
Shul Bulletin

Important Announcements

  • Membership
    If you did not yet pay your Membership Fees for 5770, please do so before Pesach!
    You can logon to, or give a check to David Kaufman or Leib Lerner, or drop it off in the metal shul pushka.
  • Maos Chitim 
    Those who would like to give money for Maos Chitim please logon to, or give a check to Rabbi Raichik.
  • Farbrengen for men in honor of יא ניסן
    Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad will be hosting a large farbrengen for all men in honor of יא ניסן at the Yeshiva (7219 Waring Avenue, Los Angeles).
    The farbrengen, dedicated in memory of Rebbitzen Sarah Rochel ע"ה Schochet in conjunction with her shloshim, will begin at 8:30 PM on Thursday evening, 11 Nisan/March 25.
  • Shul Cleaning
    This Thursday, the Shul, kitchen and KYY will be thoroughly cleaned for Pesach. The Shul will be closed from 11 AM until Mincha.
    This week there will be a small Kiddush outside – in the back. Please do not bring food or drink (including candy) into the Shul unless it is kosher for Passover.
    Everyone should remember to clean any chometz from his locker no later than Saturday night (and preferably before Shabbos).
  • Parking
    There will be special parking rules for Pesach, Please see this link.
  • Chametz Garbage
    There will be special dumpsters for your disposal needs, Please see this link.
  • Pesach articles 
    We have posted some of Pesach articles online, Please see this link.
  • Mechiras Chametz - Selling the Chometz
    Rabbi Shimon Raichik will be available for selling Chometz: 
    Motzai Shabbos - in his home 6724 Beverly Blvd. From 9 PM to midnight; Sunday - in Shul from 8-10 AM and after Maariv; Monday - in Shul from 8:00-9:15 AM.
    Rabbi Raichik will also be making a mechira Sunday morning for those going overseas and Sunday night for those going to the East Coast. Please come to Rabbi Raichik ASAP if you would like to be part of this special mechira.
    For answers to Pesach Shailos (questions) call (323) 930-2759, evenings between 9:30-10:30 p.m.
  • Koshering Keilim 
    Hag’alas Keilim will be done next door to the shul Thursday and Sunday from 12-6 PM. Please contact Rabbi Tauber of Beis Yehuda, for more information.

Pesach Schedule

 For all the laws and customs regarding Pesach
please see the Chabad Codesh

Nisan 13/March 28/Sunday Night
Bedikas Chametz

  • Start Bedikah After: 7:50 PM

Nisan 14/March 29/Monday
Fast of the Firstborn

  • Finish Eating Chametz By: 10:53 AM
  • Burn & Annul Chametz By: 11:55 AM
  • Chatzos: 12:57 PM
  • Light Yom Tov Candles: 6:53 PM
  • Finish Eating Afikomen By: 12:57 AM

Pesach Day One
Nisan 15/March 30/Tuesday

  • Shacharis: 10:15 AM
  • Mincha: 6:55 PM
  • Light Candles (From pre-existing flame) After: 7:57 PM
    Start Counting Sefiras Haomer

Pesach Day Two
Nisan 16/March 31/Wednesday

  • Shachris: 10:15 AM
  • Mincha: 6:55 PM 
  • Yom Tov Ends: 7:57 PM

Shabbos Schedule

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:51 PM
  • Shacharis - Early Minyan: 8:20 AM
  • Shiur Chassidus with Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 AM
  • Shacharis: 10:00 AM
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:15 AM
  • Shiur on Hilchos Pesach with Rabbi Raichik: 5:30 PM 
  • Mincha: 6:45 PM
    After Mincha we say parts of the Hagadah
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:54 PM

Woman's Shabbos Shiur

At the home of
Mrs. Sima Zeifman 421 N Poinsettia Pl.
at 5:45 PM
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tov's - Parshas Tzav

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Dubinsky - on the birth of a new grandson
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sholem Perl - on the bar mitzvah of their son Chaim Yehuda Leib
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shai Butel - on the Bris of their son Menachem Mendel 

