
Shul Bulletin

Announcements - Bo

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!
  • SUNDAY: Chavrusa learning of the Rebbe's Sichos, 10:00-11:30 am, as a hachana to Yud shevat.
  • SAVE THE DATE: Shloshim for Reb Yakov Greenbaum ob"m. Tuesday, 16 Shevat/February 1, 7:30 pm in shul. Click here for more info. 

Shabbos Schedule - Bo

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:04 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 928 am
  • Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am 
  • Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
    Rabbi DB and Mora Srula invite all for a kiddush in honor of Shayndel Leeba Chaiton, in the tent after shul iyH  together with the Kindelach of KYY
  • Mincha: 5:05 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:07 pm
  • Father & Son Learning: 7:30-8:30 pm


 Tuesday night & Wednesday - Yud Shevat

  • Bosi Legani & Mishnayos will be studies after Mariv Monday.
  • For Customs, please see Chabad Chodesh.

Kiddush Sponsors - Bo

  • Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy for the yahrtzeit of their son Reb Ariel ben Reb Shaltiel Ze'ev ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovber Chaiton in honor of the birth of their daughter Shayndel Leeba. May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Fischel Grossman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also, for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Neshe Grossman’s father Reb Yosef Moshe ben Reb Elchonon Dovber ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • The Raichik & Klyne Families for the yahrtzeit of Harav Menachem Shmuel Dovid ben Reb Shimon Halevi Raichik ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky in honor of Mrs. Mila Raigorodsky’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Reuven Weiner for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Esther Weiner’s father Reb Moshe ben Reb Dovid ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Bo

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Schwartz for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Mendel Schwartz’s father Reb Shlomo Yitzchok ben Reb Moshe ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Bo

4:45 at the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia
Speaker: Rabbi Levi Kramer

Mazal Tov To - Bo

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi Moshe Plotkin - 6 Shevat
  • Mr. Yosef Yitzchok Mishulovin - 6 Shevat
  • Moshe Nochum Plotkin - 7 Shevat
  • Rabbi Sholem Perl - 7 Shevat
  • Rabbi Zalmy Dubinsky - 8 Shevat
  • Menachem Mendel Wolowik - 8 Shevat
  • Mr. Aryeh Leib Ehrlich - 9 Shevat
  • Rabbi Shmuli Chazanow - 10 Shevat
  • Rabbi Eyal Rav-Noy - 11 Shevat
  • Rabbi Yossi Solomon - 11 Shevat
  • Yisroel Noach Bastomski - 11 Shevat
  • Mr. Yacov Avila - 12 Shevat
  • Avremel Schochet - 12 Shevat
  • Mendel Katz - 12 Shevat

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Bart - 7 Shevat
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Nootie Gross - 7 Shevat
  • Mr. & Mrs. Reuven Solomon - 9 Shevat
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Fischel Grossman - 10 Shevat
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Levin - 11 Shevat
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Dubinsky - 12 Shevat

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Fayge Gittel bas Reb Gershon (Mr. Yisroel Koch’s mother) - 7 Shevat
  • Reb Sadya ben Reb Yigal (Mrs. Nechama Amilov’s father) - 7 Shevat
  • Harav Menachem Shmuel Dovid ben Reb Shimon Halevi Raichik - 8 Shevat
  • Reb Yosef Moshe ben Reb Elchonon Dovber (Mrs. Neshe Grossman’s father) - 8 Shevat
  • Reb Ariel ben Reb Shaltiel Ze'ev (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s son) - 8 Shevat
  • Pesha bas Reb Yehoshua (Rabbi Jonathan Glabman’s sister) - 9 Shevat
  • Menucha Vita bas Reb Aharon (Rabbi Nochum Pinson’s mother) - 11 Shevat
  • Nechomo Dina bas Reb Yakov Shlomo (Mrs. Rivky Raichik’s sister) - 11 Shevat 
  • Reb Yehoshua Heshel ben Reb Aharon Eliezer (Mrs. Devorah Leah Mishulovin’s father) - 11 Shevat
  • Reb Shaltiel Ze'ev ben Reb Mordechai (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s grandfather) - 12 Shevat
  • Shlomo Yitzchok ben Reb Moshe (Rabbi Mendel Schwartz’s father) - 12 Shevat

Devar Torah - Bo

The Wisdom of Foolishness
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

This is the Shabbos before Yud Shevat. Before the Yud Shevat of 5710-1950 the Previous Rebbe gave out the Mamar titled “Basi L’Gani” to learn on that Shabbos. Shabbos morning the Previous Rebbe was nistalek. The Rebbe accepted this Mamar as the Previous Rebbe’s Will and Testament for our generation. Every year the Rebbe would focus on one specific chapter of the Mamar. This year the focus is on chapter five. The Mamar stresses that the Shechina, the Divine presence was originally here in this world. Because of sins that presence disappeared. Through the work of Tzaddikim beginning with Avraham Avinu and completed by Moshe Rabbenu in the 7th generation the Shechina returned to be revealed in this world with even greater strength. This presence was revealed in the Mishkon. This is the meaning of the pasuk Basi L’Gani in which Hashem said; I returned to my garden, my original place.

The Mamar also explains the concept of shtus, foolishness. The word shtus means to deviate from the logical or normal path. Usually the word shtus is used to describe the type of foolishness that leads to sin. Nonetheless there is also holy shtus, shtus d’kedusha. This shtus is a deviation from the norm in that we go above and beyond the intellect in the service of Hashem.

Why is it necessary to live and serve Hashem above the intellect? The Mamar explains this by describing the original purpose, Hashem’s reason for creation. The purpose of everything is so that we should make from this life and everything we come in contact, a dwelling place and a home for Hashem. We cannot accomplish this by normal and logical means alone. The whole idea itself is a shtus, a deviation beyond what fits into the normal and logical function of this world. It does not make sense that Hashem’s infinite presence should be revealed and dwell within this finite physical world. Therefore we need shtus d’kedusha in order to convert the world into a dwelling place for Hashem, which is the subject of this years’ chapter of the Mamar.

The Mamar brings the story of Rav Shmuel b’Rav Yitzchok as an excellent example

for shtus d’kedusha.  Rav Shmuel b’Rav Yitzchok would juggle 3 hadasim at weddings. Reb Zera said that his behavior was embarrassing for a Talmid Chacham. When Rav Shmuel b’Rav Yitzchok passed away a pillar of fire appeared, a revelation of Hashem beyond all worlds that separated between his bier and the entire world (and all worlds). This revelation was accomplished through his physical service in this world on the level of shtus d’kedusha.

