
Shul Bulletin

Save the Date: Gimmel Tammuz

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Announcements - Shlach

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 
  • SUNDAY: Magen Am Graduation ceremony. Click here for more info. 

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Korach

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:05 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler - Followed by Maariv

 THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Shlach

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:51 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:18 am
  • Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
  • TEHILLIM CLUB: 9:00 until 10 o’clock for girls and boys in the kollel. Children who are not able to attend but send in a note or text message that they said TEHILLIM for 30 minutes are eligible for pizza coupons and a treat. 
  • Chassidus: 9:45
  • Shacharis: 10 & 10:15
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • Rambam Shiur: 6:45 pm 
  • Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos: 7:05 pm 
  • Mincha: 7:50 pm - Avos Perek 3
  • Shabbos Ends: 8:54 pm
  • Moled for Chodesh Tamuz: Shabbos, 30 Sivan/July 6, 1:09 pm & 10 chalakim.
  • Rosh Chodesh Tamuz: Shabbos & Sunday July 6 & 7. 

Sholom Zochor

Aharon & Nechama Margolin
Invite the community to a sholom zochor
at 158 S Detroit

Kiddush Sponsors - Shlach

  • The shul as a Tzeischem Leshalom for the Fyzakov family. May it be meshane makom meshane mazal letova ulivracha.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yoske Mishulovin for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yoske Mishulovin's father Reb Chayim Eliyahu ben Reb Eliezer ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mrs. Resha Solomon in honor of her husband Mr. Reuven o”h Solomon’s birthday. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Y Shagalov for the first yahrtzeit of Reb Zev ben Reb Shlomo Oster. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Shlach

6:00 at the home of Mrs. Etty Bastomski
418 N Fuller
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tovs: Shlach

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Ahron Margolin on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Wolf.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi Yitzchok Tenenbaum - 24 Sivan
  • Mr. Avi Rav-Noy - 25 Sivan
  • Saadia Davidoff - 27 Sivan
  • Rabbi Nootie Gross - 28 Sivan
  • Rabbi Mendel Schmukler - 28 Sivan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Moshe ben Reb Shmuel (Mr. Jon Engelson’s father) - 24 Sivan
  • Reb Zev ben Reb Shlomo Oster - 28 Sivan
  • Reb Chayim Eliyahu ben Reb Eliezer (Rabbi Yoske Mishulovin's father) - 29 Sivan 

Yad Menachem Fundraiser

Yad Menachem an LA based organization run by Rabbi Avrohom Wagshul has helped over 150 children transfer from public schools to over 20 LA Jewish day schools (like Emek, Hillel, Yula, Spivak, Valley Torah etc.).

Please donate generously so we can give more children the chance to have a Jewish future! To donate visit or for more info visit

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Urgent Appeal for Additional Door Greeters

Due to the recent protests in Pico and Valley Village, we are writing to appeal for the additional security door greeters from within our shul membership.  As a member of our security team, I strongly believe that having dedicated greeters at our entry points can significantly enhance our overall security posture and foster a welcoming environment for all who visit.

Here are a few compelling reasons to consider:

  1. Enhanced Security: Door greeters serve as the first line of defense by screening individuals before they enter our premises. They can verify identities, check for authorized access, and monitor suspicious behavior, thereby deterring potential security threats.
  2. Customer Service: Beyond security, greeters can provide essential information to visitors, such as directions, event schedules, and emergency procedures. Their presence ensures that everyone entering our facilities feels valued and supported.
  3. Crisis Management: In the event of emergencies, such as fire drills or medical incidents, greeters can efficiently guide people to safety and assist emergency responders with accurate headcounts and information.
  4. Community Engagement: Greeters create a positive first impression for guests. Their friendly demeanor and proactive assistance contribute to a welcoming atmosphere that reflects our commitment to safety and ahavas yisroel.
  5. Cost-Effective Measure: Compared to the skyrocketing costs of private security, door greeters provide a low-cost/high-impact security measure. It demonstrates proactive risk management and commitment to ensuring the well-being of everyone in our premises.

