
Shul Bulletin

Mechiras Keilim

During this challenging time, it is not always possible to Toivel Keilim, due to the restrictions that are currently in effect. Many people are making Pesach for the first time and are purchasing new Keilim, making it even more challenging.

With this in mind, the Montreal Vaad Haeir set up a system of Mechiras Keilim (selling the utensils, pots, pans, cooking and other appliances, etc.), similar to the sale of Chametz, by selling it to a gentile. This would work with the intention that it is only for a short period of time, 30 days. During this time, one may use these items, which are borrowed from the Non-Jew. However, after 30 days, these are then returned to the original ownership of the person that purchased them, and must then be toiveled

The link for the for is

Please note:

  • Read all instructions and follow the info.
  • The sale takes place on the Eastern Time zone. Act accordingly!

Mechiras Chametz

Due to the present circumstance and in the best interest  for everyone's safety, this year the selling of chametz will be performed online. 

While it is preferable to make this transaction in person, nevertheless due to the situation we are relying on an online mechira. In today's modern world these transactions are considered a valid and reliable form of acquisition.

To sell your chametz please go to

 Please note:

  • When doing mivtzoim please pass out the above link for others to sell their chametz as well. 
  • If you want your form to be printed, please fill it out by Tuesday, 13 Nisan/April 7, 3 pm.
  • This link will be deactivated on Wednesday Erev Pesach at 9 am. 
  • This form is ONLY for those who will be on the West coast for Pesach. For people in other time zones please go to
  • For those people that have the custom to pay the Rabbi in connection with the mechira, payment can be made via Zelle to [email protected] or via PayPal to

Two Shiurim tonight!

In order to help those who will need to make a siyum this year erev pesach, Rabbi Raichik will be giving a shiur in Mesaches Tomid at 5 pm today


TONIGHT!! 8 pm will be a Shiur in practical laws of pesach PART 3
With Rabbis Raichik & Nathanson

To join please click here:

Devar Torah - Vayikra

There is a custom that for the first twelve days of the month of Nisan we read the “Nosi” which describes the sacrifices brought at the dedication of the mishkan by the twelve princes of the tribes as the Torah records in Parshas Naso (Numbers/Bamidbar). We read daily the Nosi of that day followed by a Yehi Ratzon as it is noted in the back of the siddur. The question is since the dedication of the Mishkan was only once, and the Mishkan was a temporary dwelling place for Hashem and we don’t make a remembrance for everything that happened in the Mishkan so why is this such a significant issue, that a) We don’t say Tachnun, and b) we say the Nosi and Yehi Ratzon daily. Additionally, when we look at the words of the Yehi Ratzon, we are asking about very high lofty levels that all the holy lights and holy sparks of the sanctity of this tribe should enable me to understand Your Torah and fear You all the days of my life, my children’s and children’s children’s lives, for now and forever, Amen. How can we ask for so much by just reading a parsha every day? We can only be from from one tribe, not from all twelve. If so, eleven times we are asking for something that is not directly related to us. The Rebbe explains in the HaYom Yom of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, that even a Cohen recites the Yehi Rataon for it is related to the level of “ibur” that one neshama is entwined with another neshoma. Every Jew is connected with all other neshamas of all the tribes, therefore, we are connected to all the princes of the tribes, and that's the reason that even a a Cohen and Levi recite the Yehi Ratzon.

Why is it som important to read the Nosi, even though it occured thousands of years ago? The Rebbe explains that the dedication of the Mishkan started a new era. The era of a “dira b’tachtonim” that Hashem would rest among us which is the foundation of the mission of Klal Yisrael throughout all generations for on whatever level a Jew is he or she has the mandate to make the world a dwelling place for Hashem. Even though the dedication occurred only once, thousands of years ago, its effect are everlasting. All the holiness of that tribe would be drawn down to each and every one of us to fulfill our mission and make the world a dwelling place for Hashem.

This concept of the Nitzchius – the lasting effect of a leader of klal Yisroel (that each one is similar in his generation to Moshe Rabbenu), and that the connection of every Jew to the Nasi is an everlasting connection we find in the Month of Nissan. The second day of Nissan is the yahrtzeit of the Rebbe Rashab, and the beginning of the leadership of his son, the Previous Rebbe. The thirteenth of the month is the yahrtzeit of the Tzemach Tzedek, and the beginning of the leadership of his son, the Rebbe Maharash, the fourth Chabad Rebbe, and for us, it also represents Yud Alef Nisan, the birthday of the Rebbe. The Rebbe Rashab said before his passing “I am going to heaven, and my writings I am leaving for you.” What did the Rebbe Rashab mean? "I put my life in the Torah which I wrote – if you want to be connected to me in the highest realms where I am going to be, it is by learning the Torah which I wrote." These writings are in this physical world and through learning his Torah and following his guidance we are physically in contact with him. Similarly with all the Nasi’im. Moreover, in the first discourse of the Previous Rebbe, he underlined that the Kedusha we bring into the physical world when a person does a mitzvah is everlasting and never leaves. The place where a tzadik davened and learned in this physical world, even after the tzadik left the physical body, that place – the table, the chair, the things he used – the kedusha is still there. The Previous Rebbe continues that when he was a child, after the passing of his grandfather, the Rebbe Maharash, he saw that his father came into the Rebbe Maharash’s room (with his gartel on), as he would go into yechidus, and stand by the table opposite the chair where the Maharash had sat, his lips were moving and tears would stream down his face.