What does all of this mean today in 5775-2015? In order to complete the purpose of creation for which we are here, to bring the revelation of Hashem to this world, it’s not enough to serve Hashem with what we think is logical or comfortable. We need to serve Hashem in a way that is beyond our logic and beyond our comfort zones.  Take for example the mitzvah of ahavas Yisroel. It’s not enough to practice ahavas Yisroel with those that we are comfortable and those that we already know or understand, or at a time that is best for us. We also have the ability and the strength to do it even when it’s uncomfortable, inconvenient and goes against our nature.

This week is the 16th Yartzeit of my father HaRav Menachem Shmuel Dovid HaLevi O.B.M. In my father’s home there were certain people who were regulars that had no other place to be. No one else wanted to take them in. They would find their place for Shabbos at my father’s table in our home. Sometimes it was very uncomfortable when they acted without respect and without appreciation or quite the opposite. At times they caused the family pain and difficulties. Nevertheless my father with his ahavas Yisroel would say that they too are Jews and as such we need to help them, even if it was difficult. Once someone made such a raucous that the family reached the breaking point. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. They finally said that this time either the man left and they stayed or the other way around. This fellow was a regular. The man ended up leaving. After seudas Shabbos my father went out and found him and invited him back. He sat with him and served him the seudas. (We also had normal guests).

Only with this approach of shtus d’kedusha will we reach to final straw that breaks the camel’s back, the final barriers of galus and allows back the Divine presence with the revelation of Moshiach and the building of the third Beis HaMikdash Now!

A Good Shabbos

Reminder! Tonight!

RCCS_2019_LA_Ad_This Tuesday_11x17 (1).jpg 

Chabad Chodesh - Shevat

The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here 

Reminder! Masbia Program

Dear shul member

We'd like to remind everyone that this Sunday is the Masbia Program.

The shul kitchen will be open from 7am till 12pm. 

All foods are fine, including Milchig, Fleishig, Pareve, fruits, vegetables, frozen, canned and packed foods. All except foods cooked at home.

Please note: If you can send proteins such as- chicken, meat, fish, and cheeses, it would be tremendously beneficial to these families.

Announcements - Va’era

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!
  • Lockers: There are 12 new lockers located in the room by the sinks near the coffee station.  There are a number of people on the wait list for lockers, as well as a few people who currently have lockers but have expressed a preference for the other location.   If you have been waiting for a locker please contact David Kaufman with your location preference.  If you already have a locker but would prefer one in the other location, please notify David Kaufman and provide your current locker number. 
  • SUNDAY:  Masbia Program. The shul kitchen will be open from 7am till 12pm. All foods are fine, including Milchig, Fleishig, Pareve, fruits, vegetables, frozen, canned and packed foods. All except foods cooked at home. Please note: If you can send proteins such as- chicken, meat, fish, and cheeses, it would be tremendously beneficial to these families. 
  • TUESDAY: RCCS Event. Click here for more info. 

Letter from our Rabbonim to Anash of LA!

לכבוד כל אנשי שלומנו בדרום קליפורני' שיחיו
To all Chabad Chassidim in Southern California:

This year on Yud Shevat, we are celebrating 70 years of the Rebbe's leadership, 70 years!

The inspiration amidst all the bachurim and chassidim worldwide is palpable. This feeling has had concrete impact in the exponential increase in activities to spread Torah and Yiddishkeit, and the wellsprings of chassidus to the outside etc.

Accordingly, as our Sages teach, "you only encourage the energetic", we see it to be appropriate to further strengthen this with a gathering, a 'Kinus', of all Anash, all those who feel connected to our Rebbe in Southern California.

Every single member of Anash, men and women, should participate in this  Kinus of Anash on Sunday, אור לראש חדש שבט/January 26, 7:30pm at Shaarei Tefilah,7269 Beverly Blvd, to inspire and be inspired by each other. 

The Freidiker Rebbe said עמדו הכן כולכם,  we need to all stand ready together to receive all the blessings and salvations that come down on a day of a Hilula.

May it be Hashem's will that we all should merit together to be blessed with our unity, from our Father in heaven, for all good, materially and spiritually.  The most important request that we are waiting for is that "באתי לגני" , the coming of Moshiach, may he come imminently.

Rabbi Yossi Shusterman
Chabad of North Beverly Hills

Rabbi Shimon Raichik
Congregation Levi Yitzchak

Rabbi Ezra Schochet
Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad

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Shabbos Schedule - Va’era

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:57 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:30 am
  • Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
  • Followed by a Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik
  • Thillim Club: 9:00 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Shacharis: 10:15 am
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
  • Mincha: 4:55 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:00 pm
  • Father & Son Learning: 7:00-8:00 pm
  • Molad Chodesh Shevat: Shabbos, Teves 28/January 25, 9:30 pm and 10 Chalokim.
  • Rosh Chodesh Shevat: Monday, January 27.

Sholom Zochor

Aizik Rosenfeld
invites the community to a sholom zochor
at 321 N Highland

Kiddush Sponsors - Va’era

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Bart in honor of Rabbi Simcha Bart’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also, for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Sima Bart’s mother Sara bas Reb Chananya ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Benarroch for the yahrtzeits of Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s sister Simcha bas Reb Moshe ob"m and brother Reb Mordechai ben Reb Moshe ob”m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuly Gurary in honor of the birth of their daughter Esther. May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim. 
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Binyomin Kaplan for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Binyomin Kaplan’s mother Rochel bas Reb Dovber ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya. 
  • Mr. David Milner for the yahrtzeit of his grandmother Tobo Rus bas Reb Avrohom Hershel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathanson for all the kindness Hashem has shown their family. May Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela.
    Also, for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Reuven Nathanson’s mother Malka Chana bas Reb Yosef ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Y. Shagalov, for the yahrtzeits of Rabbi Yosef Y. Shagalov’s grandparents Reb Yitzchok Elchonon ben Reb Yehuda Leib hy"d and Mariashe bas Reb Ben-Tzion ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya. 
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yonah Mordechai Weiss for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yonah Mordechai Weiss’s mother Miriam bas Reb Alter Mordechai ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Wolowik for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Henny Wolowik’s mother Shayndel bas Reb Yitzchok ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Va’era

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Velvel Geisinsky in honor of Rabbi Velvel Geisinsky’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz in honor of the birthday of their triplets Dina, Rivkah and Yitzchak Yosef and for all the miracles and kindness Hashem has shown their family. May they have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus and may Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Reichman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also, in honor of Mr. Mitch Reichman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Allan Stark for the yahrtzeits of Mrs. Nana Rushka Stark’s parents Reb Shmuel ben Reb Avrohom ob"m and Masha bas Reb Shlomo ob”m. May the neshomo have an aliya. 