I am confident that our door greeters not only strengthen our overall security protocols but also enhances the overall experience for all.

If you are interested in the program but you don’t feel comfortable as a door greeter, we are looking for individuals who can monitor activity inside the shul. This is open to both men and women.

Thank you for considering this appeal. Please respond to [email protected] for details.

Kol Tuv,

Melech Weiss
Congregation Levy Yitzchak Security Team

Announcements - Behaalosecha

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!


Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Shlach

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:05 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler - Followed by Maariv

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

 THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Behaalosecha

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:50 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:17 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am 
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • Rambam Shiur: 6:45 pm 
  • Pirkei Avos Shiur: 7:05 pm 
  • Mincha: 7:50 pm - Avos Perek 2
  • Shabbos Ends: 8:53 pm

Sholom Zochor - Behaalosecha

Levi & Malka Lesches
Invite the community to a sholom zochor
9:30 at 170 N Poinsettia - entrance through alley

Kiddush Sponsors - Behaalosecha

  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian in honor of the ufruf of their son Yoav. May he be Zoche to build a binyan aday ad. 
  • Rabbi & Dr.Yaakov Benzaquen for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yaakov Benzaquen’s father Reb Ezer ben Reb Shimon ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Biggs in honor of Rabbi Levi Biggs’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Glick for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Shaindel Glick’s mother Mrs. Baila Frummet bas Reb Asher Haleivi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Kagan for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Dovid Kagan’s mother Mrs. Sara Gittel bas Reb Avrohom ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya. 
  • Rabbi & Dr. Mordechai Leaderman for the yahrtzeit of Dr. Margalit Leaderman’s father Reb Nissen ben Reb Lebel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Lowenstein in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka in honor of the birth of their grandson. May they have much nachas from him and may he grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.

Mazal Tovs - Behaalosecha

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Nota Berger on the birth of their granddaughter (to Muli & Mushka Berger.) 
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Berkowitz on the marriage of their son Yankel to Leah Werner.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Brod on the marriage of their son Levi to Mushky Rappoport.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Lesches on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandmother Mrs. Miriam Fishman. 
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Michy Rav-noy on the marriage of their daughter Estie to Motti Klein. Mazal tov to the grandparents Dr. & Mrs. Zeev Rav-noy & Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Benarroch.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Zalmen Schmukler on the engagement of their granddaughter Shaindy Schmukler to Levi Benshimon. 
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka on the birth of their grandson (to Dovid & Devorah Sroka.) 

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yosef Chazanow - 16 Sivan
  • Rabbi Boruch Friedman - 16 Sivan
  • Mr. Joshua Rosen - 16 Sivan
  • Rabbi Danny Rotenberg - 16 Sivan
  • Rabbi Jonathan Glabman - 17 Sivan
  • Mr. Levi Biggs - 17 Sivan
  • Mr. Frank Revere - 18 Sivan
  • Alexander Sender Reichman - 18 Sivan
  • Mr. Yonatan Hambourger - 19 Sivan
  • Mr. Moshe Niasoff - 19 Sivan
  • Aaron Revere - 20 Sivan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Dr. & Mrs. Sholom Fine - 19 Sivan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky - 21 Sivan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Nissen ben Reb Lebel (Dr. Margalit Leaderman’s father) - 16 Sivan
  • Mrs. Sara Gittel bas Reb Avrohom (Mr. Dovid Kagan’s mother) - 17 Sivan
  • Reb Ezer ben Reb Shimon (Rabbi Yaakov Benzaquen’s father) - 21 Sivan
  • Mrs. Baila Frummet bas Reb Asher Haleivi (Mrs. Shaindel Glick’s mother) - 21 Sivan
  • Mrs. Tamar bas Reb Moshe (Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s sister) - 22 Sivan

Announcements - Naso

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Behaalosecha

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:45 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler 