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Chaim Chodorow - 13 Nisan
  • Mr. Boruch Greenbaum - 13 Nisan
  • Mrs. Sharon Bastomski - 14 Nisan
  • Boruch Dovber Stroll - 15 Nisan
  • Miriam Zahava Burston - 16 Nisan
  • Rabbi Mordechai Katz - 17 Nisan
  • Mrs. Mindy Sroka - 19 Nisan
  • Mr. Asher Bastomski - 19 Nisan
  • Mrs. Chana Rochel Duchman - 19 Nisan

Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik - Tzav

As everyone is preparing for פסח there are lots of הלכות and מנהגים we should be aware of. Every מנהג has to be based in הלכה and there’s no basis to have מנהגים which has no base in הלכה. On the other hand we can’t be lenient on מנהגים which we do have.

There’s a story told that once someone came to the רבי' רש"ב and told him how great machine מצה is. The רבי' רש"ב responded with a משל: Once Czar Nicholas wanted to see what a ברית was so he disguised himself and went to see a  בריתbeing performed. He saw the מוהל washing his hands with alcohol, cleaning the knife, and making sure that everything was clean and sterilized. After the ברית was done, the Czar saw the מציצה- how the מוהל sucks out the blood with his mouth. The Czar said: “everything is fine and good but do you have to eat from it?” The רבי' רש"בexplained: Things can be fine and good, but not everything that is kosher for פסח do we have to eat. Especially in our times where Baruch Hashem we are living in a country where we can buy more on פסח than all year round, even non געבראקס. This story gives us a guide line in how to conduct ourselves.

There is a custom by אידן that onפסח we are more careful than the entire year because of the strictness of פסח. As Lubavitchers we are careful in געבראקס. The פריערדיקער רבי' says in ספר השיחות תש'ג 5703 (1943) page 64, that when his father would eat מצה he wouldn’t eat any other food or drink with it. But, he would eat מצה with milk or wine that was so guarded that not even a drop of water went into the wine or milk. We see from here that the רביים did eat מילכיג. It’s not a custom of חב"ד not to eat מילכיג. With that said, we don’t have to eat every מילכיג product that’s Kosher for פסח. In today’s times, all milk and cheeses are processed and contain some water, therefore, to dip מצה in wine or milk or to toast cheese on מצה is not ok if you’re careful with געבראקס.

The רבי' רש"ב was so careful that when he bought produce for פסח, he didn’t buy in a store that sold חמץ. You shouldn’t buy in a store that has חמץ right near the פסח food. If the store does sell חמץ, make sure the counter is covered before you put your פסח food down on it.

For many of the הלכות of פסח, please check out the chabad chodesh on-line. The web site will also have stories of פסחbythe רביים and סדרים by the רבי'. Please check it out.

Wishing you all a כשר און פרייליכן פסח.

P.S. Please don’t come the last minute to sell your חמץ!!!!

CHAMETZ Garbage!!


The Office of LA City Councilmember Paul Koretz in conjunction with the Bureau of Sanitation have arranged the placement of 5 dumpsters for your disposal needs from March 19-29; located at:

1. Chabad of Beverlywood (alley behind building) - 1952 South Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles 90034

2. Bnai David Congregation (adjacent parking lot)- 8906 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 90035

3. Ralphs (Southeast corner of parking lot) - 260 S La Brea Ave., Los Angeles 90036

4. Chabad of Cheviot Hills (parking lot) -3185 Motor Ave., Los Angeles 90064

5. Shaarey Zedek -12800 Chandler Blvd., Valley Village 91607

Questions? For more information, please contact Eric Weiser at 310-289-0353 or [email protected]

Shabbos Se'udah

For all those that are interested in making your homes pesachdik for Shabbos,
meals will be available Friday night after Maariv, and Shabbos lunch after davening,
upstairs in Moshe Ganz hall, catered by embassy caterers.

The charges are:
Adults: $30.00 per meal
Children ages 5-8:  $22.50 per meal
Children under 5 yrs: No charge

RSVP before it sells out !!!!
Phone: (323) 937-1374
[email protected]

Mendel Goldman
MGM Foods

Sholom Zochor

Mr. & Mrs. Shai Butel
Invite the community to the Sholom Zochor for their son -
At their residence 257 S Citrus Ave.