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Va’era

4:45 at the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tov To - Va’era

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Azik Rosenfeld on the birth of their son.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Elisha Lerman - 28 Teves
  • Mr. David Peretz - 28 Teves
  • Yonatan Avila - 28 Teves
  • Mr. Harvey Benton - 28 Teves
  • Mr. Mitch Reichman - 28 Teves
  • Menachem Mendel Morris - 2 Shevat
  • Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi - 2 Shevat
  • Rabbi Reuven Wolf - 4 Shevat
  • Yosef Meir Feiner - 4 Shevat
  • Aryeh Yehuda Avila - 4 Shevat
  • Rabbi Yisroel Hecht - 5 Shevat

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Boruch Greenbaum - 1 Shevat
  • Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Reichman - 3 Shevat

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Shmuel ben Reb Moshe (Mrs. Marsha Alperin’s father) - 28 Teves
  • Pari bas Reb Shlomo (Rabbi Asher Habibian’s mother) - 28 Teves
  • Reb Avrohom ben Reb Nachum (Dr. Sholom Fine’s father) - 28 Teves
  • Malka Chana bas Reb Yosef (Rabbi Reuven Nathanson’s mother) - 29 Teves
  • Reb Shmuel ben Reb Avrohom (Mrs. Nana Rushka Stark’s father) - 29 Teves
  • Reb Yehudah Mordechai ben Reb Baruch (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s father) - 29 Teves
  • Miriam bas Reb Alter Mordechai (Rabbi Yonah Mordechai Weiss’s mother) - 1 Shevat
  • Chana bas Reb Moshe (Mr. Jon Hambourger’s mother) - 1 Shevat
  • Rochel bas Reb Dovber (Dr. Binyomin Kaplan’s mother) - 3 Shevat
  • Shayndel bas Reb Yitzchok (Mrs. Henny Wolowik’s mother) - 3 Shevat
  • Sara bas Reb Chananya (Mrs. Sima Bart’s mother) - 5 Shevat
  • Mindel bas Reb Elyahu (Mrs. Miriam Feiner’s mother) - 5 Shevat

Devar Torah - Va’era

Today's Mitzrayim is
Americans living in the Nile

In the parshas we read during these weeks, Shemos, Veyera and Bo, the topic throughout is galus and redemption, the exodus from Mitzrayim. The Rebbe explains that Pharoh had a threefold misconception. Pharoh said; “Lo yadati es Hashem- I do not recognize Hashem”, and “MiHashem asher eshma b’kolo-who is Hashem that I should listen to his voice”. This implies three things. Firstly he does not recognize the existence of Hashem. Secondly, even if he does exist, he would be aloof and uninvolved in our daily life. Thirdly, even if He were not aloof, what difference would it make, He could not change the very nature of the way things are anyway.

The Rebbe teaches that this was indeed the purpose of the makos, to show Pharoh and all of Mitzrayim otherwise, quite the opposite of Pharoh’s notions. This is also a deeper understanding of why Rebbe Yehudah divided the ten makos into three distinct groups; DaTzaKAaDaShBaAaChaB. Each group of makos addresses another one of Pharoh’s misconceptions about Hashem.

In the first group, about the makah, Dam-Blood the Torah says; “With this you will know that I am Hashem”, meaning the very existence of Hashem. This was also the conclusion of the chartumim-the magicians of Pharoh when they exclaimed in the last of the first three makos, “etzba Elokim he- This is Hashem’s finger”. With the first set of makos, the entire country of Mitzrayim including Pharoh became intimately aware of a creator, Hashem.

In the first makah of the second group, arov-the mixture of wild animals, the Torah states; “l’maan teidah shAni Hashem b’kerev haaretz- it is so that you should know that it is I Hashem in the midst of the earth”. This set of makos makes very clear that Hashem is present and involved within workings of our world, dispelling Pharoh’s second notion.

In the third group by the makah of barad-hail the Torah says “l’maan teidah sh’ayn kamoni bekol haaretz- it is so that you should know that there is none like me in all of the earth”. The reason this statement is made by barad is because in this makah Hashem changes the very nature of creation, bringing harmony to opposites, fire and water, to serve a singular miraculous purpose.

The ten makos served to break Pharoh and his misconceptions of “lo yadati es Hashem” and “mi Hashem sh-eshma bkolo- I do not recognize Hashem that I should listen to his voice”. They also served to teach that which is said in parshas Bo, “so that you should tell these things into the ears of your children, so that you should know Hashem” to strengthen our faith and knowledge of Hashem.

Pharoh’s chief decree was to throw the Jewish children into the Nile River. What lesson does the Torah teach by recording this point? It is to teach that he was sending a message to the Jews that he wanted them to “throw themselves” meaning fully involve themselves with the Nile, the Egyptian idol of their time. He wanted them to co opt his belief that the way to get ahead in Egyptian culture is to believe that the Nile is everything. Since the Nile serves as the source of Egyptian parnasa, their souce of water, therefore it is symbolized as the source of everything; exclusive to all else which are only distractions.

This timeless message is relevant to current events today. The Rebbe spoke about the greatness of America in that it was founded by those that believed in Hashem; that the motto “in G-d we trust” is printed right on the country’s currency; and an awareness of Hashem pervades throughout the systems and thinking of the country. The Rebbe recommended a moment of silence in the school system to send a message that belief not be limited to the house of worship but be incorporated into the daily life of everyone, Jew and non Jew alike.

Since the 1960s there has arisen politicians who have toiled to have mention of Hashem removed from the schools and the streets, and be quarantined to only the house of worship. Mention of Hashem is slowly being washed away from all public discourse. Hand in hand with these efforts has been a steep decline in the quality of education.

