
Shul Bulletin

Announcements - Lech Lecha

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Shabbos Schedule - Lech Lecha

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:43 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:53 am
  • Shacharis: 9:30 in the Kollel, 10:00 in shul
  • KYY: 10:15 am 
  • Mincha: 5:45pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:46 pm
  • Motzei Shabbos: Move clocks back 1 hour 


  • 8:45pm Melava Malka online with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom - Meeting ID: 435 263 4589 Password: 770. Click here to Join.

Sholom Zochor

Levi Nagel
Invites the community to a Sholom Zochor
154 S Hudson - in the back

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Lech Lecha

4:45 at the home of Mrs. Chana Weiss
411 N Martel
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rochel Schusterman 

Mazal Tov To - Lech Lecha

  • Mr. & Mrs. Levi Nagel on the birth of their son.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi Yisroel Bastomski - 13 Cheshvan
  • Shlomo Yaakov Stark - 14 Cheshvan
  • Dr. Binyomin Kaplan - 15 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Levi Nagel - 19 Cheshvan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Zlata bas Reb Yitzchok Dovid (Mr. Berl Sroka’s grandmother) - 13 Cheshvan
  • Reb Yosef ben Reb Noson Halevi (Mrs. Mindy Sroka’s father) - 13 Cheshvan
  • Reb Dovid ben Reb Moshe Yehushua (Mrs. Sarah Morris’s father) - 15 Cheshvan
  • Alta Elka bas Reb Avrohom Bunim Hakohen (Mrs. Chana Arnold’s mother) - 16 Cheshvan
  • Reb Doniel Refuel ben Reb Gershon (Mr. Reuven Solomon’s brother) - 17 Cheshvan
  • Keira bas Reb Yosef (Mrs. Elka Soussana’s mother) - 19 Cheshvan

Devar Torah - Lech Lecha

Lech Lecha in 2020: Go Forth and Vote for the Future which Hashem will Show Us

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

This week parsha is Lech Lecha. The first pasuk says: And Hashem said to Abram, "Go forth from your land and from your birthplace and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you. The words Lech Lecha, go forth, are from the first words of the parsha and relate a timeless message. They are the very first words given to the very first Jew, Avraham Avinu. One might think that the first commandment  would be a specific directive on how best to serve Hashem. Instead it sounds more like map directions to go to an undisclosed location.  The specific instructions seem extra. Why didn't Hashem just tell Avraham Avinu to go to the land which I will show you? If it was necessary to say from where to leave it would suffice just to say “from your land”. Why does Hashem add “from your birth place and the house of your father”?

Chazal teaches that it was with these words that Hashem told to Abraham that the historical  2,000 year period of the Torah began. It was here that the Jewish people began to become a nation, chosen from amongst all of the nations. The message of Lech Lecha provides the outline and the context of how best to accomplish our entire purpose. It is not just a message to Abraham but to each and everyone of us as well. What is that message?

We all find ourselves in the physical world, a place devoid of a revealed and felt presence of G-dliness. It is a place confined and beneath the rules of nature.  Within that context we are born with specific individual characteristics.  We all grow up in a particular neighborhood, community, state and country. Our particular environment shapes us, our tendencies and choices. Add to this the education we received. All of this limits our potential and our choices. How can we become authentic servants of Hashem? 

The answer is that while it is true that we have limitations, nevertheless by commanding us to ‘go forth’ Hashem gives us the strength, the energy and the ability to transcend all the limitations of our character, our environment and our education to serve Hashem properly and completely by learning the Torah and observing the mitzvos. 

The parsha of Lech Lecha teaches that the greatness and success of being Jewish in the world does not come from our own will, ideas and judgments. The greatness of being Jewish starts to emerge from a realization that we cannot overcome our challenges without the help of Hashem. The key is to listen and follow Hashem’s guidance. 

Chassidus explains the first pasuk of parsha’s Lech Lecha. “Your land” refers to your will and desires. “Your birthplace” refers to your characteristics and emotions. “Your father’s house” refers to your intellect (and your education). The Rebbe teaches that this refers not just to negative traits but also to good attributes as well. This is because it is based on our limited will, emotions and intellect. Hashem tells us to ‘go forth’, out of your limitation “To the land which I will show you” which refers to Hashem’s will. Then we become united as one with Hashem.

