishnayos in Hebrew
Shabbos Parshas Bo Schedule
Shabbos Candle Lighting:4:56 PM
It is customary for Chabad Chassidim to receive an Aliya
on the Shabbos before Yud Shvat
There will be additional Minyanim for Kriyah in the Shul throughout the morning
First come-first served!
Shacharis - Early Minyan:8:20 AM
Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik:9:00 AM
Shacharis :10:00 AM
Kol Yaakov Yehuda:10:15 AM
Mincha:4:55 PM
Shabbos Ends:5:59 PM
Mazal Tov's - Parshas Bo
Rabbi & Mrs. Schusterman and family
For the engagement of their daughter Tzippy to Levi Shloush
Rabbi Dov & Racheli Muchnik
For the Birth of a Baby girl (Menucha)
Mazal Tov their grandparents Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy
Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Dubinsky
on their upcoming anniversary
Rabbi Sholem Perl
on his upcoming birthday
Rabbi Eyal Rav~Noy
on his upcoming birthday
Rabbi Yossi Solomon
on his upcoming birthday
Mr. Shea Bastomski
on his upcoming birthday
Kiddush is Sponsored - Parshos Bo
The Raichik Family
In Memory of their Father
Harav Menachem Shmuel Dovid Halevi Ben R' Shimon Ob"m
This Shabbos is his 12th Yortzait
May his Neshama have an Aliyah
Womans Shiur - Shabbos Parshas Bo
Womans Shabbos Shiur
At the home of the Zeifman's 421 N Poinsettia Pl.
4:00 PM
Speaker: Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz
Bo - Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
The Torah says that if your child will ask you tomorrow what is this that we tell him that with a strong arm Hashem took us out of Egypt (Shemos 13:14). Rashi interprets that there is a tomorrow meaning now and a tomorrow meaning later and he brings a proof from Sefer Yehoshua: that after conquering Eretz Yisroel the tribes of Gad and Reuven went back to their land and erected a mizbei'ach. The other shevotim asked why are you doing this? So Gad and Revuen replied that there will come a time that your children will tell our children that we have no right to the west side of the Jordan river – so we are building a mizbei'ach as a monument to remember the misirus nefesh our shevotim had fighting for Eretz Yisroel and that we also have a portion in Eretz Yisroel.
The Rebbe asks a simple question. What is Rashi bothered with that he has to explain “tomorrow”? The answer is the Torah could merely have said “if your son will ask you” why mention “tomorrow” at all? Rashi explains to us that the word tomorrow has two meanings, not only the time twenty four hours in the future after the sun went down and the sun came up; but also right after an event occurred or in the distant future. Sometimes a child can ask questions – he is a child – he did not yet learn so he asks ma zos -what is this about. Then there is someone who is living in a different era. Not only he doesn't know, but the whole thing is strange to him. This is what Rashi is explaining. There is a tomorrow that is “now” the child wants to know what his father is doing (i.e. redeeming the first born). And then there is the tomorrow that is in the distant future, exemplified by Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven because they had forethought that the next generation will forget what had happened, and your children will tell our children “this is a new era that our children have no right to Eretz Yisroel”.
Rashi is telling us that are two types of children. There are those who are living in the next generation but whose way of life is the same as their parents, they want to know only because they didn't actually see it happen. But their parents can communicate to them because they have the same language and the same feeling. This is called a tomorrow which is now. Then there is a “new” generation, those children whose way of life differs from their parents, they say they are living in a new era.
The previous era is not here anymore, they have a different outlook than their parents and they also ask questions. The Torah tells us don't be afraid, answer them, for they are Jewish children.
Based on a sicha that was said Yud Shevat 40 years ago, Parsha Bo
(Likutei Sichos, vol. 6 Appendix; vol. 31)
Nichum Aveilim
Mrs. Reizy Schmukler is sitting Shiva For her Mother
Sylvia Carlebach Ob"m
She is sitting Shiva until Monday
at 6259 Avenue Mountain Sights,
Montreal, QC, Canada.
Phone: 514-731-5104
Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehu besochom!