What is this maamar teaching us? The life of a tzadik is everlasting – not only in the spiritual sense, but his effect on the physical – the table , the chair, place where he davened; the kedusha penetrates through and through, it is there as when the tzadik was alive – as the Previous Rebbe noted. Therefore, it is understood that the connection we make to the Tzadik through his writing and his guidance that all the holy sparks of this tzadik is drawn to us and enables us and helps us in our service of Hashem now and forever.

Based on Likutei Sichos Vol. 32

Announcements - Vayikra

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter and for All you need for KYY home Edition. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Shabbos Schedule - Vayikra

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:52 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:51 am
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:55 pm

Mazal Tov To - Vayikra

  • Mr.& Mrs. Zalman Roth on the engagement of their daughter Channi to Sruly Hahn.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson on the marriage of their daughter Kaily Menachem Fogelman.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi David Hoch - 3 Nisan
  • Avrohom Eliezer Goldman - 3 Nisan
  • Mr. Berel Wilhelm - 4 Nisan
  • Mr. Shmuly Cohen - 5 Nisan
  • Yehoshua Eliyahu Plotke - 5 Nisan
  • Meir Reichman - 6 Nisan
  • Menachem Mendel Winograd - 8 Nisan
  • Mr. Gidon Fine - 9 Nisan
  • Rabbi Shalom Ber Levine - 9 Nisan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Allan Stark - 8 Nisan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Rochel Leah bas Reb Sholom Yeshaya (Rabbi Berel Schusterman’s mother) - 4 Nisan
  • Rochel bas Reb Yaakov Moshe (Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum’s grandmother) - 6 Nisan
  • Chaim ben Reb Zalman (Mrs. Doonie Mishulovin’s father) - 6 Nisan
  • Sara Rivka bas Reb Elkana Halevi (Mr. Pesach Kornreich’s mother) - 8 Nisan
  • Reb Avrohom Yitzchok ben Reb Mordechai (Mr. Yanky Bloch’s father) - 8 Nisan

Pan Kloli

This year in honor of Beis Nissan, the 100th Hiulah of the Rebbe Rashab we are sending a Pidyon Klali to the Ohel on behalf of the Anash of Los Angeles.

Our son Rav Moshe HaLevi Raichick is going to the Ohel and I personally asked him to be our shliach to present the Pidyon tomorrow on our behalf. 

Anyone who would like to join this Pidyon Klali should sign it tonight for themselves and their families in time for him to bring it to the Ohel tomorrow.

Hashem should listen to our prayers. Anyone who needs a refuah should receive a refuah. Anyone who needs parnassa, especially because of the present situation should have parnassa. Hashem should open His hands and provide from His infinite treasures to everyone for whatever they need.

May we all be zoche to be this Pesach in Yerushalayim in the Third Beis HaMikdash with Moshiach.

To sign the Pan - Click Below

TONIGHT!!! PART 2 - Shiur in practical laws of pesach


Shiur in practical laws of pesach PART 2
With Rabbis Raichik & Nathanson

TONIGHT!! 8 pm 

To join please click here:

Two Announcements

Two Announcements
From Rabbi Shimon Raichik

Maos Chitim

As we stand in the days before Pesach and in every community it is customary to collect Maos Chitim we are making an appeal now online  since the Shul is closed.

Due to the coronavirus situation the needs of those that rely on our support has grown. Also the overall number of requests have  increased with more families and individuals from our own community needing basic supplies due to lack of work.

Please give generously and as soon as you are able.

May the zechus of your Tzedakah protect you, your family and the community at large and may we be zoche to the geula as it says; “Great is Tzedakah that it hastens the Geula.” 


Urgent Plea from Rabbi Shimon Raichik

There are a number of people in our community that are sick and in quarantine, some with high fever and some in the hospital.  We are asking that everyone say 3 extra chapters of Tehillim, to give extra Tzedakah and to add learning Torah every day for their speedy recovery.

May Hashem hear our Tefillos, everyone should be well. May we merit this year to spend Pesach all together with our families in Eretz Yisroel with Moshiach. 

TONIGHT!!! Shiur in practical laws of pesach


Shiur in practical laws of pesach
With Rabbis Raichik & Nathanson

TONIGHT!! 8 pm 

To join please click here:

TONIGHT!!! Shiur in practical laws of pesach

Farbrengen tonight, Chof Zayin Adar by Rabbi Raichik 8:30 pm.


This Tuesday night, 29th of Adar, March 24, we will have a Pesach shiur by Rabbi Raichik and Rabbi Nathanson for men and women at 8:00 pm.

Please email your questions and we will respond to your questions.

This Wednesday night, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, March 25 we will have the  Advanced Pesach shiur for Men by Rabbi Raichik 8 pm.

This Thursday night, 2nd of Nissan, is the 100th Hilula (Yahrtzeit) of the Rebbe Rashab, 5th Chabad Rebbe, Founder of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim.
8 pm - Learning part of the Maamar of the Rebbe Rashab - Haychaltzu, chapters 3 and 4.
8:30 Farbrengen for men with Rabbi Raichik.

Since many  people are concerned about making a siyum on Erev Pesach, Rabbi Raichik is ready to give a daily shiur on Mesechtes Tomid so everyone who needs siyum on Erev Pesach should be able to make one. If you are interested in such a Shiur, please contact Rabbi Raichik.
 To join any of the above schedule please click here

Letter to Anash of CLY

To all anash of Congregation Levi Yitzchak,

We hope that everyone is feeling fine and Hashem should send a speedy recovery to those who need it.

Today was designated by the Rabbonim in NY and Eretz Yisroel as a day of Torah, Tefillah U'Tzedokah.

The chapters of Tehillim to say are 20, 22, 69, 118, 150. Add in Tzedokah and learning Torah, as well.

