
Shul Bulletin

Announcements - Ha’azinu

  • Click Here for KYY info. 
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 
  • Relaxed Parking over Yom Tov: Click Here to see the document regarding when and where the parking will be relaxed. A special thank you to DS for noticing that Shabbos wasn’t included and having the city update the schedule.  
  • If you did not yet pay your membership or locker fees for the new year, please do so asap at Yearly membership is $1,500 ($125 monthly) and the locker fee is $180 yearly.
  • If you did not yet participate in our Tishrei Appeal to help with Simchas Yom Tov for families in need. Please give generously at May the zechus of your Tzedakah protect you, your family and the community at large and may we be zoche to a Kesiva Vachasima Tova - Le'Shana Tova Umesuka!

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Yom Kippur

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 7:45 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik 

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Kiddush Sponsors - Ha’azinu

  • Mr. & Mrs. Eli Kazatchkov for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Eli Kazatchkov’s father Reb Baruch ben Reb Yosef ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yossi Schneerson’s father Rabbi Sholom Dovber ben Reb Schneur Zalman ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Ha’azinu

5:15 at the home of Mrs. Etty Bastomski
418 N Fuller
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tovs - Ha’azinu

  • Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Benarroch on the birth of their great-grandson (to Aryeh Leib and Mushkee Pruss.)
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Wolowik on the engagement of their daughter Rochel to Levi Engel 
  • Rabbi & Dr. Nachum Pinson on the birth of their great-grandchild.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yonason Allison - 2 Tishrei
  • Mr. Philip Rothenberg - 2 Tishrei
  • Yosef Yitzchok Wolowik - 4 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yossi Engel - 6 Tishrei
  • Chaim Eliyahu Hoch - 7 Tishrei
  • Dovber Chaiton - 8 Tishrei
  • Shneur Lerman - 9 Tishrei

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Shnuer Zalman ben Reb Noson (Rabbi Shmuel Gurary’s grandfather) - 1 Tishrei
  • Mrs. Basya bas Reb Leib (Mr. Shaul Raigorodsky’s mother) - 1 Tishrei
  • Reb Moshe ben Reb Menachem Mendel Hilel (Mr. Mendel-Hilel Ganzburg’s father) - 2 Tishrei
  • Rabbi Sholom Dovber ben Reb Schneur Zalman (Rabbi Yossi Schneerson’s father) - 4 Tishrei
  • Mrs. Miriam Diller’s father - 5 Tishrei
  • Reb Binyamin ben Reb Hersch (Dr. Penina Rivka Watstein’s father) - 6 Tishrei
  • Reb Baruch ben Reb Yosef (Mr. Eli Kazatchkov’s father) - 6 Tishrei
  • Mrs. Freida Esther bas Reb Yosef (Mrs. Tzirel Goldman’s mother) - 6 Tishrei
  • Mr. Moshe ben Reb Tzvi Hirsh (Dr. Alan Dauer’s father) - 7 Tishrei
  • Reb Beryl Leib ben Reb Tzvi Hersh Halevi (Mrs. Sarah Goldstein’s father) - 7 Tishrei
  • Mrs. Chaya Sara Rochel bas Reb Chaim Yosef Shlomo (Mrs. Ruchama Thaler’s mother) - 7 Tishrei

Chabad Chodesh - Tishrei

The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here

Glick Shiva in LA

The Glick Family is sitting shiva
on the passing of Mrs. Shaindel Glick ob"m
They are coming to LA Monday late afternoon
and sitting shiva until Wednesday

Address: 182 N Mansfield

Shiva Times:
Starting monday after Mincha
No visitors: 3-6 pm and after 9:30 pm

Women hours:
Tuesday: 12-3 pm & 7:30-9:30pm
Wednesday: 11am-2pm 

3 Minyanim needed at each Tefillah 


Slichos-8:45 (1 minyan)
Shachris-9:15 (3 minyanim)

Slichos-8:45 (1 minyan)
Shachris-9:30 (3 minyanim)

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim.
Vehokeetzu Veranenu Shoichnay ofor vehe besochom! 

Glick Family Fund

We are all heartbroken by the devastating news of the sudden passing of Shaindel Glick ע"ה, beloved mother, wife, teacher and friend to so many. Her loss has left the Glick family in a state of shock.