We need to leave behind our limited will, behaviours, emotions and intellect and instead turn our sights to the land, meaning Hashem’s will, which has not been seen, the land will be shown to us. By fully trusting in Hashem and dedicating ourselves with our entire being to Hashem’s plan is when we reveal Hashem in this world and elevate the world with our actions.

The Rebbe explains that the message of Lech Lecha, leaving  our land, birthplace and father's home doesn't mean to run away from the physical world.  It means to leave behind our concept of what the physical means and to go to a new perception of what Hashem created the physical for. Our behaviours,  emotions and intellect are there to be utilized for the sake of learning the Torah and performing the mitzvos and thereby making a dwelling place for Hashem in this world. By being fully and completely dedicated to fulfilling our purpose in life according to Hashem's will with simcha and emunah Hashem will bring all us to the land which we will all see with the Geula ha’Amitis v’haShleimah.

 A Good Shabbos

(Based on a Sicha for parsha’s Lech Lecha 5750-1989)

Announcements - Noach

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Shabbos Schedule - Noach

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:51 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:49 am
  • Shacharis: 9:00am in the tent, 10:00am & 11:00am in the shul.3
  • KYY: 10:15 am 
  • Mincha: 5:50 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:54 pm


  • 8:45pm Melava Malka online with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom - Meeting ID: 435 263 4589 Password: 770. Click here to Join.

Kiddush Sponsors - Noach

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shloime Arnold in honor of Rabbi Shloime Arnold’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Meir Finck in honor of Mr. Meir Finck’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Noach

4:45 at the home of Mrs. Miriam Rav-Noy
423 N Fuller
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tov To - Noach

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Leib Lerner on the marriage of their daughter Chaya to Mendel Tiefenbrun. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Lerner.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathenson on the birth of their granddaughter (to Saadya & Chaya Sara Kaufmann.)

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Avrohom Yechezkel Wiener - 6 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Shloime Arnold - 7 Cheshvan
  • Mendel Berkowitz - 9 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Aharon Shapiro - 10 Cheshvan
  • Shmuel Elimelech Cohen - 10 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Meir Finck - 11 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Shmuel Sufrin - 11 Cheshvan
  • Mr. David Kaufman - 11 Cheshvan
  • Ephraim Lerner - 12 Cheshvan
  • Mendel Munitz - 12 Cheshvan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Frank Revere - 11 Cheshvan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka - 12 Cheshvan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Koch - 12 Cheshvan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Moshe ben Reb Chayim Zev (Mr. Harvey Benton’s father) - 7 Cheshvan
  • Chana Rivkah bas Reb Aron (Mrs. Fayge Estulin’s mother) - 11 Cheshvan
  • Shaina Baila bas Reb Moshe (Mr. Mottel Polityko’s grandmother) - 11 Cheshvan
  • Reb Aron ben Reb Moshe Dovid (Mr. Berl Sroka’s grandfather) - 11 Cheshvan

Devar Torah - Noach

Unpacking From Tishrei and Bringing the Life of Tishrei with Us throughout the Year

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

It is well known that we declare “Yaakov Halach l’Darcho” in Lubavitch at the end of the Tishrei Yomim Tovim. Tishrei was full of Yomim Tovim and now we are back to our routines. Yaakov represents the part of us that deals with the world. Yaakov’s name means to hold onto and control the heel of Eisav. Eisav represents the world.  We go about our way to make this world a dwelling place for Hashem, knowing Hashem in all our ways and doing everything l’shem Shomayim, for the sake of Heaven.

As the distance from Tishrei grows with every passing day and we traverse the vast expanse of winter through Cheshvan until Pesach we ask ourselves how to best fulfill our mission without faltering. As the year progresses we don’t feel the awe of Rosh Hashanah or the dancing of Simchas Torah as we did during Tishrei. How can we remember and how can we keep going?