May we only Share in Simchas
Shabbos Va’era Schedule
Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:49 PM
1st Minyan Kabolas Shabbos: 5:25 PM
*Shabbos is starting later, there is no guarantee that you will be able to get home before 6 PM
2nd Minyan Kabolas Shabbos: 6:20 PM
Shacharis - Early Minyan: 8:20 AM
Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 AM
Shacharis : 10:00 AM
Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:15 AM
Mincha: 4:45 PM
Shabbos Ends: 5:52 PM
Mazal Tov's - Parshas Va’era
We would like to wish a Mazal Tov To:
Rabbi & Mrs. Dubinsky and family
For the birth of a new Enikel
Rabbi & Mrs. Burston and family
For the marriage of their son Alti to Dini Rappaport
Hatomim Dovid leib Bastomski
on his upcoming birthday
Rabbi Sholem Perl
on his upcoming birthday
Rabbi Reuven Wolf
on his upcoming birthday
Womans Shiur - Shabbos Va’era
This weeks Womans Shiur will be at 4:00 PM
At the home of the Zeifman's - 421 N. Poinsettia Pl.
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht
Shabbos Va’era Kiddush - Sheva Brachos
Rabbi and Mrs. Burston and Family
invite Congregation Levi Yitzchokto a Kiddush/Lunch
in honor of the Sheva Brachos of their children, Altie and Dini Burston
The Kiddush will be in Moshe Ganz Hall following Davening
We would like to take this opportunity to wish the
Chosson and Kallah together with their families
a hearty Mazel Tov
and wish them many years of happiness together
Va’era - Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
This week is Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Shevat. The Torah specifically mentions this date - the first day of of the eleventh month - as the day Moshe Rabbenu began to translate the Torah into all seventy languages.
Why did he have to do it? There are those who answer that Moshe Rabbenu was afraid that among the Bnei Yisroel, especially the Erev Rav there might be some who did not know Loshon Kodesh. If this was his concern, he should not have waited until the end of his life to translate, but rather he should have done it immediately after Matan Torah to provide for those who did not know Loshon Kodesh. Others explain that Moshe knew that in the future there would be a golus, and to prevent the Torah from being forgotten when the Yidden were dispersed, he translated it. Moshe could have left this task for the Sanhedrin - they were required to know all seventy languages, they could take care of this translation very competently. So why was it necessary that Moshe Rabbenu himself translate the Torah and why now, at the end of his life and not rely on the Sanhendrin in later generations?
The Rebbe answers based on the Ramban's explaination that the Torah is written in Loshon Kodesh, the language that Hashem speaks. Torah is known as the Torah of Hashem -- as the brocha states: "the one who gave us His Torah." This being the case, Torah should be studied only in Loshon Kodesh (Hebrew)! Not only the Written Torah, but also the Oral Torah - Mishna, Gemorah, etc. and all their commentaries should only be studied in Loshon Kodesh.
That's why Moshe Rabbenu explained the Torah in all seventy languages. He brought the Kedusha of Torah into these languages so that when someone says words of Torah, no matter the language he speaks, he has to precede it with a bracha, and he fulfills the mitzvah of learning Hashem's Torah.
This is one of the reasons that later Moshe commanded the Jewish people to write down the Torah in all seventy languages when they cross the Yarden River and entered Eretz Yisroel. So that Torah when it is written in any language has sanctity, requiring us to show proper respect to any Torah book in any language.
What is the practical lesson we can take from this? Moshe Rabbenu gave the power to every Jew to teach Torah to other Jews, in any language - even a Jew who is physically or spiritually far away we have the responsibility to reach out to him and to teach him the Torah in his language, even if a person only knows an Alef, he must teach it; even a young child can teach other children alef-beis or stories he has learned.
Based on Lekutei Sichos, vol. 36 - Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Kashrut Symposium in Los Angeles
A panel discussion in Los Angeles, California, Sunday about the Kosher laws and the food industry, drew a crowd of over 170 men and women.
The event was sponsored by Congregation Levi Yitzchok, Chabad of SOLA, Congregation Bais Menachem, Congregation Bais Betzalel and Chabad of Beverlywood.
Moderator Rabbi Shimon Raichik presented questions to representatives of four Kashrus agencies: Rabbi Reuven Nathanson of the OU, Rabbi Binyomin Fajnland of the OK, Rabbi Shaya Eichenblatt of the Chof-K and Rabbi Yosef Bodenstein of the KSA.