As they navigate the unimaginable grief of their loss, many people in the community have approached us and asked how they can help the family in their time of need.

We have set up a campaign, and are attaching a link for people to contribute to help the Glick family now, and into the future.

כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה

May we only share Simchas as a community.

Announcements - Nitzavim-Vayeilech

  • Click Here for KYY info. 
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 
  • Relaxed Parking over Yom Tov: Click Here to see the document regarding when and where the parking will be relaxed. A special thank you to DS for noticing that Shabbos wasn’t included and having the city update the schedule.  
  • Rosh Hashana at KYY: This Rosh Hashana, KYY will be having their own full minyan for kids. Bainaniya (1st-2nd grade girls) and Mini Minyan will be having a full morning of programming as well. Click Here to sign up.

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Rosh Hashanah Reminders!

Dear shul members

  • If you did not yet fill out our 'Rosh Hashanah Census', please do so ASAP by Clicking Here, as we need to know our numbers to prepare adequately.
  • KYY will be having their own full minyan for kids. Bainaniya (1st-2nd grade girls) and Mini Minyan will be having a full morning of programming as well. Click Here for more info and to sign up. 
  • If you did not yet pay your membership or locker fees for the new year, please do so asap at Yearly membership is $1,500 ($125 monthly) and the locker fee is $180 yearly.
  • If you did not yet participate in our Tishrei Appeal to help with Simchas Yom Tov for families in need. Please give generously at May the zechus of your Tzedakah protect you, your family and the community at large and may we be zoche to a Kesiva Vachasima Tova - Le'Shana Tova Umesuka!
  • Panim: As was Rabbi Raichik’s yearly custom to bring the Panim of the Los Angeles community to the Rebbe, The Rov will be leaving to the Ohel this Monday evening (27 Elul/Sep 30), bringing along the Panim of our community. If you would like to send a pan with him, your can either give it to the Rov in shul, put it in his mailbox (345 N Detroit) or it can be left in the rov's shtender in an envelope that says pan on it. Panim must be dropped off by Monday 7 pm. Rabbi Raichik will not be reading your panim, rather will bl"n try to tear each one as the custom is. Wishing you and your family a good and healthy year!

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Rosh Hashana

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 7:45 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik 

Shabbos Schedule - Nitzavim-Vayeilech

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:24 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:43 am
  • Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
  • TEHILLIM CLUB: 9:00 until 10 o’clock for girls and boys in the kollel. Children who are not able to attend but send in a note or text message that they said TEHILLIM for 30 minutes are eligible for pizza coupons and a treat. 
  • Chassidus: 9:45
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:15 am.
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See link in the announcement section.
  • Shiurim by the Rov: 5:20 pm
  • Rambam Shiur, Followed by Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos
  • Mincha: 6:25 pm - Avos Perokim 5-6
  • Followed by Seder Nigunim & Chazoros Dach.
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:27 pm
  • Slichos: 1:00 am 

Monday & Tuesday

  • Slichos: 6:00, 6:20, 6:40, 7:35, 8:10 & 9:00 am

Kiddush Sponsors - Nitzavim-Vayeilech

  • The shul as a Tzeischem Leshalom to Rabbi & Mrs. Yankee Raichik. May it be meshane makom meshane mazal letova ulivracha. 
  • Goodbye farbrengen by anonymous friend of Rabbi Yanki Raichik and family.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Nota Berger for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Nota Berger’s father Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Shimon ben Reb Yerachmiel Menachem ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Goldman in honor of Rabbi Levi Goldman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuly Gurary in honor of Rabbi Shmuly Gurary’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. 
  • Dr. & Mrs. Dovber Hecht in honor of the birth of their daughter Chaya Mushka. May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
  • Mrs. Hadasa Sara Hill in honor of the birth of her daughter. May she have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Binyomin Kaplan for all the kindness Hashem has shown their family. May Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela. 
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yecheskel Raeburn in honor of Rabbi Yecheskel Raeburn’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also, in honor of their son Yossi’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuly Schapiro in honor of Rabbi Shmuly Schapiro’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Nitzavim-Vayeilech