In a letter (30 Tishrei 5744-1983) the Rebbe reminds us that the letters that spell Tishrei also spell Reishis (תשרי-רשית) which serves as a hint that the month of Tishrei is not just a beginning of the year but also the head-reish of the year.  Just as a head  determines what the body does,  similarly the month of Tishrei determines the best outcome for the entire year. By remembering our resolutions in our day-to-day life we enliven everything we do in thought speech and deed. By carrying over the month of Tishrei into the rest of the year we bring in much more life, light and kedusha  that we took from the month of Tishrei, the head of the year.

The theme of the days of Rosh Hashana are fear of Hashem and Kabbolas Ohl, acceptance of Hashem’s Kingship. Teshuva is the theme of the Eseres Yenei Teshuva and Yom Kippur. The themes of Sukkos, Shemini Ateres and Simchas Torah are the simcha and zerizus-alacrity in the performance of mitzvos and the highest expression of simcha with the Torah.

These themes live with us  throughout the year in their fullest sense by the action we take. It begins immediately when we wake up in the morning when we declare “Modeh Ani Lifanecha Melech..., I offer thanks to You, King...”.  This declaration is a reflection of the crowning of Hashem that occurred on Rosh Hashanah. This declaration brings the fear of Hashem into the entire day.  This is also a daily reflection of the Yomim Norayim in general and Yom Kippur in particular when accompanied with complete teshuva. Complete teshuva inspires all of the mitzvos in general and in particular the learning of the Torah. When all of this is done with simcha it reflects the time of our simcha,  Sukkos, Shemini Ateres and Simchas Torah.

(Living the themes of Tishrei throughout the year is connected to parshas Noach. Was Noach just one person all-alone against the entire world? No! He was constantly with Hashem; “Es HaElokim hishalach Noach- Noach went with Hashem”. So too we go with Hashem as we stay connected to the themes of Tishrei throughout the year)

The daily actions we take are that much greater when we do them as a united community unified by the one Torah. When we are united we reveal into our daily activities that “Elokim nitzav b’Adas Kel, Hashem stands in the Congregation of Kel”. Hashem arrives in advance to give the energy and brachos for our success in accomplishing the above mentioned completely and with simcha.

If for any reason someone was not able to accomplish the aforementioned until now, the opportunity extends itself after the Yomim Tovim until the 7th of Marcheshvan.  With all our efforts and our energy to  bring the head of the year, all the themes of Tishrei into our daily life together as one we bring closer the geula ha’amitis v’hashleima through Moshiach which will be with with ‘shuva and nachas’,  complete peace and tranquility speedily in our days.

A Good Shabbos

(Partially adapted from a Letter of the Rebbe 30 Tishrei 5744-1983) 

Announcements - Bereishis

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!
  • TEHILLIM CLUB: Boruch Hashem we are Excited to announce the first Tehillim Club at CLY in person for this year. We will start with boys only grades 3-5. It will take please in the tent outside and will start at 9 o’clock sharp. Boys need be accompanied by their fathers and expected to stay next to their fathers for davening. Girls and boys that are different age can still earn pizza coupons and a treat by sending a text to 323-678-6115..
  • SUNDAY:  Masbia Program. The shul kitchen will be open from 7am till 12pm. All foods are fine, including Milchig, Fleishig, Pareve, fruits, vegetables, frozen, canned and packed foods. All except foods cooked at home. Please note: If you can send proteins such as- chicken, meat, fish, and cheeses, it would be tremendously beneficial to these families. 

Shabbos Schedule - Bereishis

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:59 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:47 am
  • Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00. 
  • KYY: 1st Shabbos - Special instructions - Click here for info
  • Mincha: 6:00 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:02 pm
  • Molad Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan: Shabbos, Tishrei 29/October 17, 3:23 am.
  • Rosh Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan: Sunday & Monday October 18 & 19.


  • 8:45 pm Melava Malka online with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom - Meeting ID: 435 263 4589 Password: 770. Click here to Join.  

Kiddush Sponsors - Bereishis

  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Antian in honor of Mr. Moshe’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Meir Munitz for the Bar-Mitzvah of their son Yehuda. May he give them much nachas and may he grow up to be a true chossid yirei shomaim and lamdan.
  • Rabbi and Mrs. Zali Munitz in honor of their anniversary.May they have many more happy years together.
  • Anonymous for the yahrtzeit of Dovid ben Yosef Boruch ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya. 