Hashem surely will hear our tefillos and take away this physical virus and spiritual virus, which is Golus, and bring us to Eretz Yisroel, to the Bais Hamikdosh with Moshiach, Now!!

Rabbi Shimon Raichik

P.S. In NY they are doing this at 4:00 pm EST which is 1:00 pm LA time. If you missed that time you can do it anytime. Its a good thing to continue this everyday.

A letter from Dr. Alan Dauer to our community (Los Angeles and vicinity)

As we are all aware, we are confronted with an infectious disease Covid 19 which we have not seen in our lifetime.

There are many issues as a result of this disease. This letter is an initial attempt to help people in the first stages and more information will be available at a later date.

Many of you know that most shuls and religious schools in L. A. and vicinity have been closed until further notice.

These are guidelines for everyone:

Everyone (no matter what level of risk) should:

Not share food or drink with anyone

If handling food for others wear a mask and gloves.

Do not go out of your house if you do not have to. Stay home! Because the only way to prevent escalation of this disease is by reducing your contact with the virus.

Remember and respect people over 60 years old.

Wash hands frequently and also before and after eating.


If you are healthy and have not been exposed practice social distancing and monitor yourself for fever, muscle aches and cough.

Wear a mask when around people with symptoms and see self quarantine guidelines below.

If you have symptoms of the virus wear a mask and self quarantine per guidelines below.


Everyone should follow recommendations of the CDC:


Do not leave house unless absolutely necessary

Separate yourself from people in your house that are elderly or have other illnesses and may be susceptible to the virus.

Wash your hands as instructed on CDC website.

Do not share food, clothing, bedding, towels etc.

Disinfect frequently used surfaces daily

Disinfect counters, knobs, keyboards, phones, bathroom fixtures etc.

Monitor symptoms.

Take your temperature twice a day if you have symptoms mentioned above.

If you cough or sneeze protect it with a tissue and wash your hands after.


There are many questions about self quarantine for who and how to do it.


Self quarantine is only necessary if you are reasonably suspicious that you are infected or have been in contact with someone who has been infected by the virus. Self quarantine can be disruptive to your life but can be life saving!

People of high risk should self quarantine

People of high risk include:

1.   Recently traveled to China or anywhere outside USA

2.   Traveled to a community which has a widespread of the virus such as New York

3.   Lived with someone with symptoms or cared for someone with symptoms, and have not followed precautions.

High risk people should self quarantine for 14 days, however this changes all the time.

The goal of the quarantine is to prevent the spread of the virus by separating from people and employing proper hygienic methods. Contact health care providers for proper directions.

If you have symptoms you can speak with urgent care.

I hope these guidelines will assist you in navigating this and help you to remain safe and healthy,

Dr. Alan D. Dauer MD FACP

A Message for the 27th of Adar

A Message for the 27th of Adar

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

This past Shabbos was the 25th of Adar, the birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushkah. Many who have the custom to say her chapter in Tehillim every day began to say chapter 120 in Tehillim, the first of the 15 chapters of Shir HaMaalos. Today is the 27th day of Adar in which we say the 15 chapters of Shir HaMaalos.

David HaMelech composed these 15 chapters which represent the 15 steps ascended from the women's courtyard to the men's courtyard in the Beis HaMikdash. Every year during Simchas Beis Hashoeva during the Sukkos Holiday the Leviim would stand on these steps and play their instruments.

According to Rashi they would say these 15 chapters of Shir HaMaalos  while playing their instruments on these steps. The Rebbe said in a Sicha to the children (on the 27th of Menachem Av 5742-1982) that David HaMelech says in the first verse of chapter 120; “A song of ascents. I have called out to Hashem b’Tzarasi- in my distress, and He answered me.” When there is a distressful time a Jew doesn’t despair and he isn't frightened. He knows that Hashem is here with him.  He knows that when he calls Hashem will listen and fulfill his request. He will take the distress (in Hebrew tzarah is spelled Tzadi Reish Hei) and turn it into Tzohar (the same letters as Tzarah but reordered Tzadi Hei Reish) light.

He is so secure in his trust in Hashem that  he even begins his request with song. He begins his request with a song because he's already thanking Hashem for the help he will receive  before he receives it. 

It's understood that in the darkness of golus we face the most distressing of times. It is at this time that we call out to Hashem with the song “We want Moshiach Now!” and “For Your Salvation we hope all day long”.

Surely Hashem will answer us immediately and will bring us with Moshiach to Yerushalayim to the Palace of Hashem the Third Beis HaMikdash and there we will all sing the 15 chapters of Shir HaMaalos together with Hashem, Moshiach  and all the entire Jewish people. 

By keeping this in mind it will strengthen our bitachon in Hashem, we won’t fall into despair and we will call out to Hashem to take us out this galus and bring us into geula. 

Shabbos Mevorchim Farbrengen with Rabbi

Shabbos Mevorchim Farbrengen with Rabbi Raichik
Tonight 9:15 pm
To join please click here

Announcements - Vayakheil - Pekudei

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter and for All you need for KYY home Edition. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Shabbos Schedule - Vayakheil - Pekudei

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:47 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:57 am
  • Thillim Club: Any child who says Tehillim for 30 minutes should have their parents send Rabbi Frankel a WhatsApp or text message at 323-678-6115 and as soon as we are out of quarantine they will receive their pizza coupon and a treat!
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:50 pm
  • MOTZEI SHABBOS MEVORCHIM FARBRENGEN ONLINE 9:15 pm with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom. 

 PLEASE PRINT THIS SECTION: So that you can have it ready to bench the chodesh when they daven at home.

  • Molad Chodesh Nissan: Tuesday, 28 Adar/March 24, 10:14 am and 11 chalakim..
  • Rosh Chodesh Nissan: Thursday, March 26.