5:30 at the home of Mrs. Sterna Citron
723 N Orange
Speaker: Rabbi Chaim Citron

Mazal Tovs: Nitzavim-Vayeilech

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Feiner on the birth of their granddaughter (to Eli & Tova Feiner.)
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yankee Raichik on the birth of their grandson Modhe HaLevi Raichik (to Levi and Chanee Raichik.)
  • Dr. & Mrs. Zeev Rav-Noy on the engagement of their granddaughter Yaffa Muchnik to Mendel Orkin.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Michael Mordechai Cohen - 25 Elul
  • Yossi Raeburn - 26 Elul
  • Mendel RavNoy - 26 Elul
  • Rabbi Shmuly Schapiro - 26 Elul
  • Rabbi Levi Goldman - 27 Elul
  • Mr. Richard Rosenbloom - 27 Elul
  • Chaim Morris - 28 Elul
  • Mr. Ezra Sarue - 28 Elul
  • Mendel Arnold - 29 Elul
  • Menachem Cohen - 29 Elul
  • Rabbi Yecheskel Raeburn - 29 Elul
  • Mr. Yonason Allison - 2 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yerachmiel Altman - 2 Tishrei
  • Mr. Philip Rothenberg - 2 Tishrei

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yankee Raichik - 26 Elul

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Mordechai Leib ben Reb Avrohom (Rabbi Yoel Edelson’s father) - 26 Elul
  • Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Shimon ben Reb Yerachmiel Menachem (Rabbi Nota Berger’s father) - 27 Elul
  • Reb Meir Eliezer ben Reb Chaim Yehuda (Rabbi Zalman Schmukler’s father) - 27 Elul
  • Reb Yehuda ben Reb Tzvi Hirsch (Rabbi Shmuel Stroll’s father) - 27 Elul
  • Reb Sholom Dovid ben Reb Yoisef (Rabbi Nachman Kreiman’s father) - 28 Elul
  • Reb Shnuer Zalman ben Reb Noson (Rabbi Shmuel Gurary’s grandfather) - 1 Tishrei
  • Mrs. Basya bas Reb Leib (Mr. Shaul Raigorodsky’s mother) - 1 Tishrei
  • Reb Moshe ben Reb Menachem Mendel Hilel (Mr. Mendel-Hilel Ganzburg’s father) - 2 Tishrei

Schedule - Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday - Erev Rosh Hashanah
  • Slichos: 5:45, 5:55, 6:30, 7:15, 7:50 & 8:15 am
  • Each Selichos Minyan followed by Shachris & Annulment of Vows.
  • Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin
  • Light Yom Tov Candles: 6:17 pm
    Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Hazikaron & Shehechiyanu.

Wednesday night/Thursday - First Day Rosh Hashanah

  • Maariv: ???
  • Latest Shema: 9:44 am
  • Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Children’s minyan in the Kollel room 9:30 am
  • Tekias Shofar: around 11:20 am
  • Tehillim: 5:00 pm
  • Minchah/Tashlich: 5:45 pm
  • Rambam Shiur: 6:45 pm 
  • Light Yom Tov candles from a pre-existing flame after 7:11 pm
    Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Hazikaron & Shehechiyanu.

Thursday night/Friday - Second Day Rosh Hashanah

  • Maariv ???
  • Latest Shema: 9:44 am
  • Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Children’s minyan in the Kollel room 9:30 am
  • Tekias Shofar: around 11:20 am
  • Tehillim: 5:00 pm
  • Minchah/Farbrengen ???: 6:00 pm
  • Light Shabbos candles from a pre-existing flame at 6:15 pm
    Lehadlik Ner Shel Shabbos Kodesh

Friday night/Shabbos - Shabbos Parshas Ha'azinu/Shabbos Shuva

  • Kabolas Shabbos: ??
  • Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
  • Latest Shema: 9:44 am
  • Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 10:00 am
  • Minchah/Farbrengen: 6:00 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:17 pm

Sunday - Tzom Gedaliah (Nidche)

  • Fast Begins: 5:34 am
  • Shachris: ????
  • Minchah: 2 & 6:00 pm
  • Marive: 6:55 ???
  • Fast Ends: 6:55 pm

For all the laws and customs please see the Chabad Chodesh

Glick Levaya

The levaya
for Mrs. Shaindel Glick - 
Shaindel bas yblct"a Reb Nissan ob"m
will pass shul at
on the way to NY

Mrs. Shaindel Glick ob"m

With profound pain and broken hearts,
we are all shocked by the sudden and untimely petirah of
Mrs. Shaindel Glick - Shaindel bas yblct"a Reb Nissan ob"m

 Levaya & Shiva info when available

May HKB"H bring consolation to the family and may we only share in simchas.