But today’s idol is not the Nile, it’s the field of science. Science and technology are held up as the singular thing that can change anything. They allow themselves to alter the genetic structure of many aspects of life without a true understanding or knowledge of the long term repercussions or of its sustainability. In today’s environment it’s ok to “play G-d”. Finding cures and innovations are wonderful, but it comes with awesome responsibility to safeguard its abuse.

A hospital’s ethics committee today allows itself to decide when to remove a patient’s basic nutrition based upon their decision of how long that person will live! The medical community has decided to offer a patient an option to “die in dignity”. This approach is diametrically opposed to a doctor’s job to do all he can to save the patient’s life. There is a slippery slope in this thinking. One may wonder how long it will just be an “option”...

Today, many government's believe that the main problem is "global warming”! They claim that it is they that have the remedy to change the natural outcomes of nature. That man can control if it is cold or hot not Hashem. In truth it is their brains that are warm, even fried with the notion that it is they that control our future, “lo yadati es Hashem” with no factoring of Hashem’s role in our lives and their responsibility need to safeguard basic values.

Therefore when we daven “Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu- how fortunate we are” we need to rejoice and be proud that we are not under the control of Pharoh Melech Mitzrayim. We are guided by Hashem, and every solution to every detail of life can found in our Holy Torah. With it we learn and understand the proper use of all aspects of Hashem’s creation in the best possible way, using every detail to reveal the presence of Hashem. When we say “Asher Kidishanu” we think Asher- how delighted we are to have the “ner Mitzvah” and “Torah ohr” to guide our lives!

Nevertheless in such an environment we need special strength to overcome the daily onslaught to our sensibilities. We gain this strength by connecting to Moshe Rabbeinu. It was Moshe Rabbeinu alone, due to being so close and batul to Hashem, was able to enter to Pharoh to break the klipah of Mitzrayim. Through him Hashem systematically broke through Pharoh’s three misconceptions about Hashem mentioned above in front of the eyes of all of Mitzrayin and the entire world. As the Alter Rebbe says in Tanya, each one of us has a spark of Moshe Rabbeinu within us, and by connecting to the Ispashtusa d’Moshe, the Rebbe, the Moshe Rabbeinu of our generation and to his Torah and his minhagim takanas and Mivtzoyim we gain great strength to be firm and strong. Not only is there no reason to be effected by this environment, we can go out and successfully draw others close to the Torah and Mitzvos and bring moshiach now.

CSI Training: Personnel Resiliency Training (PRT), Feb 12th, 2020

There are a limited number of openings for this invaluable security training seminar. Please respond ASAP to my e-mail if you would like to make a reservation

Melech Weiss

[email protected]

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,


     Did you know that 89% of active shooters demonstrated concerning behaviors prior to conducting their attack?  According to an FBI report, “A Study of the Pre-Attack Behaviors of Active Shooters in the United States,” it was also revealed 77% of active shooters spent a week or longer planning their attack and some 56% of attackers displayed their first concerning behaviors as early as 25 months before the attack! This report verifies what we at CSI have been teaching for years.  There are always signs or behaviors before an attack, and it is imperative that we identify and quickly report these “pre-incident indicators” in order to prevent an attack on our community.       

     If you want to learn how to harness the power of advanced situational awareness, sign up today for Personnel Resiliency Training (PRT), Feb 12th, 2020.  This course was specifically developed by security and law enforcement experts for the needs and circumstances of the Jewish Community! PRT teaches staff and volunteers to be an early warning system for their site by recognizing and reporting suspicious activity before an incident occurs.  The target audience for this course is anyone who works or volunteers at a Jewish site to include; Executive Directors, Front Office Staff, Facilities Personnel, Security Guards, Lay Leaders, Board Members, Security Committee Members and others.  This course has been revamped for 2020 with updated content and a new practical exercise!    


Course Information: 

     Training will be held at The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, 6505 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048 from 8:30am – 1:30pm, Feb 12th, 2020.  The training is absolutely free.  Refreshments, lunch and free limited parking will be available on site! As with all our courses, we anticipate heavy registration, so get your folks registered TODAY!  To Register: Please email [email protected] with the full Name, Title and Organization of all those who plan to attend.  Those who end up on standby will have priority seating when seats become available or on future PRT iterations. 


Note: Weapons are not allowed at this training site as it is a secure facility.

     Now in our 8th year of operations, CSI will continue scheduling and hosting quality training that is practical and will help secure our Jewish institutions.  If you have any questions regarding this security training or other CSI programs, please contact the CSI team via email.  

Thank You and Stay Vigilant!

PRT Flyer Feb 2020.png 

Please come to shul tonight for maariv!

Please come to shul tonight for maariv! 

There will be many chiyuvim in shul, please come help out!
Maariv will iy"h be on time - 5:50pm


There are 12 new lockers located in the room by the sinks near the coffee station.  There are a number of people on the wait list for lockers, as well as a few people who currently have lockers but have expressed a preference for the other location.   If you have been waiting for a locker please contact David Kaufman with your location preference.  If you already have a locker but would prefer one in the other location, please notify David Kaufman and provide your current locker number.

Taharas Hamishpocho Review for Women


24 Teves Farbrengen Postponed!

Farbrengen for men in honor of 24 Teves
TUESDAY night, 8 pm in shul

Zalmy and Musia's L'Chaim

Zalmy and Musia Los Angeles L'Chaim Invitation.JPG 

Announcements - Shemos

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!
  • MONDAY: Farbrengen for men in shul at 8 pm in honor of 24 Teves. See 'Chabad Chodesh' for the directives of the Rebbe for this day. 