The discussion ranged from the importance of careful attention to kashrus in feeding children – as they are growing physically and spiritually, to Pas Yisroel and Bishul Yisroel in food manufacturing.
Also discussed was the Kashrus of wine and its use in food production, Kosher food coming from Eretz Yisroel and other countries, particularly China, and the task of the Rabbinical field representatives in providing supervision.
Shabbos Shemos Schedule
Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:42 PM
1st Minyan Kabolas Shabbos: 5:20 PM *
*Shabbos is starting later, there is no guarantee that you will be able to get home before 6 PM
2nd Minyan Kabolas Shabbos: 6:20 PM
Tehillim: 8:15 AM
After Tehillim - Shiur Chassidus
Shacharis : 10:15 AM
Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:30 AM
Mincha: 4:40 PM
Shabbos Ends: 5:45 PM
Kiddush is Sponsores - Parshos Shemos
Mr. And Mrs. Michel (Milton) Goodman
In honor of their 66th wedding anniversary
May they have many more years toghether Gezunterheit Un Frailicherheit
Rabbi Reuven Nathanson
In Memory of his Mother - Malka Chana Bas R' Yosef Ob"m
May the Neshama have an Aliyah
In Memory of Bracha Chaya Bas R' Refoel Ob"m
May the Neshama have an Aliyah
Mazal Tov's - Parshas Shemos
We would like to wish a Mazal Tov To:
The Richler family and the Pykovski family
For the marriage of their children Ari & Batya
Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Hecht and family
For the birth of a new Enikel
Rabbi & Mrs. Burston and family
For the upcoming marriage of their son Alti to Dini Rappaport
The Uffruff/Kiddush will be in Beis Menachem
Mr. Elozor Plotke
on his upcoming birthday
Womans Shiur - Shabbos Shemos
Womans weekly Shabbos Shiur
3:45 PM
Speaker - Rabbi Kramer
At the home of Mrs. Yehudit Schneerson - 364 N Fuller Ave.
Shemot - Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
In this week's Parsha, Moshe and Aaron come to Pharaoh and tell him that Hashem said “send My People and let them bring sacrifices to Me in the desert.” Pharaoh refuses and says why do Moshe and Aaron disturb people from their work, go and do your own work!
As Rashi explains, Moshe and Aaron were from the tribe of Levi, and were not burdened by the labor of Mitzrayim, thus they were free to come and go. The Ramban explains further that there is a custom in every society to let wise people be spiritual advisors for the populace. This means that Pharaoh was saying to Moshe and Aaron – you have the freedom to sit and learn Torah and guide the Jews in their learning and their faith.
Don't get involved and tell me how to run my country!
The Zohar expresses that the “Chachmah” of Mitzrayim was the greatest in the world at that time, and Pharaoh was a very great Chacham.
According to nature, Jews could not free themselves from golus Mitzrayim – the Medrash adds that not even one slave could escape. The original decree was for 400 years, so why are Moshe and Aaron standing before Pharaoh at year 210? So Pharaoh's rebuttal was don't change the nature of G-d's world. Intellectually, this is logical. If Moshe and Aaron would be influenced by Pharaoh's logic, there would be no geulah. If, G-d forbid, the Jews would have been stuck in Mitzrayim even one moment longer, they would have descended to the fiftieth level of Tuma, and there would have been no redemption.
In essence Pharaoh's claim was that there are two worlds: the physical, business world and the world of Torah and prayer and those belong in the shul – leave them there! Torah has no right to guide the person in the outside world – that the job of the the scientists, the politicians etc.
That is Pharaoh's complaint. Even if Moshe, Aaron and the rest of Shevet Levi want to live their physical life by the Torah, what right have they to influence others?
What does this teach us?
Torah has a say in every aspect of life – not only when we are in shul.
Every one of us has the responsibility just as Moshe and Aaron did, to see that other Jews live their daily life under the guidance of the Aibishter. Because of Ahavas Yisroel, we have to see to it that not only we live that life, we have to influence other Jews that their lives should be given to Hashem and not to Pharaoh, the King of Egypt. We cannot push this off for the future, for G-d forbid, these people could be stuck in golus.
Based on Likutei Sichos, vol. 16