Announcements - Parshas Vayikra

  • Farbrengen for men in honor of יא ניסן
    Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad will be hosting a large farbrengen for all men in honor of יא ניסן at the Yeshiva (7219 Waring Avenue, Los Angeles).
    The farbrengen, dedicated in memory of Rebbitzen Sarah Rochel ע"ה Schochet in conjunction with her shloshim, will begin at 8:30 PM on Thursday evening, 11 Nisan/March 25.
  • Koshering Keilim -
    Hag’alas Keilim will be done next door to the shul a few days before Pesach. Please contact Rabbi Tauber of Magen Avrom, for more information.
  • Mechiras Chametz - Selling the Chometz
    Rabbi Shimon Raichik will be available for selling Chometz daily after Ma’ariv in the Shul beginning on Sunday, Nisan 6-March 21, or by appointment.
    For answers to Pesach Shailos (questions) call (323) 930-2759, in the evening between 9:30-10:30 p.m.
    As every year the Shul will help people buy Matzah, for themselves or for Mivtzoim. Please call and order, let us know what you need and when you will be picking it up. (We will provide envelopes and brochures) 
  • We wish Hatzlacha to Dovi Gorelik on his new business "Black Hatters" log on to for more details

Mazal Tov's - Parshas Vayikra

  • Mr. & Mrs. Shai Butel - on the birth of their son
  • Mr. & Mrs. BenZion Rubinson on the engagement of their daughter Miri to Yehudah Shaffer

Woman's Shabbos Shiur - Parshas Vayikra

At the home of
Mrs. Rivky Raichik 145 S Mansfield Ave.
at 5:30 PM
Speaker: Mrs. Ruth Devorah Woalen

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mrs. Marsha Alperin-4 Nisan
  • Mr. Berel Wilhelm-4 Nisan
  • Chana Wolowik-6 Nisan
  • Gidon Fine-9 Nisan
  • Mrs. Zelda Greenbaum-9 Nisan

Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik - Vayikra

There is a custom that for the first twelve days of the month of Nisan we read the “Nosi” which describes the sacrifices brought at the dedication of the mishkan by the twelve princes of the tribes as the Torah records in Parshas Naso (Numbers/Bamidbar). We read daily the Nosi of that day followed by a Yehi Ratzon as it is noted in the back of the siddur. The question is since the dedication of the Mishkan was only once, and the Mishkan was a temporary dwelling place for Hashem and we don’t make a remembrance for everything that happened in the Mishkan so why is this such a significant issue, that a) We don’t say Tachnun, and b) we say the Nosi and Yehi Ratzon daily. Additionally, when we look at the words of the Yehi Ratzon, we are asking about very high lofty levels that all the holy lights and holy sparks of the sanctity of this tribe should enable me to understand Your Torah and fear You all the days of my life, my children’s and children’s children’s lives, for now and forever, Amen. How can we ask for so much by just reading a parsha every day? We can only be from from one tribe, not from all twelve. If so, eleven times we are asking for something that is not directly related to us. The Rebbe explains in the HaYom Yom of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, that even a Cohen recites the Yehi Rataon for it is related to the level of “ibur” that one neshama is entwined with another neshoma. Every Jew is connected with all other neshamas of all the tribes, therefore, we are connected to all the princes of the tribes, and that's the reason that even a a Cohen and Levi recite the Yehi Ratzon.

Why is it som important to read the Nosi, even though it occured thousands of years ago? The Rebbe explains that the dedication of the Mishkan started a new era. The era of a “dira b’tachtonim” that Hashem would rest among us which is the foundation of the mission of Klal Yisrael throughout all generations for on whatever level a Jew is he or she has the mandate to make the world a dwelling place for Hashem. Even though the dedication occurred only once, thousands of years ago, its effect are everlasting. All the holiness of that tribe would be drawn down to each and every one of us to fulfill our mission and make the world a dwelling place for Hashem.