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Naso

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:48 pm
  • Friday night - between mincha and maariv - there will be a shiur in halacha from Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm!
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:15 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am 
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • We are honored to have a special guest farbreng with us - Rabbi Yosef Raichik from Florida, who came in special in honor of the Rov's 40th birthday! 
  • Rambam Shiur: 6:45 pm 
  • Pirkei Avos Shiur: 7:05 pm 
  • Mincha: 7:50 pm - Avos Perek 1
  • Shabbos Ends: 8:51 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Naso

  • The shul in honor of the Rov’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Braude for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Boruch Braude’s mother Mrs. Tova bas Reb Yerachmiel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Craig Emanuel in honor of Mr. Craig Emanuel’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. 
  • Rabbi Simcha Levenberg in honor of Rabbi Simcha Levenberg’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mrs. Shoshana Plotkin for the yahrtzeit of her husband Mr. Avrohom Aron ben Reb Yitzchok ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Roth for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Zalman Roth’s father Reb Yaakov ben Reb Zalmen Leib ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Zelig Yisroel Zipp for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Barbara Zipp’s father Mr. Moshe ben Reb Betzalel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

The Bukiet minyan is making a tzeichem lesholom for Rabbi Bukeit.
The Farbrengen is going to go late,
with ample time to join after the shul kiddush. 

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Naso

6:00 at the home of Mrs. Ruchama Thaler
646 N Spaulding
Speaker: Rabbi Dovid Thaler 

Mazal Tovs: Naso

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yirmiyahu Andrusier on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazal tov to the great grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Zalmen Roth.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Michael Norton on the birth of their grandson.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Gary Apfel - 9 Sivan
  • Rabbi Simcha Levenberg - 9 Sivan
  • Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik - 9 Sivan
  • Mr. Yisroel Schochet - 9 Sivan
  • Mr. Richard Gano - 9 Sivan
  • Shmuel Leaderman - 10 Sivan
  • Mr. Boaz Topol - 10 Sivan
  • Yoisef Yitzchok Halevi Ginsburg - 11 Sivan
  • Rabbi Yossi Nathanson - 11 Sivan
  • Mr. Michael Norton - 11 Sivan
  • Mendy Mishulovin - 14 Sivan
  • Menachem Mendel Habibian - 15 Sivan
  • Levi Mishulovin - 15 Sivan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Benzaquen - 9 Sivan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Eiferman - 9 Sivan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sholem Perl - 9 Sivan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Goldman - 11 Sivan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian - 14 Sivan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Goldman - 14 Sivan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Lowenstein - 14 Sivan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Mich'l ben Reb Shlaima (Mrs. Esther Ginsburg’s father) - 9 Sivan
  • Reb Yaakov ben Reb Zalmen Leib (Mr. Zalman Roth’s father) - 10 Sivan
  • Mrs. Moshe bas Reb Avrohom (Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s father) - 12 Sivan
  • Mrs. Tova bas Reb Yerachmiel (Rabbi Boruch Braude’s mother) - 13 Sivan
  • Mr. Avrohom Aron ben Reb Yitzchok (Mrs. Shoshana Plotkin’s husband) - 14 Sivan
  • Mr. Moshe ben Reb Betzalel (Mrs. Barbara Zipp’s father) - 15 Sivan

Announcements - Shavuos

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 

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Schedule - Shavuos

Tuesday night/Wednesday
First Day Shavuos
  • Candle Lighting: 7:47 pm
    (Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu)
  • Alos HaShachar: 4:04 am
  • Last Time to Read Shema: 9:15 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am - Aseres Hadibros: 11:15 am
  • Second Minyan: 10:15 am 
  • Special minyan kriah for women and children to hear the aseres hadibros, at 12:30 approx. in the kolel. The shul will be dedicated completely for this so there will be space for women and children. 
  • After Davening: 
    Adults: Grand Milchig Kiddush
  • Rambam Shiur: 6:30
  • Sota Shiur: 6:45 
  • Mincha: 7:45 pm

Wednesday night/Thursday
Second Day Shavuos

  • Light Candles from a pre-existing flame after: 8:49 pm 
    (Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu)
  • Early Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Main Shacharis: 10:00 am - Yizkor: 11:30 am
  • Second Minyan: 10:15 am 
  • Rambam Shiur: 5:45
  • Sota Shiur 6:00 
  • Mincha /Farbrengen: 7:00 pm - Benching at 8:55
  • Yom Tov Ends: 8:50 pm

Farbrengen for Women

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Announcements - Bamidbar

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 
  • SPECIAL GUEST FOR SHABBOS: Dayan Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, will be in shul with us this Shabbos. He will bez”h be spaking on hilchos muktza Friday night beyween mincha and maariv. He will also be leadng the farbrengen on shabbos day. 