Mazal Tov To - Vayakheil - Pekudei

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Amram Farkash on the engagement of their son Menachem to Nechama Morozow. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Rebbitzen Schoschet.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Goldman on the marriage of their daughter Adina to Levi Avtzon.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Harvey and Nettie Lerner on the birth of their twin grandsons.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Raichik on the bas mitzvah of their granddaughter Leah Pinson.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi Mendel Duchman - 25 Adar
  • Mr. Ari Kaufman - 25 Adar
  • Yaakov Yehoshuah Klein - 25 Adar
  • Rabbi Velvel Tsikman - 26 Adar
  • Yosef Meyer - 27 Adar
  • Rabbi Yossi Pinson - 27 Adar
  • Mr. Yaakov Mark - 28 Adar
  • Mr. Yitzchok Wiener - 29 Adar
  • Dov Ber Burston - 29 Adar
  • Menachem Mendel Plotkin - 1 Nisan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Morris - 25 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok Arnold - 25 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Gurary - 25 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Alon Asefovitz - 25 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Bastomski - 26 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Leibel Lipsker - 26 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Gurary - 28 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Eliyahu Newman - 28 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Danny Rotenberg - 28 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. David Hoch - 1 Nisan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mordechai Cohen - 1 Nisan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Roth - 2 Nisan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendy Greenbaum - 2 Nisan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Munitz - 2 Nisan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Yosef ben  (Mrs. Leah Perl’s father) - 25 Adar
  • Reb Tzvi ben Reb Naftoli Elimelech (Rabbi Fischel Grossman’s grandfather) - 26 Adar
  • Reb Aba ben Reb Yoel Halevi (Rabbi Shalom Ber Levine’s father) - 26 Adar
  • Bracha Gittel bas Reb Shaltiel Ze'ev (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s mother) - 27 Adar
  • Reb Moshe Boruch ben Reb Yaakov Fishman - 27 Adar
  • Reb Lipman ben Reb Nochum (Mrs. Rivky Raichik’s grandfather) - 28 Adar
  • Reb Avrohom ben Reb Yosef (Mr. Shimon Benarroch’s father) - 28 Adar
  • Leah bas Reb Yaakov (Mrs. Gittie Munitz’s mother) - 28 Adar
  • Reb Dovid ben Reb Meir Yechiel Yehuda (Mrs. Rivky Raichik’s grandfather) - 28 Adar
  • Reb Yitzchok ben Reb Avrohom (Mr. Shimon Benarroch’s brother) - 29 Adar
  • Esther Rivka bas  (Rabbi Moshe Aaron Kagan’s mother) - 2 Nisan

Devar Torah - Vayakheil - Pekudei

All Together as One, Sheltered in Place

By Shimon Raichik

This week is Shabbos Chazak, Shabbos Mevarchim Chodesh Nissan, parshas HaChodesh and parshas Vayakel-Pekudei 

First we have to remember that everything that happens in this world is from Hashem and not by accident. On Shabbos Chazak we should be strengthened with full bitachon in Hashem that Hashem will protect us and that we will pull out of this situation with good health. If we have this in mind we don’t need to be frightened by the news rather focus on what the Rebbe often said; “Think good and it will be good”. There are hundreds of letters from the Rebbe that speak about this. By learning these letters we will strengthen our Emunah and Bitachon and be able to strengthen others.

At this time by Divine providence we are required to be in ‘shelter in place’ at home away from everyone else. At the same time the parsha is Vayakel which means to gather together.

The name Vayakel means to gather referring to how Moshe Rabbenu gathered the Jewish people when he came down from Har Sinai to transmit Hashem’s commandment to build the Mishkon. The word Vayakel “to gather” differs from similar words which mean to collect, in that it signifies bringing separate things together to form a collective whole.

This word describes how Moshe Rabbenu gathered the people, since the people had to build the Mishkon as a collective whole, not as individuals. The purpose of the Mishkon was to enable Hashem’s presence to dwell amongst the Jewish people as a whole. In order to fulfill this purpose the materials brought had to become “communal property”. This means that the Jewish people had to be “gathered- Vayakel” into a one united whole.

Using the name Vayakel seems inappropriate for this parsha because it primarily deals with the particulars of the Mishkon which emphasizes the importance of each part as different from all others.

The second part of this week’s combined parsha, Pekudei means the numbers or accounting,  referring to the totals of the materials the people brought to Moshe Rabbenu in order to build the Mishkon. While the word Vayakel describes how the parts were united to form a collective whole, the word Pekudei highlights each part’s identity and that is counted separately.

Parshas Pekudei, like parshas Vayakel seems to mean the opposite of what is contained within the parsha. Although it contains many details regarding the garments of the Kohanim, the majority of the parsha describes in three stages how all the people’s donations were first combined then brought to Moshe Rabbenu and finally how Hashem commanded Moshe to assemble them into the Mishkon.

The answer to the question about parshas Vayakel  is that each part of the Mishkon had a unique kedusha and fulfilled a unique function, but it only fulfilled that function when it became part of the Mishkon as a whole.

The lessons in avodas Hashem we can take from the name Vayakel are the following. 

The first is that all Jews are part of the entire Jewish people, a people necessary for Hashem’s purpose of making this world into a dwelling place for Hashem. In this we are all equals. We  are all part of the same one united inseparable whole and all part of this essential purpose. 

Secondly every individual Jew has a unique purpose to the community just as every detail of the Mishkon was unique yet essential to its overall function. 

Thirdly, although we all have our individual value and identity, nevertheless our unique identity is not truly known until we first identify with all of the Jewish people as a whole. This is similar to the individual parts of the Mishkon which did not become active until the entire Mishkon was erected.