This concept of the Nitzchius – the lasting effect of a leader of klal Yisroel (that each one is similar in his generation to Moshe Rabbenu), and that the connection of every Jew to the Nasi is an everlasting connection we find in the Month of Nissan. The second day of Nissan is the yahrtzeit of the Rebbe Rashab, and the beginning of the leadership of his son, the Previous Rebbe. The thirteenth of the month is the yahrtzeit of the Tzemach Tzedek, and the beginning of the leadership of his son, the Rebbe Maharash, the fourth Chabad Rebbe, and for us, it also represents Yud Alef Nisan, the birthday of the Rebbe. The Rebbe Rashab said before his passing “I am going to heaven, and my writings I am leaving for you.” What did the Rebbe Rashab mean? "I put my life in the Torah which I wrote – if you want to be connected to me in the highest realms where I am going to be, it is by learning the Torah which I wrote." These writings are in this physical world and through learning his Torah and following his guidance we are physically in contact with him. Similarly with all the Nasi’im. Moreover, in the first discourse of the Previous Rebbe, he underlined that the Kedusha we bring into the physical world when a person does a mitzvah is everlasting and never leaves. The place where a tzadik davened and learned in this physical world, even after the tzadik left the physical body, that place – the table, the chair, the things he used – the kedusha is still there. The Previous Rebbe continues that when he was a child, after the passing of his grandfather, the Rebbe Maharash, he saw that his father came into the Rebbe Maharash’s room (with his gartel on), as he would go into yechidus, and stand by the table opposite the chair where the Maharash had sat, his lips were moving and tears would stream down his face.

What is this maamar teaching us? The life of a tzadik is everlasting – not only in the spiritual sense, but his effect on the physical – the table , the chair, place where he davened; the kedusha penetrates through and through, it is there as when the tzadik was alive – as the Previous Rebbe noted. Therefore, it is understood that the connection we make to the Tzadik through his writing and his guidance that all the holy sparks of this tzadik is drawn to us and enables us and helps us in our service of Hashem now and forever.

Based on Likutei Sichos Vol. 32

New Chabad Chodesh

The New issue of the
 "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by
clicking here

INFO to be Menachem Avel the Palace family

 The Palace family is sitting Shiva
after the untimely passing of Mrs. Bassi Palace OBM.

Address: 15 Wallenberg Circle Monsey NY 10952

Email for Nichum Aveilim:  [email protected]

Phone: 845-578-1653

 Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehe besochom! 

Boruch Dayan Emes

 With profound sadness and deep pain we inform you of the untimely passing after a lengthy illness r"l of
 Mrs. Bassi (Basia Esther) Palace of Monsey, NY and formerly of Los Angeles, CA.

The Nifteres is survived by Tibadlu Lechaim Tovim, her dear husband R' Moshe, children: Miriam Schmukler - CH, Dovid - CH, Meir - CH, Yossi - LA, CA, Mordy - CH, Chanie Brikman, Malky Mizrachi - CH, Shneur, Shauly, Rivka Leah and Chaya Mushka of Monsey and brothers: Rabbi Yitzchok Newman - Long Beach, CA and Rabbi Leibel Newman - CH and R' Moshe Baruch Newman - Staten Island.

The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Friday, March 12, at 8:30 AM at the Palace home, 15 Wallenberg Circle in Monsey from where it will go to Brooklyn and pass by 770 at approximately 10:30 AM and then proceed to the Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens (near the Ohel).


Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim. Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehe besochom!

Shabbos Schedule Vayakheil - Pekudei

 Shabbos Parshas Vayakheil - Pekudei
Shabbos Chazak
Shabbos Mevarchim Nissan
Parshas HaChodesh
Adar 26-27 / March 12-13

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:40 PM
  • Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 AM
  • Followed by a Shiur Chassidus with Rabbi Raichik
  • Shacharis: 10:00 AM
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:30 AM
  • Shiur on Hilchos Pesach with Rabbi Raichik: 5:00 PM 
  • Mincha: 5:35 PM
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:43 PM

 Molad of Nisan
Monday 29 Adar - March 15
3:11:43 + 13 Chalakim
Rosh Chodesh Nisan will be Tuesday March 16