Shabbos Schedule - Shemos

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:50 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:30 am
  • Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am 
  • Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
  • Mincha: 4:50 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 5:53 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Shemos

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Bart in honor of Rabbi Simcha Bart’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
    Also, for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Simcha Bart’s father Reb Mordechai ben Reb Yechezkel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mrs. Miriam Fishman for the yahrtzeit of her mother Basya Rochel bas Reb Shmuel Hirsh ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. David Milner for the 1st yahrtzeit of his father Reb Aryeh Leib ben Reb Chaim Halevi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Elozor Plotke in honor of Mr. Elozor Plotke’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Schusterman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman’s mother Chava bas Reb Yakov Yisroel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • In memory of Avrohom Mordechai ben Emanuel (Al Wolf) ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Shemos

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz in honor of Rabbi Zali Munitz’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Shemos

4:45 at the home of Mrs. Milka Elharrar
157 N Fuller
Speaker: Rabbi Haller

Mazal Tov To - Shemos

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Ari Markowitz on the birth of their daughter.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Meir Munitz on the birth of their daughter. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Munitz.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi Zali Munitz - 21 Teves
  • Sholom Dovber Friedman - 22 Teves
  • Yitzchok Wolowik - 23 Teves
  • Mr. Elozor Plotke - 24 Teves
  • Rabbi Zalmy Shem Tov - 24 Teves
  • Rabbi Yehudah Lerman - 25 Teves
  • Dovid Leib Bastomski - 26 Teves
  • Rabbi Dov Fine - 26 Teves
  • Rabbi Simcha Bart - 26 Teves
  • Ryan Leaderman - 27 Teves
  • Yitzchak Yosef Munitz - 27 Teves

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Lieba bas Reb Boruch (Rabbi Yisroel Hecht’s mother) - 21 Teves
  • Basya Rochel bas Reb Shmuel Hirsh (Mrs. Miriam Fishman’s mother) - 22 Teves
  • Tova bas Reb Avner (Mr. David Sharabi’s mother) - 24 Teves
  • Reb Avraham Dov ben Reb Yehoshua (Rabbi Yisroel Hecht’s father) - 24 Teves
  • Reb Mordechai ben Reb Yaakov (Mrs. Elisa Haratz’s father) - 25 Teves
  • Reb Mordechai ben Reb Yechezkel (Rabbi Simcha Bart’s father) - 25 Teves
  • Masha bas Reb Shlomo (Mrs. Nana Rushka Stark’s mother) - 25 Teves
  • Chava bas Reb Yakov Yisroel (Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman’s mother) - 26 Teves
  • Bracha Chaya bas Reb Refoel (Mrs. Dina Tova Goldman’s mother) - 26 Teves
  • Reb Yaakov Chayim ben Reb Mordechay (Mrs. Milka Elharrar’s father) - 26 Teves
  • Sima bas Reb Fivel (Mr. Steven Leaderman’s mother) - 26 Teves
  • Harav Chaim Meir ben Reb Avrohom Shmuel (Rabbi Yosef Bukiet’s father) - 27 Teves
  • Reb Aryeh Leib ben Reb Chaim Halevi (Mr. David Milner's father) - 27 Teves 

Devar Torah - Shemos

Standards of a Chosid

In the year 1874, on Tu B’av, the Rebbe Maharash was visiting Vitebsk. A large bimah was brought from one of the shuls in town into a large courtyard in front of where the Rebbe Maharash was staying. He was asked by the local community to come to the courtyard to say a maamer in front of a large crowd. The Rebbe Maharash replied that he wasn’t feeling well but would come out and address the crowd with a few words. The Rebbe Maharash explained that the Medrash uses examples from the world and that we need to use various examples from the world in avodas Hashem.

There is a saying; “es past (befitting) adar es past nisht.” In general, this refers to one’s standard of etiquette. Some things are befitting or proper behavior, while others are not.  This saying varies relative to the group to which one belongs. In one level of society it is fitting while in a higher level of society it is not. Jews in general, have their unique standard of acceptable behaviors. This is even more so for Chassidim. “Es past adar es past nisht,” is not just relevant to activities but also to speaking and character and perspectives on life. Being that this is true in the physical, all much more so it is true with regard to the spiritual. The Rebbe Maharash went on to enumerate the following list of; “es past adar es past nisht.”

For a chosid it is befitting…

  • …To learn a Chassidishe saying everyday
  • …To be preoccupied in doing good for others
  • …To be b’simcha, and even more to relate good heartedly to others
  • …To recognize well one’s personal shortcomings and the virtues of others
  • …To consider the youngest and most simple person to be better than oneself
  • …To learn from every person their unique good character traits and habits
  • … to have love and friendship, peace and camaraderie

For a chosid it is not befitting… 

  • …not to learn Chassidus
  • …not to be preoccupied with doing good for others
  • …not to be preoccupied with atzvus
  • …not to see your own shortcomings
  • …to consider oneself the greatest of the great
  • ...not to learn something good from others

…to cause divisiveness amongst brethren that leads to estrangement from each other. This is true even if one’s intention is to preserve the ways of Chassidus.

The Rebbe Maharash said that Yidden in general and Chassidim in particular need to make use of the etiquette of “es past adar es past nisht” in the service of Hashem. When he completed these holy words he stood up, gave the crowd a bracha and returned his place of lodging.

The Friediker Rebbe heard from Chassidim who were present at that time that when the Rebbe Maharash’s holy voice spoke these words, all of those present quietly wept. Reb Shmuel Brenn who was there expressed it in the following way: “The occasion was infused with the true spirit of Yom Kippur.  It was a fulfillment of the words of the Mishnah, “There were no yomim tovim for the Jewish people like the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur.” Reb Dov Ber haRashman expressed it in the following way; “For the twenty minutes that the Rebbe spoke, he washed and he cleansed us. May it only be that I would be in such a state after the prayer of “al cheit” during mincha on Yom Kippur. At that time we truly felt what a Rebbe is.” (Sefer HaSichos from the Previous Rebbe, Summer 1940 pages 139-1410

In 1974 an elderly 95 year old chosid who learned in Lubavitch, Reb Mordecai Perlow, the Rav of the Chabad Kehilla of Melbourne Australia, wanted to visit the Rebbe in New York. Due to his advanced age and poor health he knew that it would be difficult to get the Rebbe’s approval and bracha to travel. Before he asked the Rebbe he sought, and after much effort he finally got his doctor’s approval to fly to New York. When he wrote to the Rebbe to get his approval and bracha, the Rebbe did not give his approval. Instead the Rebbe asked him “what’s with Mivtzoyim?” The Rebbe set the standard of what is proper behavior for a chosid. Even a 95 year old Chosid who davens and learns and wants to see the Rebbe, needs also to be involved with Mivtzoyim.

