The Longest Campaign
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
Waves of shock and disbelief reverberated throughout the United States and the world as the results of Presidential election were tallied this last Tuesday. The election fell out on the 7th of Marcheshvan. Since everything is by Divine Providence, what is the lesson we can learn from the election, especially such an unusual one, and from it falling on the 7th of Marcheshvan.
In a Sicha from the 20th of Marcheshvan 5735-1974 (on an election day) the Rebbe asked what an election teaches us in the service of Hashem. One lesson is that everyone has one vote, no matter who the person is; from the most wise to anyone eligible we all have equal importance on Election Day.
Also there is a Medrash that says that once a (new) king entered a country. Everyone wanted influence and wanted to benefit from the (new) regime. Most said that their strategy was to find a minister to get close to in order to gain his favor to get what they wanted. There was one smart person who said that he wanted to get close to the king. Ministers may come and go he said, but the king doesn’t. One may ask why does the Medrash call him smart, it seems like a simple conclusion. The answer is because the relationship with a minister is very different. You can bribe a minister to get the result you want even if what you want is wrong or corrupt. It’s not that way with a king. A king is interested that his will be fulfilled; he already has an agenda. He doesn't change to fit the desires of his subjects if its not in everyones best interest. To draw close to the king means to forfeit your own will for the king’s will. This smart person is a parable for the Jewish people. We say “Chelki Hashem amar nafshi- My soul says; my portion is Hashem”. Every day we say to Hashem that we are here to serve Him when we wake up in the morning. We look at everything we say that it should be fitting for Hashem our King to hear. As the verse says “May the utterance of my lips be desired before the Master of the world”.
What has this Medresh got to do with the election? It says that we should choose Hashem; Hashem wasn’t on the ballot? The connection is that when we enter the voting booth we do not think about what we want, we think and we vote for what is in Hashem’s interest for the world. In that sense Hashem is on the ballot. A Jewish person has the opportunity to cast every vote we have for the person and for the cause that Hashem would prefer instead of voting for personal benefit, money, prestige, honor or a job.
The 7th of Marcheshvan was the day that that last person returned from Yershalayim after Sukkos and we began asking for rain in Israel. Until the 7th of Marcheshvan we were still in the aftermath of Tishrei. The 7th of Marcheshvan is the day that really begins the service of v’Yaakov halach l’darcho- And Yaakov journeyed into the world in full. We become fully engaged in our service of Hashem in this world, not our personal agendas, seeing to it that whatever we do is done l’shem Shomayim and that we know Hashem in all of our ways. We spend the year translating the inspiration of Tishrei into all of our worldly affairs.
The question immediately arises after the 7th of Marcheshvan; how can we possibly be successful? We are a small minority and each one of us is only one individual. How can we possibly make the entire world a proper dwelling place for Hashem and bring the Geula?
This is what this year’s election teaches us! Regardless of how you voted, and this is not a suggestion, nevertheless we saw with incredible clarity that conventional wisdoms are irrelevant in the face of determined effort. People may have felt that Washington and Washington elite or a corrupt system was in charge. The reality is that not Washington nor the White House nor the DNC or the RNC, pollsters or the media is in charge. Hashem is in charge and it turned out that an individual who stood up to all of these overcame and was triumphant. It was shock of untold proportion. No one expected or even imagined such an outcome and such a voter turnout.
One person with the message, whether you agree with it or not was attacked by the media by Washington by his own party and by everyone. He had no chance but nevertheless he won. He took them by surprise because last year everyone laughed at the notion that he would be president elect today. Hashem is the one anoints kings.
The lesson for us is clear that we need to take our message more to heart. Each one of us has a vote. We have the best possible campaign message for the world. We cannot be deterred by naysayers and should not tell ourselves that it cannot be done because it seems impossible and against conventional wisdom. Even if we are mocked, we can just continue on our way, the way of Yaakov, Yaakov halach l’darcho. If we stay on message and continue to make the world of dwelling place for Hashem and work every day to bring Moshiach by learning Torah and doing mitzvos with out any shame of being Jewish and proudly proclaim Hashem as King, Hashem will be triumphant after the longest campaign in human history, galus, with the coming of Moshiach now!
A Good Shabbos!