This parsha also  teaches us that despite our shortcomings we should never feel inadequate to fulfill Hashem’s will. If we act with warmth, sincerity and enthusiasm, Hashem will dwell in the Mishkon we build for Him out of our lives.

The answer to the question about parshas Pekudei  is that each part of the Mishkon has a unique holiness and fulfills a unique function, but that is only by virtue of being a part of the Mishkon as a whole. Only once the entire Mishkon has been built and every piece is in its proper  place does each part assume its unique role and become fulfilled with its personal and special spiritual effectiveness.

The lesson from the name of this week’s parsha is, first and foremost, that each of us has intrinsic value and that we are equal to every other Jewish person. The parshios of Vayakel and Pekudei teach us the same lesson of Jewish unity from opposite perspectives. 

From parshas Vayakel we learn that each of us is part of the whole while from parshas Pekudei even when we have a community each person still has intrinsic value as an individual.

Also, the fact that the Mishkon’s parts only began to function once the entire Mishkon was in place reminds us that whatever work we do on behalf of the community is not only for the community’s collective good, but also to enable us to fulfill our unique, individual purpose of making this world a dwelling place for Hashem.

The lesson of Vayakel Pekudei can also be seen in a Sefer Torah. Just like a Sefer Torah has hundreds of thousands of letters yet is one entire entity; that while each letter must have it’s separate space nevertheless it is only a kosher Sefer Torah when all the letters are present and combined into the one Sefer Torah.

So too we see this today in our situation of ‘shelter in place’. Just like a Sefer Torah, every Jew is like a letter of the Sefer Torah that needs space around it that cannot touch another letter. Nevertheless all the letters unite to form one Sefer Torah. So too every Jew although physically separate is part one great people.

Jewish unity is  the key to geula. Just as sinas chinam-baseless hatred was the primary cause of the galus, so too, ahavas Yisroel is its cure. The geula will appear in a way that emphasizes our simultaneous individual and communal identities and purpose.  One one hand we will be redeemed as a nation, as it is said, “A great congregation will return here,” at the same time we will be taken out one at a time as it says, “You will be gathered one by one.”

This Nissan if not sooner we should all merit to be together in Eretz Yisroel in Yerushalayim in the Third Beis HaMikdash with Moshiach bringing and eating the Korban Pesach, each family group individually.

A good Shabbos Chazak and Freichin Gezunt Chodesh 

(Adapted from Likutei Sichos volume 21 pages 250-259)


After much consultation and given the quickly developing issues surrounding COVID-19, the board has been decided to close the Shul effective immediately.  If you have tefillin or other personal items that you must have, the shul will be open tonight for 30 minutes only between 830-9.

We attempted to keep the shul open, but it became impossible to safely continue because the shul is not equipped to screen and bar entry to locals or travelers that may have been exposed and now pose a risk to others. 

We will hopefully have more information and reopen as soon as possible.

Letter to Anash of CLY

Today, the 20th day of Adar is a special day to have our Tefillos answered.

Today is the day that "Choni Hamagel's prayers for rain were answered (Megilas Taanis): “Once most of Adar went by and it didn’t rain. They sent for Choni Hamagel. He prayed and the rains didn’t come. He drew a circle and stood in it, and said, “Master of The World, Your sons have turned to me; I swear in Your great name that I won‘t move from here until You have pity on Your sons”. The rains came down” [Taanis 23a].

The Rebbe in a Sicha (parshas Parah 5744-1984) said that the lesson of the story is that we are like a child in front of Hashem and irregardless of our station or situation  in life we can break though the heavens to receive what we need. We need that everyone should be well and no one should be affected by the virus and to bring the geula ha’amitis v’hashleima.

The greatness of this day should be utilized to its utmost to accomplish what we can to improve the present situation.

Vcherashansky Minyan

Reb Eli Vcherashansky is a chiyuv, 
but due to risk complications, is unable to daven in the shul

He is making an 8:15 am minyan in the shul tent,
please join and help make the minayn

May we share only good news!

Vcherashansky Shiva

Mrs. Inna Vcherashansky
is sitting shiva until shabbos on the passing of her father 
Reb Leib ben Reb Yehiel Boruch ob"m

Phone: 310-738-0092
Email: [email protected]
No visitors please

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. 
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehu besochom!


To Members of CLY from Rabbi Raichik 

Along with our Tefillos, Torah learning and extra Tzedakah, as mentioned in the previous email (see below) we must follow the guidance of professionals with regard to physical precautions to protect ourselves against the coronavirus.  

Many bachurim and girls are arriving home early this year from out of town due to the coronavirus. As much as we look forward to seeing them and welcoming them home, nevertheless specific steps must be taken for general safety purposes. 

Everyone arriving from out of town should be under quarantine until they are tested and confirmed that they don’t have the  coronavirus. Due to the fact that there have been many confirmed cases the authorities in New York have announced that everyone should consider themselves as if they have been in contact with someone that has the coronavirus. 

No one should place themselves above the guidance of these qualified professionals. If they do not act in accordance with their guidelines they place not only themselves and their families at risk but the entire community as well.

Anyone who has a cold or a fever, should stay at home and shouldn’t leave without the advice of a doctor.

Wherever you go please remember to sanitize your hands and for now keep at a safe distance. 

Hashem should hear our Tefillos and send a complete refuah to those who have been affected and Hashem should shield and protect everyone else from this pandemic.


Email from Friday:

Protecting Ourselves by Creating a Safe Environment 
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

 It's important to remember  at this time in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak that everything that happens is not by chance, rather everything, including this pandemic, is from Hashem. 