Each Chosid big or small, young or old, needs to be aware of our unique chassidishe etiquette that we Lubavitcher Chassidim hold in the highest regard. We need to realize that what is fitting someone else is not necessarily fitting for us. Each person needs to consider and apply “es past, adar es past nisht,” into our perspectives on how to live a chassidishe life today in 2012. We need to have standards in all of our conversations, whether with our children, spouses, friends or business associates. And most importantly we need to be aware of how to act in the best and most fitting way according to the standard which the Rebbe has taught. We need to ask ourselves about what we think, speak and do:  Es past?, adar, es past nisht? Is this befitting, or not?

1st Yahrtzeit of Reb Shmuel Finck ob"m


Hachnasas Kallah Winter wonderland

HK Winter wonderland 2019 FLYER-01.JPG 

Mishnayos for Rabbi Greenbaum ob"m

Click below to sign up!

Study in memory of Harav Yaakov ben Harav Shmuel Yosef ob"n

To join this study of mishnayos, please check the tractates that you would like to learn, fill in your name and email address and submit this form.

Study should be completed by 16 Shevat 5780 (sundown on 2/11/20). 

Greenbaum Shiva

Greenbaum Family Shiva info:

140 N Mansfield Ave

Tuesday: Maariv-9:45
Wed-Thur: Shachris-9:00, Mincha-4:50, Maariv-5:35
Friday: Shachris-9:00, Mincha-2:30
Sunday: Shachris-8:30

Visiting Times:
10am-12pm, 2pm-4pm & 7:30-10pm
Please respect these times!

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. 
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehu besochom!

Vcherashansky Shiva

Rabbi Eli Vcherashansky
is sitting shiva in Eretz Yisroel 
on the passing of his mother Yehudis bas Reb Aba ob"m

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 323 420 7329

 Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. 
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehe besochom!

Bd"e: Reb Yakov Greenbaum

It is with great sadness that we inform the community of the passing of
Reb Yakov Greenbaum
Reb Yakov ben Reb Shmuel Yosef ob"m

will pass by YOEC at 12:00 pm and our Shul at 12:15 pm

May we share only good news!

Announcements - Vayechi

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

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Shabbos Schedule - Vayechi

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:43 pm
  • Late Kabolas Shabbos: 6:15 pm 
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:29 am
  • Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am 
  • Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
  • Mincha: 4:45 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 5:46 pm
  • Father & Son Learning: 7:00-8:00 pm

Sholom Zochor & Bris

Eli & Tova Feiner
Invite the community to a sholom zochor
108 N Detroit

 The Bris will iy"H take place
Shabbos, 12:15 pm in Moshe Ganz Hall 

Kiddush Sponsors - Vayechi

Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Feiner
are sponsoring a kiddush upstairs in Moshe Ganz hall
for the bris of their son.

May they be zoche to bring him leberiso shel avrohom avinu
metoch Simcha vetuv leivav, and may they have much nachas from him and may he grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.

The following families are also being mishtatef in the kiddush:

  • The Gaboim of the Shul in honor of Shabbos Chazak. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Berkowitz for the yahrtzeits of Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s father Reb Moshe Yaakov ben Reb Yeshaye ob”m and brother Reb Tanchum ben Reb Moshe Yaakov ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Meir Finck for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Meir Finck’s father Reb Shmuel Yaacov ben Reb Moshe ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Marci Kaufman’s father Reb Yitzchak ben Reb Nachman ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya. 
  • Rabbi Ami and Zisa Meyers and her parents Rabbi and Mrs. Gordon in thanks to Hashem for the birth of their new daughter and granddaughter Chana. May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yankee Raichik for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Rivky Raichik’s father Reb Yaakov Shlomo ben Reb Dovid ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Meilach Weiss in honor of Mr. Meilach Weiss’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Vayechi

4:30 at the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia 
Speaker: Rabbi Yecheskel Raeburn

Mazal Tov To - Vayechi

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Feiner on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Feiner.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Meilach Weiss - 14 Teves
  • Mr. Zev Geisinsky - 15 Teves
  • Chaim Binyomin Estulin - 16 Teves
  • Mattisyahu Tzvi Stark - 16 Teves
  • Yitzchok Tzvi Gorelik - 18 Teves
  • Dr. Moshe Benarroch - 19 Teves

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Noach ben Reb Zalman Leib (Rabbi Naftoli Estulin’s brother) - 14 Teves
  • Reb Moshe Yaakov ben Reb Yeshaye (Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s father) - 14 Teves
  • Reb Mordechai Meir ben Reb Chaim Elozar Hakohen (Mrs. Rivka Katz’s father) - 14 Teves
  • Reb Tanchum ben Reb Moshe Yaakov (Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s brother) - 14 Teves
  • Sulika bas Reb Shlomo (Rabbi Shalom Elharrar’s grandmother) - 15 Teves
  • Reb Noson Notte ben Reb Yakov Yeshayohu Hakohen (Rabbi Yitzchok Arnold’s father) - 17 Teves
  • Sora Golda bas Reb Yaacov (Mrs. Nettie Lerner’s mother) - 17 Teves
  • Reb Dov ben Reb Pesach (Mrs. Chana Baila Burston’s father) - 19 Teves
  • Reb Chaim Zeev ben Reb Avrohom Yitzchok Bastomski - 19 Teves
  • Reb Yitzchak ben Reb Nachman (Mrs. Marci Kaufman’s father) - 19 Teves 

Devar Torah - Vayechi

With what are you my Chosid?!
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

This year Yud Shevat marks 70 years of the Rebbe's nesius. How do we prepare for this?

33 years ago the Rebbe announced in a sicha that everyone should prepare thirty days in advance for Yud Shvat (according to the custom brought in Shulchan Aruch to prepare thirty days in advance of Yom Tov). The Rebbe wanted three reports, one every ten days in the thirty days leading up to Yud Shvat. Yud Shvat is the Yom Tov of hiskashrus, the day we became connected to the Rebbe.