Kiddush Sponsors - Vayakheil - Pekudei

  •  Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov BenZaquen
    For the bar mitzvah of their son Ezi - may he grow up to be a true Chossid of the Rebbe and may they have much Yidishe Chassidishe Nachas
  • Mr. Yechezkel (Charlie) Deutsch
    In honor of his Ufruf this Shabbos and his upcoming wedding- may he be bless to build a Binyan Adi Ad and a house full of Berochos
  • Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy
    For the Yahrtzeit of Dr. Rav-Noy’s Mother Bracha Gittel bas Shaltiel Ze'ev - May the Neshama have an Aliya
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Benarroch
    For the Yahrtzeit of Mr. Benarroch’s father Avrohom ben Yosef - May the Neshama have an Aliya 
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yitzchok Wiener 
    In honor of Mr. Wiener’s birthday - may he have a Shnas Hatzlacha Be’Gashmiyus Ube’Ruchniyus

Sholom Zochor

 Rabbi & Mrs. Zalman Friedman
  Invite the community to the Sholom Zohcor for their son - At the Thaler residence 418 N. Martel Ave.

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Nahary
Invite the community to the Sholom Zohcor for their son - At the Roth residence 136 S Highland Ave

Shabbos Kallah - Woman's Shabbos Shiur - Parshas Vayakheil - Pekudei

The Shabbos Kallah of Naomi Ruth will be held
At the home of
Mrs. Esther Ginsburg 145 N Fuller Ave.
at 4:00PM
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman

Announcements - Parshas Vayakheil - Pekudei

  • Kinus Hisorerus for all women and girls of the community in memory of Rebbetzin Sarah Rochel bas Mordechai Shlomo Schochet
    The Kinus will take place Motzoei Shabbos, כז אדר, March 13, 8:30 PM at Moshe Ganz Hall, 360 N. La Brea Ave. and will be addressed by prominent rabbonim and  principals of the city schools, as well as family members
  • REMINDER: Pacific Daylight Time commences Motzoei Shabbos. Set your clocks one hour ahead Saturday night 
  • We wish Hatzlacha to Dovi Gorelik on his new business "Black Hatters" log on to for more details

Mazal Tov's - Parshas Vayakheil - Pekudei

  •  Rabbi & Mrs. Zalman Friedman - on the birth of their son Mazal Tov to grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Thaler
  • Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom Plotkin - on the upcoming Bar-Mitzvah of their son Menachem Mendel
    Everyone is heartily invited to the Bar Mitzvah-desert reception-Thursday Night March 18 7:30 PM At the Moshe Gans Hall
  • Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Nahary - on the birth of their son Mazal Tov to grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Roth
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Simons - on the birth of their daughter
  • Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Levin - on the Upshernish of their son 
  • Rabbi & Dr. Nochum Pinson - on the birth of their grandson
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Naftoli Estulin- on the upcoming Bar-Mitzvah of their Grandson Mendel Mintz
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Nachman Kreiman - on the marriage of their daughter Zeecy to Berel Yemini
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky on the engagement of their daughter Mushka to Shaya Lowenstein
  • The Asefovitz & Horowitz  families on the marriage of their children Alon & Soro Malkah

Upcoming Birthdays / Anniversaries

Upcoming Birthdays:

  • Mrs. Necha Lerner-26 Adar
  • Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman-26 Adar
  • Immanuel Mordechai Gutierrez-27 Adar
  • Rabbi Yossi Pinson-27 Adar
  • Mrs. Rochel Antian-28 Adar
  • Dov Ber Burston-29 Adar
  • Mr. Yitzchok Wiener-29 Adar
  • Menachem Mendel Plotkin-1 Nisan
  • Mrs. Shterny Fogelman-2 Nisan
  • Mr. Efraim Lezak-2 Nisan
  • Adina Aidel Goldman-3 Nisan
  • Avrohom Eliezer Goldman-3 Nisan
  • Rabbi David Hoch-3 Nisan

Upcoming Anniversaries:

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzcock Arnold-26 Adar
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Bastomski-26 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Danny Rotenberg-28 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. David Hoch-1 Nisan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendy Greenbaum-2 Nisan

Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik - Vayakheil - Pekudei

There is a known Torah from the Baal Shem Tov that everything you see and hear is a lesson in the service of Hashem. We saw this clearly in the farbrengens of R. Mendel Futerfas, OBM, in his where he spoke of what he learned from his time in the Gulag. As we are before Pesach and Pesach is the time of Exodus (Yetzias Mitzrayim) and redemption and being in exile is like one big jail.