 While it is true that we don't understand the full extent of what's going on around us or why nonetheless we have bitachon in Hashem  that it will all work out well. As chassidus says and as the Rebbe often quoted the Tzemach Tzedek; “Tract Gut Es Veit Zayin Gut- Think Good and it will be Good”.  It's against our emunah to frighten ourselves and others. There is no place for panic or hysteria.

 As Jews, in situations like this, we turn to Hashem with Tefillah during davening and our daily and extra Tehillim, and  especially during Shemona Esrei in the bracha of ‘Refaeinu’. 

 Aside from our daily Chitas and Rambam we add in Limud HaTorah. It is especially important to add in learning the Torah now that schools are being closed temporarily. As parents and teachers we have an added responsibility to find ways for our children to continue to learn and it requires our involvement. It's not acceptable to go so long perhaps until after Pesach without addressing our children's best interest with regard to learning Torah. It’s self understood that we should say with the children the 12 Pesukim every day.

 At times such as these we also add in Tzedaka to help others, especially before Pesach, to give maos chitim in addition to any special needs they may have. 

 In these times it's very important to strengthen in ahavas Yisroel.

 It’s also a good idea to check your Tefillin and Mezuzos if they weren’t checked in the last 12 months as the Rebbe would often point out.

 In addition to the aforementioned, according to the Torah and to Halacha we need to listen to the professionals about how to act and take all the precautions that they recommend to avoid contracting or spreading the coronavirus.  No one should feel that they are an exception from taking their warnings seriously which is something that could cause them to endanger others and themselves.

 This week’s parsha discusses the kiyor, the washing of the hands of the Kohanim in the avodah of the Mishkon and Mikdash. Just like we have to wash our hands physically, so too we should see to it that in our homes which are a Mishkon and Mikdash to Hashem we cleanse not only in the physical sense but also cleanse ourselves of any spiritual viruses as well.

 May Hashem hear our Tefillos and take away this machala this pandemic and may we quickly go from the geula of Purim in Adar to the geula of Pesach in Nissan (Mismach Geula l’Geula) with the miraculous disappearance of the galus and with it the coronavirus  and the miraculous appearance of geula with Moshiach now.  


Protecting Ourselves by Creating a Safe Environment 

To Members of CLY
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

It's important to remember  at this time in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak that everything that happens is not by chance, rather that everything that happens, including this pandemic, is happening from Hashem. 

While it is true that we don't understand the full extent of what's going on around us or why nonetheless we have bitachon in Hashem  that it will all work out well. As chassidus says and as the Rebbe often quoted the Tzemach Tzedek; “Tract Gut Es Veit Zayin Gut- Think Good and it will be Good”.  It's against our emunah to frighten ourselves and others. There is no place for hysteria.

As Jews, in situations like this, we turn to Hashem with Tefillah during davening and our daily and extra Tehillim, and  especially during Shemona Esrei in the bracha of ‘Refaeinu’. 

Aside from our daily Chitas and Rambam we add in Limud HaTorah. It is especially important to add in learning the Torah now that schools are being closed temporarily. As parents and asteachers we have an added responsibility to find ways for our children to continue to learn and it requires our involvement. It's not acceptable to go so long perhaps until after Pesach without addressing our children's best interest with regard to learning Torah. It’s self understood that we should say with the children the 12 Pesukim every day.

At times such as these we also add in Tzedaka to help others, especially before Pesach, to give maos chitim in addition to any special needs they may have. 

In these times it's very important to strengthen in ahavas Yisroel.

It’s also a good idea to check your Tefillin and Mezuzos if they weren’t checked in the last 12 months as the Rebbe would often point out.

In addition to the aforementioned, according to the Torah and to Halacha we need to listen to the professionals about how to act and take all the precautions that they recommend to avoid contracting or spreading the coronavirus.  No one should feel that they are an exception from taking their warnings seriously which is something that could cause them to endanger others and themselves.

This week’s parsha discusses the kiyor, the washing of the hands of the Kohanim in the avodah of the Mishkon and Mikdash. Just like we have to wash our hands physically, so too we should see to it that in our homes which are a Mishkon and Mikdash to Hashem we cleanse not only in the physical sense but also cleanse ourselves of any spiritual viruses as well.

May Hashem hear our Tefillos and take away this machala this pandemic and may we quickly go from the geula of Purim in Adar to the geula of Pesach in Nissan (Mismach Geula l’Geula) with the miraculous disappearance of the galus and with it the coronavirus  and the miraculous appearance of geula with Moshiach now.  

PSA: Kitchen Closed until further notice!!!

As a safety precaution,
the CLY kitchen will be closed this Shabbos and there will be no Kiddush.

The shul,
in consultation with medical advisors, our Rav and other Rabbonim
will continue to monitor the situation and keep everyone as informed as possible as the situation develops further. 

If you are receiving this email and need a place to eat this Shabbos,
please respond this email ASAP!

Announcements - Ki Tisa

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Shabbos Schedule - Ki Tisa

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:41 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 10:03 am
  • Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am 
  • Shiur Chassidus: 9:00 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
  • Mincha: 6:40 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:44 pm

Shabbos Kalla - Ki Tisa

Adina Goldman
Invite the community to her Shabbos Kalla
5:30 at the her home 612 N Alta Vista

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Ki Tisa

5:30 at the home of Mrs. Yehudit Schneerson
364 N Fuller
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tov To - Ki Tisa

  • Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Benarroch on the birth of their great-grandson (to Avi & Manya Sperlin.)
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Thaler on the marriage of their son Mendy to Sara Kremer.  