Once, a son of a chosid of the Tzemach Tzedek was picked in a lottery to be drafted to the Russian Army. When the father found out, he ran to the Tzemach Tzedek for a bracha. The Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek replied, “What do you want? Am I the minister of the lotto?” The chossid replied; “But I am bound to you like all the chassidim and you help everyone.” The Tzemach Tzedek asked, “In what way are you my chosid?” The chosid replied, “I come to you and I learn your chassidus. I was here last year.” The Rebbe asked the chosid to repeat what he had heard from the maamorim. The chosid was able to give a full explanation. The Rebbe asked him when was the time he had visited him before last year and to repeat those maamorim. The chosid again gave a clear review of those maamorim as well. After the test the Rebbe told the chosid to go to the town of Lipaly and visit a certain person who would help him. The chosid relied; “But I don’t know this person at all.” The Rebbe answered; “What are you afraid of?” “He will recognize you and he will help you.” When the chosid arrived at the home of the person, it was the middle of the night. He waited for daybreak and to hear that people were awake before he knocked on the door. Someone answered the door and let him inside. No one responded even though he was able to hear that there were people inside. He saw a man pacing back and forth seeming quite upset speaking out loud; “Ribono Shel Olam, what is this?” When the man pacing back and forth realized someone was there, he asked; “Who are you, and where do you come from?” The chosid said his name and that he was from Tsasnik. The man said; “You are from Tsasnik?!” and the he started to clap his hands. The chosid thought to himself that the man is meshugeneh. The owner of the house said to the chosid that he is probably wondering what all his excitement is about. He explained that he had not seen the Rebbe for five years and last night the Tzemach Tzedek appeared to him in a dream and told him that a Yid from Tsasnik is going to visit, and that he should help him. I woke up and decided it was just a dream and went back asleep but then had the same dream again. This repeated itself a number of times. When I woke up in the morning I was beside myself. When is asked you where you from and you said Tsasnik. I realized that this was not a dream and that the Rebbe is demanding something of me. The chassid then told the man the story of his son and this man who had connections with the government got the chassid’s son out of the draft.

The lesson we need to take from this story, standing within thirty days before Yud Shvat is; in what way are we the Rebbe’s chassidim? Is it because we wear a kapata and a hat? The Rebbe the Tzemach Tzedek wanted the chosid to reveal and explain how he was a chosid. What will we tell the Rebbe about how we are his chassidim?

On Hey Teves we buy sefarim and we learn from them. When I was in Brunoy, France, Reb Nissan was looking for a certain sefer which I had. He requested to borrow it and explained that whenever a new sefer in Chassidus comes into print he needs to learn it. He borrowed it for a few weeks, learned through the sefer and then returned it. Once after Shavuos, after returning to Yeshiva from 770, Reb Nissan sat me down and asked me to repeat what I heard from the Rebbe. He demanded that I explain the sichos from the period of Shavuos as much as possible in great detail. A chosid learns the Rebbe’s Torah and is able to share it.  Each one of us needs to learn, to know and to share the Chassidus that we learn.

The Hayom Yom for the twenty fourth of Sivan says the following, “You ask how you can be mekushar to me when I do not know you personally…” “…The true bond is created by studying Torah, when you study my maamorim, reach my sichos, and associate with those dear to me – the Chassidic community and the Tmimim – in their studies and farbrengens, and you fulfill my request regarding saying Tehillim and observing Torah study times – in this is the bond.”

Magen Am Open House This Week!

An Open Invitation to the Los Angeles Jewish Community 

In the wake of recent increases in Anti-Semitic crimes across the United States, we would like to inform our communities of an important and established organization already serving our community - Magen Am. 

Magen Am is a nonprofit organization that selects, trains and develops armed security teams for our institutions. Carefully identified individuals go through rigorous and intense training which then puts them on a track towards becoming an active Magen Am team member.  Team members are dedicated to the protection of the Jewish community, and are committed to supporting each other in protecting their own communities. Magen Am operates from a belief in G-d’s Divine Protection of His people, and strives continuously to be an agent of that protection.  As such, Magen Am provides continued training, legal and psychological support to its members, amongst a variety of other key elements. 

An  Open House will be held Thursday, 12 Teves/January 9th 
8 - 10 pm at Adas Torah, 9040 W Pico Blvd.
RSVP to [email protected] 

We urge everyone to show up to this informative evening and learn more about how your community can enhance and protect itself from within. 

Rabbi Yossi Elifort
Ari Goldner | Motti Kest | Josh Moorvitch | Russell Meyerowitz |
Eli Krich | Leah Krich | Malkiel Gradon | 
Daneil Uretzky

unnamed (6).jpg 

What’s being discussed... 

My shul already has a security guard. 

Your Shul should continue to hire dedicated security guards if it is within the budget. They are an important visual deterrent and first line of defense.

Magen Am trains responsible members of their shuls or institutions as a further layer of protection that is “built in”.

Magen Am’s mission is to train and empower the community to secure itself from within.  The basis for this is the belief that:

  • Community members have knowledge of the community and instinctively are aware of someone or something suspicious.
  • Community members have a vested interest in the safety of their community.
  • Community members attend their services and community events.
  • Today’s security climate is such that an additional layer of defense should be available within our institutions.

Magen Am’s team members are legally licensed through the BSIS to carry a firearm when on duty and working for a licensed Private Patrol Operator (PPO).  Magen Am is insured to cover the institutions in which it operates.

How Can My Shul Take Part in Magen Am’s Program?

The formation of a response team does not happen overnight. It involves passing eligibility requirements including but not limited to Rabbinical/Board approval, background check, medical and psychological evaluations and more.  The course runs for approximately 6 months and involves weekly classes and bimonthly Sunday training days.


The security tab on the donations page is now up!

Please make your donations today!!

Thank you for your generosity.

Announcements - Vayigash

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

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Shabbos Schedule - Vayigash

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:38 pm
  • Late Kabolas Shabbos: 6:15 pm 
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:28 am
  • Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am 
  • Shiur Chassidus: 9:00 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
  • Mincha: 4:35 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 5:41 pm
  • Father & Son Learning: 7:00-8:00 pm SPECIAL RAFFLE ON SEFORIM & KIDS BOOKS

Tuesday, Teves 10/January 7
Fast of Asarah B’Teves

  • Fast Starts: 5:36 am
  • Minchah: 4:30 pm
  • Maariv: 5:27 pm 
  • Fast Ends: 5:30 pm 

Sholom Zochor - Vayigash

Aryeh & Rochel Hoffman
Invite the community to a Sholom Zochor
at 116 N Vista 

Kiddush Sponsors - Vayigash

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Elharrar in honor of Rabbi Shalom Elharrar’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Feiner for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Miriam Feiner’s father Reb Yisroel Yitzchok ben Reb Mordechai Hakohen ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson in honor of Rabbi Yossi Schneerson’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also, in honor of their son Aron’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Vayigash

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Benjaminson in honor of Rabbi Levi Benjaminson’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Vayigash

4:30 at the home of Mrs. Tzirel Frankel
109 S Vista
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rochel Schusterman

Mazal Tov To - Vayigash

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Brod on the engagement of their daughter Dena to Boruch Kivman.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Amram Farkash on the marriage of their daughter Geny to Yisroel Benshimon. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Rebbitzen Schochet.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Aryeh Hoffman on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Benyomin Hoffman.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Elozor Plotke on the engagement of their son Zalmy to Musia Butman.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Thaler on the engagement of their son Mendy to Sara Kremer. 