This past Purim we went on mivtzoim to a correctional facility. One thing we generally find by those who are incarcerated is that they rarely admit personal fault. It’s always their lawyer, or a partner, etc. So it is by us. The Gemorah asks why after the destruction of the first Beis Hamikdash, the length of exile was revealed to be for seventy years and the length of the current golus is not revealed (the current exile is almost 2000 years).

The Gemorah says that the sins that brought about the first exile were revealed (idol worship, immoral conduct and murder), so therefore, the time limit was revealed. The current exile is not openly revealed what specific sin caused it, so it’s time limit was not revealed. The Alter Rebbe asks why if the sin is revealed does it have to do with whether the length of the exile is revealed. The answer is that it does not only mean revealed to the public, but revealed to the person who sinned. Since the Yidden of the First Beis Hamikdosh knew where they went wrong, they knew what to correct. So the seventy years mirrored the seven emotions times ten, every emotion contains ten attributes and after seventy years their teshuva was complete.

However, the destruction of the Second Beis Hamikdosh stemmed from hatred without any reason (sinas chinom). A person always finds an excuse to dislike another, but if you analyze his logic, you see that there is no substance to it. That’s what sinas chinom is. When we tell someone about it, he or she says “I have a reason I am acting this way!” he doesn’t admit his fault and it’s hard for him to correct it, so the person remains incarcerated in his mindset and does not do teshuva. We live in an era of a lack of personal responsibility, when we come and tell a person there is a problem, he will say, it’s my parent’s fault, my teacher’s fault, etc. So a person will never change.

When we were in the correctional facility on Purim, there were different groups of inmates in different areas who had to be gathered together for a program. We went to the guards, who announced on the loudspeaker the names of these people to come out to the door, and they had to call two or three times before these people realized they were being called to hear the Megillah. The guards were complaining that they had made our announcement ten minutes ago, and no one was responding so we shouldn’t bother because the inmates don’t want to come out. We had the guards announce again and again, until the inmates showed up. We find by Yetzias Mitzrayim that when Moshe Rebbenu spoke to the Yidden about Geulah, they did not listen – they couldn’t perceive it – “from their shortness of breath and hard labor”

as the Torah tells us. They were so involved in their tasks, that they couldn’t even hear what Moshe Rabbenu was trying to tell them. This is what I saw with my own eyes. The lesson I gained is that sometimes people speak to us and we are so involved in what we are doing that we do not hear them. One of the responses we say to a l’chaim by a farbrengen is l’chaim vl’vracha – to life and blessing. In the HaYomYom of 29 Adar it explains the l’vracha means lev raka – to soften the heart. Maybe it means that sometimes we are so engrossed in ourselves that we don’t hear what anyone is trying to tell us until we sit by a farbrengen and sing a nigun and say l’chaim so it cleans “the wax from our ears” so we hear and our hearts should be able to absorb what the other person is saying. Maybe this is the reason it is so important to say l’chaim in the setting of a good farbrengen – to become a good listener – and it should pierce through the heart.

Similarly, when a child tells his or her parents something, the parents must clear out their ears to hear what the child is saying.

At the second correctional facility we visited we had a list of inmates and asked the guards to call out these people. But many of them were not in their cells – we had to locate them. This list I received Friday and by Sunday the inmates were elsewhere. It would have been easier to have been content to find only the people who were where they should have been; nevertheless we searched with the guard to find the other people where they were, to gather them to hear Megillah. The lesson I took from this is that physically (b’gashmius) we see people who were secure in their wealth have lost it, the same spiritually (b’ruchinus), similarly in our service of Hashem, one can feel secure that he has reached a certain level and overcame an obstacle and the next day he feels he’s been moved elsewhere and still has to struggle.

