Remarkable Chesed Opportunity: Inspire and be inspired!
Despite being diagnosed with ALS at age 41, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, continues to inspire and lift up thousands of lives the world overer, through his deeply inspiring Torah Articles - written using his eyes, his unshakable faith in HASHEM and his unconditional love. Several excerpts from his writings - - - are below.
Rabbi Yitzi loves when visitors come - particularly during the summer when most of his family is out of town.
Please contact Mushka Yarmak 917-941-7819 (call/text/whatsapp) or email [email protected] for more info or to co-ordinate a time, BEH. To support the Family fund, please visit -
In Rabbi Yitzi's words:
"When you visit, I am filled with the feeling of importance, kinship, love and joy, I feel like I matter to you and to the world. I am honored that you visited. The great feeling inside is one of elation and joy. It is one of the things that gives me life and strengthens my will to go on. All this and more just by coming and sitting with me. You don't have to worry about what to say, It's unimportant. Of course some conversations will be more interesting then others. In some I might even hear words of Torah. The most important thing is that you came. In the past I would be the visitor but now, being the visited, I have gained a whole new perspective. When the chachamim tell us that visiting the sick takes away one sixtieth of the illness, it is not that you just removed illness, but even more, you added life."
Visiting Rabbi Yitzi (and you're welcome to bring family and friends along) is deeply inspiring on many levels. Whether you would like to come during the week (and particuarly if its your first time someone will accompany you to help facilitate the visit BEH) or you're a Baal Tefiloh - opening to come davening on Shabbos, or play musical instruments, its truly an incredible Zechus to spend time with Yitzi - one that he appreciates immensely.
This segment, which was aired on TV, provides a glimpse into how inspiring and incredible Rabbi Yitzi, his wife Rebbetzin Dina and their family are: Rabbi Yitzi's deeply inspiring faith was also the subject of a WSJ Op-ed.
Below is a picture of Rabbi Yitzi on Purim - notice the bottle of Glenlivet:) and a picture of Rabbi Yitzi and his family by his daughter's wedding. BH Rabbi Yitzi recently became a grandfather.
May we only share good news and may Rabbi Yitzi have a complete Refuah Sheleimo -- may we experience the coming of Moshiach immediately!
Excerpts from Rabbi Yitziz's writings:
"I am blessed to live at a time when there are technologies that keep me alive such as the ventilator that breathes for me, and the incredible computer that reads my eye movements, so I can communicate.
While life is full of difficulties, pain and suffering, there is so much to be grateful for. While I understand the hardships, I choose to focus on the positive parts of my life and that keeps me going. There is my wife, my children, family, friends and you. I have the opportunity to learn and teach Torah. There is the hope that in the future a cure will be found or perhaps a miracle even sooner.
Each of us has so much good in our lives, even within the suffering and difficulties there is so much good to be found. Focus on the positive in your life now, see all the love that is around you, there is so much you can do, and so much more you can give."
We desperately need Moshiach, we are all suffering in one way or another in this exile, it's time for it to end.
It's time to get past our petty differences and show love to our "fellow". It is unbelievable how small and petty differences drive us apart. You will also be supprised how a show of love will be reciprocated.
It seems that the ones closest to us pose the greatest challenge of all. This one doesn't talk to her mother, that one doesn't talk to his brother, etc.
When I was diagnosed with ALS, it was sobering. What is important became clear. It is clear that family is more important than the stupid arguments. It is clear that differences such as religious level, dress, etc., are petty. It is clear that we need to unite. It is clear that united we will bring Moshiach.