Ad Mosai!


As was Rabbi Raichik’s yearly custom to bring the Panim of the Los Angeles community to the Rebbe, The Rov will be leaving to the Ohel this Monday evening (27 Elul/Sep 30), bringing along the Panim of our community.

If you would like to send a pan with him, your can either give it to the Rov in shul, put it in his mailbox (345 N Detroit) or it can be left in the rov's shtender in an envelope that says pan on it.

Panim must be dropped off by Monday 7 pm.

Rabbi Raichik will not be reading your panim, rather will bl"n try to tear each one as the custom is.

Wishing you and your family a good and healthy year!

Tishrei Appeal - Simchas Yom Tov

As we stand in the days before Tishrei, it is customary to collect money to help families for Yom Tov. 

We would like to thank all of you who have participated in our appeal this year.

Those who have not had a chance to give, can do so on the Shul website go to the drop-down menu under Purpose* and select Tishrei Appeal

Please give generously and as soon as you are able.

May the zechus of your Tzedakah protect you, your family and the community at large and may we be zoche to a Kesiva Vachasima Tova - Le'Shana Tova Umesuka!

Announcements - Ki Tavo

  • Click Here for KYY info. 
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 

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Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Nitzavim-Vayeilech

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman
Sponsored by the Kreisler family
in honor of the Yahrzeit of their uncle Yoram ben Sassi Meir

MONDAYS @ 7:45 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik 

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Ki Tavo

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:34 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:41 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See link in the announcement section.
  • Shiurim by the Rov: 5:30 pm
    Rambam Shiur, Followed by Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos
  • Mincha: 6:35 pm - Avos Perokim 3-4
    Followed by Seder Nigunim & Chazoros Dach.
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:37 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Ki Tavo

  • Rabbi Tzvi Burston in honor of his birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Feiner for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Yisroel Feiner’s father Reb Moshe Menachem Mendel ben Reb Smaryahu ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Fogelman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Shterny Fogelman’s father Reb Yosef Chaim ben Reb Chanoch Henoch Hakohen ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Dr. Nochum Pinson for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Nochum Pinson’s father Reb Yechezkel ben Reb Nochum Yitzchok ob”m and Dr. Bassya Pinson’s mother Mrs. Ita bas Reb Aharon ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • The Raichik & Klyne Families for the yahrtzeit of their brother Reb Yosef Yitzchok ben Harav Menachem Shmuel Dovid Halevi Raichik ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy for the yahrtzeit of Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s aunt Mrs. Devora Leah bas Reb Boruch ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Roth for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Zalman Roth’s mother Mrs. Chaya Braina bas Reb Shlomo Mordechai ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Ki Tavo


Mazal Tovs - Ki Tavo

  • Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kreitenberg on the birth of their grandson (to Tzemach and Rochel Kreitenberg.)

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yermi Kurkus - 19 Elul
  • Rabbi Shmuel Stroll - 19 Elul
  • Rabbi Tzvi Burston - 21 Elul
  • Mr. Benyomin Shamuilian - 22 Elul

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendy Cunin - 18 Elul
  • Mr. & Mrs. Pesach Kornreich - 18 Elul
  • Dr. & Mrs. Binyomin Kaplan - 19 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Elozor Fisch - 20 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Leib Lerner - 21 Elul

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Moshe Menachem Mendel ben Reb Smaryahu (Mr. Yisroel Feiner’s father) - 19 Elul
  • Reb Yosef Chaim ben Reb Chanoch Henoch Hakohen (Mrs. Shterny Fogelman’s father) - 19 Elul
  • Reb Yechezkel ben Reb Nochum Yitzchok (Rabbi Nochum Pinson’s father) - 20 Elul
  • Mrs. Chaya Braina bas Reb Shlomo Mordechai (Mr. Zalman Roth’s mother) - 20 Elul
  • Mrs. Ita bas Reb Aharon (Dr. Bassya Pinson’s mother) - 21 Elul
  • Reb Yosef Yitzchok ben Harav Menachem Shmuel Dovid Halevi Raichik - 21 Elul
  • Reb Dovid Yonah ben Reb Menachem Mendel Hokohen (Rabbi Mendel Dubinsky’s son) - 22 Elul
  • Mrs. Devora Leah bas Reb Boruch (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s aunt) - 22 Elul
  • Reb Yisroel Issar ben Reb Dovber (Mrs. Tzirel Goldman’s father) - 24 Elul