Shabbos Kalla - Bereishis

Chaya Lerner invites the community to her Shabbos Kalla
4:30 at the Wolowik's - 412 N Alta Vista.
Shiur with Mrs. Doonie Mishulovin at 5 pm

Mazal Tov To - Bereishis

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yossi Vcherashansky - 1 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Boruch Braude - 1 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Moshe Anatian - 2 Cheshvan
  • Moishele Rubinstein - 2 Cheshvan
  • Levi Yitzchak Eichenblatt - 2 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Shmuel Schneerson - 4 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Elozor Fisch - 5 Cheshvan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Goldman - 29 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz - 29 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Rubinstein - 30 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Katz - 1 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Pinson - 2 Cheshvan

Devar Torah - Bereishis

Yaakov Halach L’Darko: Bringing Tishrei into our Daily Lives

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik 

The Yomim Tovim of Tishrei are now behind us. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the simcha of Sukkos and Simchat Torah have just passed. There is one more landmark day in Tishrei and it’s this Shabbos, the first Shabbos immediately following all of the Yomim Tovim, Shabbos Bereishis. On Simchas Torah we read the final portion of V'Zos HaBrachah and the first parsha of Bereishis. On this  Shabbos the entire sedrah of Bereishis is read from the Torah.

It is said in the name of the Baal Shem Tov that the way one conducts oneself on Shabbos Bereishis sets the tone for the entire year.

The Rebbe asked why we don't make the same statement about many other mitzvos and concepts that appear only once in the Torah or only occur once in the year. Why don't we say for example that the way one conducts oneself on Shavuos, the time of the giving of the Torah sets the tone for the entire year? Even though Shavuos affects the entire year we don’t have a special statement from the Rabbeim.

After Shabbos Bereishis we leave the halo effect of the holiness and loftiness that the month of Tishrei has provided and embark back into the physicality of this world on the journey of Yaakov halach l’darko. We could become frightened at the daunting task the stands before us. We may feel equipped to live the life of a Jew when we attend Shul to daven and learn. When it comes to making the transition into the world where Hashem is not felt rather concealed, it is far more intimidating.  How can we overcome fears of getting caught up in worldliness and physicality? 

The Torah tells us not to be afraid as the pasuk that is said on Motzoi Shabbos says; “Al Tira Avdi Yaakov, Yaakov (referring to the entire Jewish People) do not be afraid”. The question is how. Why should we not be afraid? How can we be expected to perform as a Jew should in thought speech and action and in all of our ways in this world of seeming separateness and concealment?

The answer is found in the first pasuk of the Torah, Bereishis, which teaches that Hashem created everything out of nothing. We studied this in this week's Tanya on the 26th of Tishrei in depth. Hashem is intentionally and willfully creating everything including us out of nothing in every moment through the Ten Utterances of creation. Part of our purpose is to train ourselves to see that truth and then to carry that awareness into all that we do. Through learning the Torah beginning from Bereshis we train ourselves to view the world not as something separate and distant from Hashem rather something that is constantly connected to Hashem. 

When we reveal our constant connection with Hashem we have the power and ability to be connected even when involved in our personal business matters or while we walk on the street. We reveal that connection when we use available moments to repeat an idea from the Torah, a pasuk of the Torah, a chapter of Tehillim or Tanya.  

Then our business affairs are completely different. We are not afraid  because we have the Shulchan Aruch  by our side as our guide.  This is why Hashem has created the world and us with the intention that it should look concealed and separate. It is for the purpose of having us reveal the truth and transform the world into  a dwelling place for Hashem’s presence.

The Torah gives us a guarantee (Devarim 4:29) that; “If you will search for Hashem your G-d there, you will find Him”. The Rebbe explains that if we will look, we will find Hashem ‘there’ meaning within our worldly activities and involvements. If we look for Hashem within the concealment of creation we will conquer the world and make it a dwelling place for Hashem. 