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Jon Engelson - 18 Adar
  • Mr. Zev Oster - 18 Adar
  • Rabbi Meir Schmukler - 20 Adar
  • Rabbi Yosef Mishulovin - 20 Adar
  • Mendel Wolowik - 20 Adar
  • Immanuel Mordechai Gutierrez - 21 Adar
  • Mr. Reuven Horwitz - 21 Adar
  • Dovid Revere - 21 Adar
  • Mr. Mottel Polityko - 22 Adar
  • Rabbi Avrohom Klyne - 22 Adar
  • Mr. Yosef Goldberger - 24 Adar
  • Yakov Chaim Goldman - 24 Adar
  • Levi Tsikman - 24 Adar
  • Harav Ezra Schochet - 24 Adar

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Mendel-Hilel Ganzburg - 19 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Hecht - 19 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Raichik - 20 Adar
  • Mr. & Mrs. Elozor Plotke - 21 Adar
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berel Wilhelm - 21 Adar
  • Mr. & Mrs. Simcha Kagan - 21 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Klyne - 22 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Meir Ashkenazi - 22 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Munish Weiss - 23 Adar
  • Mr. & Mrs. Noteh Berger - 23 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok Tennenbaum - 24 Adar

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Golda bas Reb Yosef (Dr. Margalit Leaderman’s mother) - 18 Adar
  • Chava Maryasha bas Reb Ber (Mr. Mottel Polityko’s mother) - 19 Adar
  • Reb Betzalel ben Reb Chaim Shneur Zalmen (Rabbi Avrohom Klyne’s father) - 19 Adar
  • Rochel bas Reb Meir (Mr. Mitch Reichman’s grandmother) - 21 Adar
  • Matilda Chaya bas Reb Sholom (Yermi Kurkus’s mother) - 21 Adar
  • Reb Shmuel Yosef ben Reb Mordechai Tzvi (Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum’s grandfather) - 22 Adar
  • Mindel bas Reb Nachum (Dr. Sholom Fine’s mother) - 23 Adar
  • Chana bas Reb Yeshaye (Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s mother) - 24 Adar
  • Reb Gedaliah Chanoch ben Reb Pinchus (Mrs. Malka Stroll’s father) - 24 Adar
  • Reb Gedalya Boruch ben Reb Velvel HaLevi (Mr. David Kaufman’s father) - 24 Adar
  • Reb Avram Shalom ben Reb Moshe (Mrs. Marsha Alperin’s husband) - 24 Adar

Devar Torah - Ki Tisa

Berger Shiva

Mrs. Tova Berger
is sitting shiva in NY until Monday on the passing of her mother 
Mrs. Yehudis Baitz ob"m

Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 818-644 3605.

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. 
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehe besochom!

Letter From Rabbi Levi Raichik

Reb Arye Lasky who has been part of the LA community for so many years is not well, he is in town trying to raise money for his family. It would be a great mitzva especially on purim to help him out.

You can donate in many ways:

  • You can PayPal him directly [email protected]
  • Or you can donate on the shul website and put a comment that it is for him
  • You can also drop it off for him directly until Thursday evening at 418 N Fuller

Please also have him in mind in tefilos
Reb Arye Leib Tzvi Hirsh ben Elka Rochel Rus

A freilichen Purim
Rabbi Levi Raichik

PURIM Schedule

Ta’anis Esther
Monday, Adar 13/March 9

  • Fast Begins: 5:53 am
  • Shachris: 6:26, 7:00, 7:25, 8:15 & 9:05 am 
  • Machatzis HaShekel/Minchah: 2:00 & 6:15 pm
  • Fast Ends: 7:24 pm
  • Maariv 7:22 pm
  • Megillah: 7:30 pm (3 Minyanim Simultaniasly)
  • Grand KYY Event - in Moshe Ganz Hall: 8:00 pm
  • Late Kria: 9 pm at the home of Rabbi Bukiet - 343 N Formosa.

Purim Day
Tuesday, Adar 14/March 10

  • Sunrise: 7:09 am
  • 1st Minyan: 6:45 (in Shul)- Megillah: 7:10
  • 2nd Minyan: 7:00 (in Kollel) - Megillah: 7:30
  • 3rd Minyan: 8:00 (in Shul) - Megillah: 8:30
  • 4th Minyan: 8:30 (in Kollel)- Megillah: 9:00
  • 5th Minyan: 9:00 (in KYY)- Megillah: 9:30
  • 6th Minyan: 9:30 (in Shul) - Megillah: 10:00
  • Gand Seudas Purim for those in need - 12 pm upstairs. Please come help with mivtzoim and simchas Purim.
  • Late Kria: 2 pm at the home of Rabbi Bukiet - 343 N Formosa.
  • Mincha: 2:00 & 5:00 pm
  • Sunset: 6:58 pm
  • Maariv: 9:00 pm

SPARE Megillas

With Purim right around the corner, much Mivtzoyim is being planned to bring the joy and Mitzvos of Purim to Jews all around Los Angeles.

Many Megillas are needed to enable us to reach the maximum amount of people in the short 24 hours of Purim.

If you A) have a spare Megila that would be able to used for Purim or B) are willing to lend us your Megillah  after Laining Purim Morning - We would very much appreciate it!