Announcements - Ki Teitzei

  • Click Here for KYY info. 
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 

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Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Ki Tavo

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:00 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik 

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Ki Teitzei

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:44 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:40 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See link in the announcement section.
  • Shiurim by the Rov: 5:40 pm
    Rambam Shiur, Followed by Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos
  • Mincha: 6:45 pm - Avos Perek 2
    Followed by Seder Nigunim & Chazoros Dach.
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:47 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Ki Teitzei

  • The Burston Family for the yahrtzeit of their grandmother Mrs. Chaya Baila bas Reb Yaacov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Marci Kaufman’s mother Mrs. Chaya Leah bas Reb Yom Tov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Eli Kazatchkov for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Eli Kazatchkov's mother Babba bas Reb Yakov Hakohen ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Leaderman for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Mordechai Leaderman’s father Reb Avrohom Volf ben Reb Yona Halevi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Ber Levine for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shalom Ber Levine’s mother Mrs. Chaya Stera bas Reb Yisroel Boruch ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Liberow in honor of Rabbi Levi Liberow’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Ki Teitzei

5:30 at the home of Mrs. Yehudit Schneerson
364 N Fuller
Speaker: Mrs. Doonie Mishulovin

Mazal Tovs - Ki Teitzei

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Leib Lerner on the engagement of their daughter Hindi to Betzalel Evenchik. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Lerner.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Ezra Refoel Kaplan - 12 Elul
  • Mr. Aviv Topps - 13 Elul
  • Shmuel Gurary - 16 Elul
  • Rabbi Levi Liberow - 16 Elul
  • Mendel Raichik - 17 Elul

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Frankel - 11 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson - 13 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Naftoli Estulin - 15 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Wolf - 15 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Langsam - 16 Elul

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Avrohom Volf ben Reb Yona Halevi (Rabbi Mordechai Leaderman’s father) - 12 Elul
  • Mrs. Chaya Baila bas Reb Yaacov (Rabbi Alter Burston’s grandmother) - 14 Elul
  • Reb Avraham Zelig ben Reb Tzvi Hersh (Mrs. Chavi Rubinstein’s uncle) - 14 Elul
  • Reb Yosef ben Reb Efraim Nachman (Mrs. Sima Bart’s father) - 15 Elul
  • Mrs. Chaya Stera bas Reb Yisroel Boruch (Rabbi Shalom Ber Levine’s mother) - 15 Elul
  • Rabbi Yosef Asriel ben Reb Yisroel Meir (Mrs. Naomi Gassman’s father) - 15 Elul
  • Babba bas Reb Yakov Hakohen (Mr. Eli Kazatchkov's mother) - 16 Elul 
  • Mrs. Chaya Leah bas Reb Yom Tov (Mrs. Marci Kaufman’s mother) - 16 Elul

farbrangen Siyum hashiva for R Pesach Betzalel Ben Leib ob"m

This evening in shul (cly) after maariv,
there will be a lchaim/farbrangen
lkovod the siyum hashiva of r Betzalel.

Sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs Yankel Ginsburg.

Plz note there will not be a mincha maariv in the Ginsburg home tonight, everything will be in shul.

Maariv is 734 PM

Our shul page for Hachnasas Kallah of LA

Hachnasas Kallah of LA is an incredible organization. They generously help so many families in our community with making simchos. They give for each Kalla $5,000 and for a chosson $3,600!!!

Now is our time to give back. They are having a fundraiser and our shul has our own page/goal.

It is imperative that our community show support for this special organization.

Please go to and give generously.

Thank you in advance.

Click here for a short clip about this

Shiva Mincha/Maariv & Farbrengen for *Pesach Betzalel Ben Leib Ob"m*

For men:

  • Tuesday evening at the home of *Yossi & Rivka Roth* 219 South Orange Dr.
  • Wednesday - *Available* please reach out to Rabbi Wolf 3234988700 if interested in hosting.
  • Thursday evening at the home of *Yankel & Esther Ginsburg*
    145 North Fuller Ave

Times for all the evenings: *6:45PM - Mincha followed by Farbrengen 8:00PM - Maariv*

For Women:

Farbrengen in honor of Betzalel this Tuesday, 8:00, at CB Burston’s home 339 North Highland. Please bring wine or snacks to celebrate our dear friend Betzalel

To participate in Chalukas Mishnayos - go to

Levaya Appeal - Goal Reached!