All of this will culminate with the coming of Moshiach.  The Torah says that at the beginning of creation “The spirit of Hashem was hovering above the waters”. Rashi  says that “This is the spirit of Moshiach”,  which was present from the very beginning of creation. When we, Yaakov, go on our path in the world with the focus to complete the work of Hashem’s constant creation by learning learning the Torah, doing mitzvos and knowing Hashem in all of our ways, “Der Eibishter veit zicher helfin”, we have a guarantee that together we will go to greet Moshiach as Hashem says “I ‘found’ David my servant”

A Good Shabbos

(Adapted from Likutei Sichos v.1, and the Maamar Breishis Bara 5738-1977)

Tehillim Club תשפ״א

Boruch Hashem we are Excited to announce
the first Tehillim Club at CLY in person for this year 

We will start with boys only grades 3-5

It will take place in the tent outside and will start at 9:00 sharp.
Boys need be accompanied by their fathers and expected to stay next to their fathers for davening

Girls and boys that are different age can still earn pizza coupons and a treat by sending a text to 323-678-6115

Community Covid Testing


Announcements - 2nd Days of Sukkos

  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Schedule - 2nd Days of Sukkos

Friday, 21 Tishrei/October 9
Erev Shabbos & Yom-Tov

  • Tehillim: 1:00am
  • Shachris: 6:35, 8 & 9
  • Light Yom Tov Candles: 6:08 pm
    lehadlik ner shel shabbos veshehl yom tov & shehecheyano
  • Kabolas Shabbos/Maariv: 6:50
  • Hakofos following Maariv: One minyan outdoors, another one indoors - men in shul/women in kollel.
  • Farbrengen after hakfos. 

Shabbos, 22 Tishrei/October 10
Shemini Atzeres 

  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:45 am
  • Shacharis: 9 (outside), 10 (main shul), 10:30 (Kollel), 11 (KYY)
  • Yiskor: will be approximately 1:20 after each minyan begins 
  • Minchah: 6:05 pm
  • Light Yom Tov candles from a pre-existing flame after 7:10 pm
    lehadlik ner shel yom tov & shehecheyano
  • Maariv: 7:10
  • Hakofos following Maariv: One minyan outdoors, another one indoors - men in shul/women in kollel.
  • Farbrengen after hakfos. 

Sunday, 23 Tishrei/October 11
Simchas Torah

  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:46 am 
  • Shacharis: 9 (outside), 10 (men in main shul/women in Kollel), 11 (KYY)
  • Farbrengen after Musaf
  • KYY children Hakofos - in the tent: 12:00 pm 
  • Minchah: 5:30 pm
  • Followed by farbrengen until the end of yom tov. 
  • Yom Tov Ends: 7:10 pm

For all the laws and customs
and story's of the our rebbe's on Simchas Torah
please see the Chabad Chodesh 

Mazal Tov To - 2nd Days of Sukkos

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yakov Jacobson - 22 Tishrei
  • Zali Raichik - 22 Tishrei
  • Chaim Plotkin - 23 Tishrei
  • Yossi Weiss - 24 Tishrei
  • Shua Pinson - 24 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yoni Pelman - 24 Tishrei
  • Rabbi Shmuli Raitman - 25 Tishrei
  • Sruly Glabman - 26 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yehosuah Goldman - 27 Tishrei
  • Sholom Dovber Thaler - 28 Tishrei
  • Mr. Asher Katz - 28 Tishrei

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Jon Engelson - 24 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Pinson - 25 Tishrei
  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Niasoff - 26 Tishrei
  • Mr. & Mrs. Jon Hambourger - 26 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Laizer Labkowsky - 26 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovi Gorelik - 28 Tishrei

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Eliyahu Arye Leib ben Reb Yosef (Rabbi Nootie Gross’s father) - 22 Tishrei
  • Reb Tuvya Velvel ben Reb Meir (Mrs. Miriam Fishman’s father) - 27 Tishrei
  • Miriam Hinda bas Reb Hershel (Mr. Richard Rosenbloom’s mother) - 28 Tishrei

Devar Torah - 2nd Days of Sukkos

Mashke/Soda Drive

The shul has run out of our mashke and soda supply. 

We are in the midst of our annual drive!
Mashke/Drinks donated now are used for simchas torah and all year round.

You can donate online or drop off at the shul.