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Daniel Levin - 8 Teves
  • Rabbi Levi Benjaminson - 8 Teves
  • Rabbi Yossi Schneerson - 8 Teves
  • Shmuel Dovid Andrusier - 10 Teves
  • Rabbi Shalom Elharrar - 12 Teves
  • Mr. Betzalel Fleischman - 12 Teves

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Stroll - 11 Teves
  • Mr. & Mrs. Asher Katz - 12 Teves

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Chaya Barbera bas Reb Binyomin (Mr. Jon Engelson’s mother) - 8 Teves
  • Reb Mordechai ben Reb Moshe (Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s brother) - 9 Teves
  • Reb Yisroel Yitzchok ben Reb Mordechai Hakohen (Mrs. Miriam Feiner’s father) - 10 Teves
  • Reb Yona ben Reb Yitzchok (Mr. Doron Israeli’s father) - 10 Teves
  • Yenta bas Reb Nochum (Mr. Avrohom Plotkin’s mother) - 11 Teves
  • Chaya Soro bas Reb Dovber (Mrs. Rochel Anatian’s mother) - 11 Teves
  • Perel bas Reb Naftoli (Mr. Betzalel Fleischman’s mother) - 12 Teves

Devar Torah - Vayigash

Entering into the Heart of the Battle
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

We just celebrated the 33th anniversary of Hei Teves. When we think over the occurrences that led to the trial and victory of Hei Teves a question arises. How does the Yom Tov of Hei Teves compare to other Chassidishe Yomim Tovim, for example Yud Tes Kislev, and what is the central theme of Hei Teves.

In all there were two days that became special and noteworthy Yomim Tovim during the Nesius of the Rebbe; Rosh Chodesh Kislev and Hei Teves. In the times of the Alter Rebbe there were also two days that became Yomim Tovim; Yud Tes Kislev the day of liberation from the first imprisonment in 5559, and the third or fifth day of Chanukah, which celebrates the Alter Rebbe’s liberation from his second imprisonment in 5561.

What’s the difference between these two days of liberation of the Alter Rebbe?  The first imprisonment of the Alter Rebbe was directed toward him personally (they said that he wanted to be a Jewish king and that he was gathering people and funds in order to carry out rebellion against the Czar) and placed him in physical danger. The Second imprisonment was primarily targeting Toras HaChassidus, not the Rebbe per se. 

We also see this clear dichotomy between the two special Yomim Tovim of the Rebbe in our times. The Yom Tov of Rosh Chodesh Kislev was first celebrated in 5738-1977 after the Rebbe recovered from a massive heart attack and returned home on this day. Therefore this day celebrates being victorious over a physical decree. Conversely the Yom Tov of Hei Teves was primarily a spiritual struggle over the definition what Rebbe is; it touched the very soul of Chassidus and the soul of the Jewish people. This battle required entering into federal court to clarify the fact that all Chabad Rabbeim are not individuals that act and live for their personal reasons like most everyone else. Rather they serve has a unique anomaly; giving over their lives with total self sacrifice to the Jewish people. The first foundation of all Chabad Rabbeim is their truthful nullification of their own existence. Being a Rebbe is their integral and primary mission to guide and strengthen the Jewish people in the Torah and mitzvos in general and serve as a living example of this, even when it requires complete self-sacrifice. Only after this comes their personal private lives only when it does not interfere at all with their general and primary purpose.

As it was by the Alter Rebbe that the second imprisonment was about Chassidus, a spiritual not physical struggle, so too the day of Hei Teves clarifies the soul of Chassidus and the Jewish people: the meaning of a Rebbe.

This is the reason why the court case was caused by a blood relative trying to say that a Rebbe is first a private individual and then only later, as if it were like a profession or a job, his secondary purpose to fill the role of a leader. This was the struggle. This is why we saw throughout the trial that many days the Rebbe would fast and pray by the Ohel, it even affected his health. It’s because it was a spiritual, not a physical battle.  Yes it was about the books, but more essentially it was about the meaning of what a Rebbe is for now and for all time. Just as in the times of Chanukah the battle was over the kedusha of the Jewish people, the Torah and the Beis HaMikdash but the miracle was expressed in the lighting of the menorah so too on Hei Teves there was a redemption of  the seforim and we express our simcha by buying and learning in seforim.

Connecting to the Rebbe gives our neshamos the strength to break through all challenges even our personal challenges to do our part on behalf of the Jewish people to bring Moshiach now.

A Good Shabbos

Farbrengen for men

Farbrengen for men in honor of hey teves

 Tonight, 8 pm in shul 

Hey Teves sale -TONIGHT & TOMORROW at Chabad Atara's

Upon the Rebbe's instructions, Chassidim have a tradition of celebrating the 5th Teves not only with Chassidic gatherings but also with purchasing seforim, since the real victory for the seforim is when we fill our homes with volumes of Jewish books, and our days with their teachings.

To facilitate following the Rebbe's instruction, Chabad Atara's will be open tonight and tomorrow night until 10:00 pm. 

Seforim will be discounted!

We therefore encourage all of Anash to join together at Chabad/Atara's to fulfill this special tradition.

Chabad/Atara's is located at:
369 North Fairfax Avenue #1. 
(323) 655-9282 

Bloch Shiva

Reb Yanky Bloch
is sitting shiva until Thursday
for his mother Yehudis bas Reb Eliyahu Nachum ob"m

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (323) 363-5392
Address: 5506 Goodland Ave. Valley Village, CA 91607 

Today Mincha 4:30
Thursday Shachris 7:30 am  

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. 
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehe besochom!

Chabad Chodesh - Teves

The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here 


Dear Fellow Anash,

Please see the attached request from a single parent in our community that I know personally.

Let us all help her as much as we can.  It is a dire situation.

Bsuros Toivois,
Rabbi Raichik 

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