Thank you to the more than one hundred community members
who participated in the Levaya appeal for
Reb Pesach Betzalel ben Leib ob”m,
B”H we have successfully reached our goal!

מי כעמך ישראל

May we all be blessed with a
כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה

Vehokeetzu Veranenu Shoichnay ofor vehu besochom! 

Announcements - Shoftim

  • Click Here for KYY info. 
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters! 

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Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Ki Teitzei

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Monday-Friday @ 7:30 am - Samech Vov
with Rabbi Simcha Levenberg 

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:00 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik 

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Shoftim

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:54 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:39 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See link in the announcement section.
  • Shiurim by the Rov: 5:50 pm
    Rambam Shiur, Followed by Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos
  • Mincha: 6:55 pm - Avos Perek 1
    Followed by Seder Nigunim & Chazoros Dach.
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:57 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Shoftim

  • Mr. & Mrs. Shaya Leib Goeta-Kreisler Tsipora in honor of their 33rd anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. 
  • Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Haratz for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Ariel Haratz’s father Mr. Eliezer ben Reb Yechezkel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Munitz for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Sender Munitz’s father Reb Yisroel Meir ben Reb Alexsender Sender ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathanson in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Raigorodsky in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yudi Schmukler in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Velvel Tsikman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Melech Weiss for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Melech Weiss’s grandmother Mrs. Yenta bas Reb Elimelech ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Shoftim

6:00 at the home of Mrs. Tzirel Frankel
109 S Vista
Speaker: Chaya Norton

Mazal Tovs - Shoftim

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Yechiel Dovid Yonah Friedman - 5 Elul
  • Moshe Dov Ber Stark - 8 Elul
  • Levi Gurary - 9 Elul
  • Rabbi Levi Zirkind - 9 Elul

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenbloom - 4 Elul
  • Mr. & Mrs. Asher Bastomski - 5 Elul
  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Davidoff - 5 Elul
  • Mr. & Mrs. Shaya Leib Goeta-Kreisler - 5 Elul 
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Raigorodsky - 6 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Thaler - 7 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Velvel Tsikman - 8 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yudi Schmukler - 9 Elul
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman - 10 Elul
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathanson - 10 Elul

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Yisroel Meir ben Reb Alexsender Sender (Rabbi Sender Munitz’s father) - 4 Elul
  • Mr. Eliezer ben Reb Yechezkel (Mr. Ariel Haratz’s father) - 5 Elul
  • Mr. Avrohom ben Reb Dovid (Mrs. Linda Yachzel’s father) - 5 Elul
  • Mrs. Yehudis bas Reb Shalom (Mr. Moshe Kaszirer’s mother) - 6 Elul
  • Mr. Ben Tzion ben Reb Dovid (Mrs. Yocheved Novack’s husband) - 6 Elul
  • Mrs. Yenta bas Reb Elimelech (Mr. Melech Weiss’s grandmother) - 7 Elul

Bd"e: Reb Betzalel Fleischman ob"m

With sadness we share the news of the passing of Reb Betzalel Fleischman - Reb Pesach Betzalel ben Reb Leib ob"m

Levaya info:

Outside CLY at 115 Burial at Mt. Olive Cemetery at 230 7231 E. Slauson

FUNDS NEEDED we need to raise about 12k for the levaya To donate online please go to

Chabad Chodesh - Elul

The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here

KYY RH Schedule

Minyan Ezras Anoshim & Noshim:
Doors open at 9:45 am
Hodu at 10 am Sharp
Shofar blowing (not before) 11:30 am
Estimated Davening end time, 1:15 pm

Bainaniya & Mini Minyan
Doors open at 9:40 am
Kids will be brought into our Minyan for Shofar Blowing.
There will be snack, games, davening and activities.
Program ends with Birkas Kohanim

While this is a drop of program,
we do recommend having at least one parent
in a nearby minyan in case it's needed.

 All strollers should be parked
in the hallway outside of KYY or in the Locker room

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