  • Today is the last day to sign up for the world famous KYY children Hakofos. Click here for more info.
  • We are in the midst of our annual Mashke-Drive. The Mashke donated is used for simchas torah and all year round. You can donate online or drop off at the shul.
  • Simchas Beis Hashoeiva: Wednesday night 7-9:30 pm with Bentzy Marcus & Live Band. More info to follow.
  • Chabad of Brookside has a sukka mobile available for you to use with your family on mivtzoim. Sign up for a 90 min slot at [email protected]

Announcements - Sukkos

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!
  • Simchas Beis Hashoeiva:
    1st Night: ELHARRAR-157 N. Fuller.
    2nd Night: RAVNOY-423 N. Fuller.
    3rd Night: SCHMUKLER-601 N. Citrus.
    5th Night: WEISS’S Sukkah-411 N. Martel.
    7th Night Shul.
    Starting time approximately 9: 30 PM. Please be considerate for others and follow the safety guidance of social distancing etc. 

Sukkos 5781 Info:

The following is the schedule for Sukkos and Simchas Torah

Sukkos First Two Nights: 

  • Two minyanim mariv bizman - one outside and one in the shul.

Sukkos First Two Days: 

  • Shacharis at 9 (outside), 10 (main shul), 10:30 (Kollel), 11 (KYY)

 Chol Hamoed:

  • We have FIVE locations for minyanim- Tent, Sukka, Shul, Kollel & kyy.
  • to insure safety, each location will have only one minyan at a time,  

Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah Night:

  • Two simultaneous minyanim for maariv bizman followed immediately by Hakafos
  • Outside minyan (men in sukkah, women in tent)
  • Inside minyan (men in main shul, women in Kollel)
  • Followed by informal farbrengen for men only
  • Note: No meal this year

Shmini Atzeres Day: 

  • Shacharis at 9 (outside), 10 (main shul), 10:30 (Kollel), 11 (KYY)
  • Yizkor will be approximately 1:20 after each minyan begins 

Simchas Torah Day:

  • Shacharis at 9 (outside), 10 (main shul), 10:30 (Kollel), 11 (KYY)
  • Each minyan will go straight through hakafos, laining and musaf
  • Followed by informal farbrengen for men only
  • Note: No meal this year

Safety First:

  • If you have guests from out of town -for the safety of our community- we are requesting that they get tested for COVID, after they arrive in LA - before coming to shul. Thanks for your understanding.

Schedule - Sukkos

Friday, 14 Tishrei/October 2
Erev Sukkos

  • Light Yom Tov Candles: 6:17 pm
    lehadlik ner shel shabbos vshehl yom tov & shehecheyano

Shabbos, 15 Tishrei/October 3
First Day Sukkos 

  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:44 am
  • Shacharis: 9 (outside), 10 (main shul), 10:30 (Kollel), 11 (KYY)
  • Minchah: 6:15 pm
  • Light Yom Tov candles from a pre-existing flame after 7:20 pm
    lehadlik ner shel yom tov & shehecheyano

Sunday, 16 Tishrei/October 4
Second Day Sukkos

  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:44 am 
  • Shacharis: 9 (outside), 10 (main shul), 10:30 (Kollel), 11 (KYY)
    Minchah: 6:15 pm
  • Yom Tov Ends: 7:19 pm

Note: The 6:25 minyan will start at 6:35 every morning during Chol Hamoed. They will bench lulav at 6:52.

For all the laws and customs please see the Chabad Chodesh 

Mazal Tov To - Sukkos

Upcoming Birthdays
  • Moishy Rav~Noy - 15 Tishrei
  • Mr. Eli Goldman - 15 Tishrei
  • Rabbi Dovid Kaye - 17 Tishrei
  • Meir Shlomo Thaler - 18 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yossi Wachtel - 18 Tishrei
  • Yehuda Munitz - 20 Tishrei
  • Shlomo Binyomin Feldman - 21 Tishrei
  • Rabbi Yonah Mordechai Weiss - 21 Tishrei

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Sara Leah bas Reb Yacov (Mrs. Chana Weiss’s mother) - 15 Tishrei
  • Reb Ephraim Pinchas ben Reb Yona Halevi (Mrs. Nettie Lerner’s father) - 16 Tishrei
  • Rivka bas Reb Chaim Yehoshua (Rabbi Sender Munitz’s mother) - 21 Tishrei
  • Reb Yaacov Yitzchak ben Reb Avraham (Mr. Jon Hambourger’s father) - 21 Tishrei