Sometimes we judge people and think they are on a certain level and maybe they were; but today when we speak to them, we have to reevaluate if they are still on that level today. Perhaps we are expecting too little or too much from someone. In our imaginations he is somewhere where we want him to be and he is not there. We didn’t determine whether he is on the level where we are communicating. This experience teaches us that when we address someone we have to be on their level – in their place, not where we imagine they are – that is the only way they can be helped.

Kiddush Sponsors - Ki Tisa

The Kiddush at the 1st Minyan is Sponsored by:

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Raichik
    For their upcoming Anniversary - May their share many more happy years together 

The Kiddush at the 2nd Minyan is Sponsored by:

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Frankel
    In honor of Mrs. Frankel’s birthday - may she have a Shnas Hatzlacha Be’Gashmiyus Ube’Ruchniyus
    Also in honor of other family Simchos
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Stroll 
    For the Yahrtzeit of Mrs. Stroll's father - R' Gedaliah Chanoch ben R’ Pinchus ob"m - May the Neshama have an Aliya
    Also for the upcoming Birthday of their son Gedaliah Chanoch and upcoming Birthday of their son daughter Shoshana Beracha Newman- May they have a Shnas Hatzlacha Be’Gashmiyus U’Beruchniyus
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Yitzchok Mishulovin
    For Rabbi Yosef's upcoming Birthday - May he have a Shnas Hatzlacha Be’Gashmiyus U’Beruchniyus
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mayer Schmukler
    For Rabbi Mayer's upcoming Birthday - May he have a Shnas Hatzlacha Be’Gashmiyus U’Beruchniyus 
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman
    For upcoming Birthday of their son Ari - May he have a Shnas Hatzlacha Be’Gashmiyus U’Beruchniyus  

Shabbos Kallah - Woman's Shabbos Shiur - Parshas Ki Tisa

Zeecy Kreiman and Sarah Malka Horowitz
will celebrate their Shabbos Kallah together this Shabbos
at the Kreiman residence, 180 S. Highland Ave.
at 4:00 PM

Mazal Tov's - Parshas Ki Tisa

Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Tenenbaum on the Upshernish of their son, Yisroel. Mazal Tov to grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Mendel Duchman

Upcoming Birthdays / Anniversaries


Upcoming Birthdays:

  • Mendel Wolowik - 20 Adar
  • Mrs. Leah Perl - 20 Adar I
  • Mrs. Devorah Leah Rosenfeld - 20 Adar
  • Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Mishulovin - 20 Adar
  • Rabbi Mayer Schmukler - 20 Adar
  • Rabbi Avrohom Klyne - 22 Adar I
  • Menucha Vita Pinson - 24 Adar I
  • Gedaliah Chanoch Stroll - 24 Adar II
  • Yakov Chaim Goldman - 24 Adar II
  • Rabbi Mendel Duchman - 25 Adar I
  • Mr. Ari Kaufman - 25 Adar


Upcoming Anniversaries:

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Raichik - 20 Adar II
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berel Wilhelm - 21 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Klyne - 22 Adar

Announcements - Parshas Ki Tisa


  • Special Shiurim for Pesach: 
    For Women: 10:30 AM this Sunday, March 7, at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Raichik, 6724 Beverly Blvd. with Rabbi Reuven Nathanson.
    For Men: 8:30-9:30 PM Tuesday and Wednesday, March 9 & 10, in Shul.
  • Those who need large amounts of matzo for mivtzoim or any other orders, please inform Rabbi Raichik by this Sunday, March 7.
  • We welcome home Mr. and Mrs. Zalman Roth and Mr. and Mrs. Yirmi Andrusier from Eretz Yisroel. Mazal tov to them on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson and son, Moshe Andrusier.
  • Congregation Levi Yitzchok thanks Rabbi Mendel Duchman for all his efforts for Kol Yaakov Yehudah. Yashar Koach for his tremendous children's Purim program. May Rabbi and Mrs. Duchman have much nachas!
  • Congregation Levi Yitzchok expresses appreciation to R' Shea Bastomski for the new lights outside the back of the shul. 
  • We wish Hatzlacha to Dovi Gorelik on his new business "Black Hatters" log on to for more details
  • Please say Tehillim For:
    Mrs. Palace: Bracha Basya Esther bas Miriam
    Miriam bas Sarah Baila - who is in critical condition