Please contact us ASAP
at [email protected] 
or 5127726234

Thank you very much!
Talmidim HaShluchim
Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad

Matzah orders

Rabbi Raichik is bez"h sending in his order for matzah
TONIGHT (Sunday) 7 pm

If you plan on ordering through the Rabbi, please fill out the form ASAP 
by going to

Wishing everyone a freilichen PURIM

Special Minyan Krias Hatorah

There will be an early minyan this week for krias hatorah
- including parshas Zachor
9:00 am in shul

Announcements - Tetzaveh

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Shabbos Schedule - Tetzaveh

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:37 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:08 am
  • Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am 
  • Shiur Chassidus: 9:00 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
  • Mincha: 5:35 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:40 pm
  • Motzei Shabbos - Move Clocks Forward 1 Hour 

PURIM Schedule

Ta’anis Esther
Monday, Adar 13/March 9

  • Fast Begins: 5:53 am
  • Shachris: 6:15, 7:00, 7:25, 8:15 & 9:05 am 
  • Machatzis HaShekel/Minchah: 2:00 & 6:00 pm
  • Fast Ends: 7:24 pm
  • Maariv 7:22 pm
  • Megillah: 7:30 pm.
  • Grand KYY Event - in Moshe Ganz Hall: 8:00 pm

Purim Day
Tuesday, Adar 14/March 10

  • Sunrise: 7:09 am
  • 1st Minyan: 6:45 (in Shul)- Megillah: 7:10
  • 2nd Minyan: 7:00 (in Kollel) - Megillah: 7:30
  • 3rd Minyan: 8:00 (in Shul) - Megillah: 8:30
  • 4th Minyan: 8:30 (in Kollel)- Megillah: 9:00
  • 5th Minyan: 9:00 (in KYY)- Megillah: 9:30
  • 6th Minyan: 9:30 (in Shul) - Megillah: 10:00
  • Mincha: 2:00 & 5:00 pm
  • Sunset: 6:58 pm
  • Maariv: 9:00 pm

Sholom Zochor

Ari & Chanah Ainyah Kaufman
Invite the community to a Sholom Zochor
at 180 S Orange Dr.

Kiddush Sponsors - Tetzaveh

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Bart for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Simcha Bart’s mother Faiga bas Reb Yakov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • The Bastomski Family for the yahrtzeit of Reb Avrohom Yitzchok ben Reb Yisroel Bastomski ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Benarroch in honor of Mr. Shimon Benarroch’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also, for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Shimon Benarroch’s mother Rochel bas Reb Moshe ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yankel Ginsburg for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Yankel Ginsburg’s father Reb Dov Reuven ben Reb Dovid Helevi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Katz for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Mordechai Katz’s father Reb Nachman ben Reb Asher Hakohen ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Leib Lerner in honor of Rabbi Leib Lerner’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Tetzaveh

  • Rabbi & Mrs Yitzchok Tennenbaum for the Bar-Mitzvah of their son. May he give them much nachas and may he grow up to be a true chossid yirei shomaim and lamdan.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Tetzaveh

5:15 at the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia
Speaker: Rabbi Levi Kramer

Mazal Tov To - Tetzaveh

  • Mr. & Mrs. Ari Kaufman on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Nochum Pinson on the birth of their grandson. 
  • Rabbi & Elozor Plotke on the marriage of their son Zalmy to Musia Butman.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Schochet on the birth of their daughter. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Rebbitzen Schochet.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Spalter on the engagement of their daughter Genni to Sruly Lerman. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Rebbitzen Schochet.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Zalman Schmukler on the engagement of their grandson Mendel Schmukler to Kayla Mahr.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok Tennenbaum on the bar mitzvah of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Duchman.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi Mendel Pinson - 12 Adar
  • Rabbi Laizer Labkowsky - 12 Adar
  • Mr. Reuven Kasten - 13 Adar
  • Mr. Shimon Benarroch - 13 Adar
  • Chaim Yehuda Leib Perl - 15 Adar
  • Dovid Raigorodsky - 15 Adar
  • Rabbi Leib Lerner - 16 Adar
  • Rabbi Schneur Schneerson - 16 Adar
  • Yosef Gluckowsky - 16 Adar
  • Rabbi Meir Rivkin - 16 Adar
  • Aryeh Leib Hoch - 17 Adar
  • Meir Israeli - 17 Adar

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yosef Yitzchok Mishulovin - 11 Adar
  • Mr. & Mrs. Zechariah Davidson - 12 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Wolowik - 15 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Kaye - 16 Adar
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yehosuah Goldman - 16 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Friedman - 16 Adar
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Meir Schmukler - 17 Adar

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Mordechai ben Reb Abraham (Mrs. Ester Gutierrez’s grandfather) - 11 Adar
  • Harav Yitzchok Dovber ben Reb Shlomo (Rabbi Zalman Schmukler’s stepfather) - 12 Adar
  • Hinda Ettel bas Reb Yakov (Mrs. Tova Levine’s mother) - 12 Adar
  • Reb Dov Reuven ben Reb Dovid Helevi (Mr. Yankel Ginsburg’s father) - 14 Adar
  • Faiga bas Reb Yakov (Rabbi Simcha Bart’s mother) - 14 Adar
  • Rochel bas Reb Moshe (Mr. Shimon Benarroch’s mother) - 15 Adar
  • Reb Nachman ben Reb Asher Hakohen (Rabbi Mordechai Katz’s father) - 15 Adar
  • Reb Zalmen Leib ben Reb Yaakov Yitzchok (Rabbi Naftoli Estulin’s father) - 15 Adar
  • Reb Zev ben Reb Ezriel (Mr. Gary Apfel’s father) - 16 Adar
  • Reb Avrohom Yitzchok ben Reb Yisroel Bastomski - 16 Adar
  • Reb Shlomo Zalman ben Reb Shmuel Nata (Mr. Moshe Kaszirer’s father) - 17 Adar

Devar Torah - Tetzaveh

Please come to shul tonight for maariv!

Please come to shul tonight for maariv! 

There will be many chiyuvim in shul, please come help out! Maariv will iy"h be on time - 6:23pm

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