Devar Torah - Sukkos

The Simcha of Sukkos: A Simcha that breaks through all Masks

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

The first Mitzvah we do after Yom Kippur is to begin building the sukkah. We build the walls and put the branches of schach for cover and live in the sukkah for seven days. We daven, learn, eat, drink, talk and socialize, all  inside the sukkah.   We don't do this mitzvah only once a day like the other mitzvah of lulav and esrog rather we are immersed in a constant 24  hour a day 7 days a week experience as the Torah says; “Teishvu k’eyin taduro, live there as if it were your permanent dwelling”

What lesson can we take with us from the mitzvah of sukkah throughout the rest of the year? The sukkah relates and encompasses two opposite messages. On one hand we were told to leave the comfort of our permanent dwelling and to take up temporary residence in a less comfortable structure.  On the other hand we are told to live there as if it were our permanent home. How is it possible to do both of these things simultaneously? Does Hashem want us to feel temporary or permanent? 

The answer is that the sukkah serves as a reminder for us to look at the entire physical world and be reminded that its’ only temporary. The world is constantly changing. What we thought was permanent yesterday we find out was only temporary when it's gone. It is however specifically within this temporary place, this physical world, that Hashem desires for a permanent home and dwelling place. We see and experience this truth on Sukkos by the mitzvah of the sukkah.

Making Hashem’s dwelling place is not only by learning davening  and doing mitzvos. The Torah teaches us that we make this physical world a dwelling place on regular weekdays under a regular circumstances by doing our routine activities. This is because everything is connected to Hashem. By the mitzvah of sukkah lasting the entire cycle of the week it serves as a reminder that everyday we integrate every mundane activity into the service Hashem as it says; “Kol ma’asecha  yeiheu l’shem Shomayom,   All  of your activities should be for the sake of Heaven”.

This message is also the common thread that flows through all the Yomim Tovim of Tishrei,  from Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and into Sukkos.  On Rosh Hashana we crown Hashem as King. At the same time we pray for a physically good and sweet year. We eat good meals with wine and meat one of the most spiritual days of the year. In this way we unite the kingship of Hashem into all that we do even on the most physical level. Every Jew represents that unity by acting like a Jew in all aspects of his or her life.

Yom Kippur is the holiest  and most spiritual day of the year which is spent fasting. Each and every Jew reaches the greatest possible state of spiritual purity.  Nevertheless, as we are taught, after Yom Kippur a heavenly voice comes out and announces to us to go home to eat and celebrate. What is the purpose of a heavenly voice to go home and eat? The message is to tell us that we need to take the holiness and spirituality reached on Yom Kippur with us into the physical world. We take it home with us and let it effect and permeate all of our behaviors; how we eat, act, talk and relate to one another.

On Sukkos we bring this theme out into the open.  When a Jew looks out at the world he or she can become frightened. After all the Jewish people are only a minority and the smallest of the nations. When we are in our spiritual environment of the shul we can daven  and  feel our bond with Hashem and live like a Jew. When we're out in public however it's an entirely different challenge of how to be a proud and openly live truly as a Jew in our social interactions and in  the mundane affairs of our lives. We can feel embarrassed about being openly committed to Hashem and our purpose. 

The Yom Tov of Sukkos drives home the message that the physical world is a temporary place. We do not need to have any fear because the Torah and mitzvos are eternal and our souls are a ‘Chelek Eloka, a G-dly portion of Hashem.  We are empowered  to do everything that is necessary to fulfill our purpose.  Hashem knows our struggles and challenges and has nevertheless given us the mission of making a permanent place for His presence in this temporary physicality. It can surely be accomplished and we are successful by the way we sleep, eat, act and live throughout the entire year.

I'm wishing everyone a healthy and joyous Sukkos. We should all enjoy, appreciate and utilize Zman Simchasenu in a way that affects every aspect of our lives throughout the coming year.  May we all merit to rejoice together with Hashem with a simcha  that breaks all pandemics. Even though this year we are required to wear masks, may we be together with Moshiach when  we will see Hashem  with no covering; no masks.

A good Shabbos, a Good Yom Tov 

Adapted from Sichos on Sukkos 5713 

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