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Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Behaalotecha

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Sota Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:45 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler

Shabbos Schedule - Bamidbar

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:45 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:15 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am 
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • Sota Shiur: 6:25 
  • Mincha: 7:45 pm - Avos Perek 6
  • Shabbos Ends: 8:48 pm

Tuesday night/Wednesday
First Day Shavuos

  • Candle Lighting: 7:47 pm
    (Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu)
  • Alos HaShachar: 4:04 am
  • Last Time to Read Shema: 9:15 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am - Aseres Hadibros: 11:15 am
  • Second Minyan: 10:15 am 
  • Special minyan kriah for women and children to hear the aseres hadibros, at 12:30 approx. in the kolel. The shul will be dedicated completely for this so there will be space for women and children. 
  • After Davening: 
    Adults: Grand Milchig Kiddush
  • Rambam Shiur: 6:30
  • Sota Shiur: 6:45 
  • Mincha: 7:45 pm

Wednesday night/Thursday
Second Day Shavuos

  • Light Candles from a pre-existing flame after: 8:49 pm 
    (Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu)
  • Early Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Main Shacharis: 10:00 am - Yizkor: 11:30 am
  • Second Minyan: 10:15 am 
  • Rambam Shiur: 5:45
  • Sota Shiur 6:00 
  • Mincha /Farbrengen: 7:00 pm - Benching at 8:55
  • Yom Tov Ends: 8:50 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Bamidbar

  • The Bastomski Family for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Leah Fraida bas Reb Chaim Volf ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Fogelman in honor of Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Ami Meyers in honor of Rabbi Ami Meyers’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathanson for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chana Leiba Nathanson’s father Reb Mordechai ben Reb Shlomo ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Vcherashansky in honor of Rabbi Eli Vcherashansky’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Melech Weiss for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chana Weiss’s brother Reb Lee ben Reb Yacov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Bamidbar

6:00 at the home of Mrs. Maggie Leaderman
178 S Formosa
Speaker: Mrs. Doonie Mishulovin

Mazal Tovs: Bamidbar

  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian on the engagement of their son Yishai to Esther Sarfati.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yisroel Koch - 2 Sivan
  • Moshe Yitzchok Yusevitch - 2 Sivan
  • Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman - 3 Sivan
  • Rabbi Ami Meyers - 3 Sivan
  • Mr. Malkiel Graden - 3 Sivan
  • Rabbi Eli Vcherashansky - 5 Sivan
  • Naftali Hertz Sandlow - 6 Sivan
  • Nosson Pesach Sroka - 6 Sivan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yitzchok Michael - 2 Sivan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Nachman Kreiman - 3 Sivan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Mrs. Leah Fraida bas Reb Chaim Volf Bastomski - 2 Sivan
  • Reb Mordechai ben Reb Shlomo (Mrs. Chana Leiba Nathanson’s father) - 4 Sivan
  • Reb Dovid Asniel ben Reb Eliyhu (Mrs. Rae Shagalov’s father) - 5 Sivan
  • Reb Yehoshua ben Reb Moshe Yaakov (Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s brother) - 6 Sivan
  • Reb Lee ben Reb Yacov (Mrs. Chana Weiss’s brother) - 7 Sivan

Farbrengen for men tonight

Farbrengen for men
with Rabbi Mendel Lipskier
in honor of Rosh Chodesh Sivan - Ke'ish Echod Belev Echod
Tonight (Thursday), 8:45 pm, in shul

Sponsored by:
Reb Ynakel Ginsburg in honor of his birthday.
May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. 

Chabad Chodesh - Sivan

The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here

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