Weekly Thought - By Rabbi Shimon Raichik - Ki Tisa

This week's parsha Ki Sisa, and Parshas Parah (one of the four Parshios), have an internal connection. In Ki Sisa we learn of the Cheit HaEgel (the Sin of the Golden Calf), and how Moshe Rabbenu obtained forgiveness for the entire Jewish People, while Parshas Parah discusses the mitzva of the Red Heifer (Parah Adumah). The ashes of the Parah Adumah were used to cleanse a person who had become impure through contact with a meis (corpse).

Every physical mitzva we do has a spiritual service to Hashem. Parah Adumah represents the mitzva of teshuva. Physically, when someone becomes impure because he had contact with something lifeless, he needs to be cleansed from that impurity with the ashes of the Parah Adumah; similarly when someone disconnects himself from Hashem, he becomes Tomei Meis in a spiritual sense and he has to do teshuva to return and reconnect himself to Hashem – which is life – as the possuk says “and you who are attached to Hashem, your G-d, are alive today.” How is it possible for a person to detach himself from Hashem – a spiritual death – by doing something against Hashem (an aveira). The Yetzer Hora tells him that this action does not disconnect him from Hashem, but this is a lie.

At Matan Torah Bnei Yisroel became free of the Yetzer Hara. The Aseres Hadibrois were carved out of stone, as the Torah says, charos al haluchos, the Mishna says don't read charos – carved, read cheirus – freedom, as it is known that by Matan Torah the Jewish people became free of the Yetzer Hara and free of the Angel of Death. The filth created by the sin of the Aitz HaDaas returned when they sinned at the Cheit HaEgel, bringing back the Yetzer Hara and the Angel of Death. Here we see the connection between the Cheit HaEgel and spiritual and physical death. Rashi explains that the Parah Adumah came to forgive for the Cheit HaEgel. The Medrash says that the Parah Adumah is like the cow who has to wipe up the filth of the calf which is red, representing sin.

The Parah Adumah is the only korban (sacrifice) that is brought outside the Beis Hamikdosh to atone and cleanse for the sin of the Cheit HaEgel; but to be able to do that you must be connected to Hashem. That is why the blood has to be sprinkled towards the Bais HaMikdash and the Kohein had to be able to see the opening of the Haichal from outside (this is why the eastern wall of Har Habayis was lower, so there could be an uninterrupted view of the Heichal. With these ashes you cleanse someone who is physically Tomei Meis. The same way teshuva helps someone who became Tomei Meis spiritually. Teshuva helps even more than a sacrifice.

A korbon (sacrifice) in the Beis Hamikdosh only obtained forgiveness for accidental sins. Teshuva can work on sins which were done purposely or were done by those who rebelled. That is the power that Hashem tells us, let someone do teshuva and he will be forgiven. Even if you are outside because of your actions, if you focus your eyes and heart towards the Heichal because the Aibishter is there, you are getting the power to do teshuva. As the ashes had to be constantly available so that any time it was necessary it could be used, this teaches us that the power of teshuva must be by a Jew constantly, so he knows that he can always do teshuva. Even a tzadik has to know that he has to have the power of teshuva, since it is stated that if someone lives in a generation during which the Bais Hamikdosh was not rebuilt, it is if it was destroyed in his generation. If there would be one tzadik who would be able to tip the world to the good the Beis HaMikdash would be rebuilt. So when the Tzadik realizes this it arouses within him a deeper feeling of teshuva and reunification with Hashem, and especially those who are not tzadikim. The lesson of this week's parsha is for all of us. Before we can learn about the Korban Pesach and which represents freedom and geula, there has to be the cleansing of the Parah Adumah (teshuva). That is the reason why we have to read the Parsha of Parah Aduma before Parshas HaChodesh which represents the month of Nissan – the month of Geula.

Likutei Sichos, Vol. 16

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